The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 20, 1984, Image 10

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    Paddling away
Wilkes-Barre Fats
Sports Columnist
Some summer thoughts and
Cruising around Harveys Lake
at sundown.
Seeing! young-
sters on their"
way to Little
League games in
the Back Moun-
tain and their
enthusiasm about
Watching the
U.S. Open Golf
tournament on‘
TV and wonder-
ing what
it would be like to play a course
setup like they usually are?
Reading my Eastern Football
magazine from cover to cover.
Enjoying the beauty of Water Gap
Country Club and its slick greens on
a Sunday afternoon.
Marveling at-the participants in
the local Tri-Athalon and thé gutty
nature it takes just to complete the
course, let alone win,
The smell of people barbequing in
the backyard.
Practicing golf shots in the early
Club’s practice range and seeing a
couple of deer meandering around.
Spending a relaxing couple of
days at picturesque Kingsmill Golf
Course and seeing many of the
PGA'’s top players in the Busch Golf
Classic at Williamsburg, Va.
Visiting with various football
coaches as they prepare for the
upcoming autumn madness.
Listening and telling various golf
stories during the Potentate’s Golf
Searching for old golf clubs to add
to my collection and swapping
putters with different players.
Seeing the elation of some of the
oldtimers sinking scoring putts
during a member-member tourna-
ment at Irem.
Listening to the Dallas and Lake-
Lehman bands practicing on a
summer night in preparation for the
upcoming grid season.
Seeing some of the football play-
ers develop into sthtnger and better
athletes by dedication to weights
over the summer vacation. It’s the
time when they can determine their
own destiny.
Hearing the compliments from
various. parents on the level the
Back Mountain Little League is
directed each summer.
Attending local bazaars and wolf-
ing down some of the goodies.
The view from the second hole at
Lehman Golf Course. Ditto the view
from Irem’s 14th.
Battling my usual mid-summer
golf slump. Last year it lasted the
There’s no time of the year I
enjoy more than summer, espe-
cially in the Back Mountain.
carried a story recently relating to
IU Coach Bob Knight, portraying
him as a tyrant. It irks me to read
stories on Knight of this nature,
simply because 90 percent of the
people writing them don’t even
know him and have no contact
whatsoever with him. I guarantee
you Knight will not cause any, sort
of incident during the Olympics.
He’s got too much style for that.
Most of the’ scribes point out the
incident in Pan Am Games. I know
for a fact that Knight was provoked.
I got it first-hand from two wit-
nesses. I've known Coach Knight for
20 years and know the good side of
him and it far out weights the bad-
guy image some of the no-necks
have created.
— Speakers at sports banquets
sometimes lose their audience with
their presentation. Ed Rutkowski,
former Kingston standout, gave one
of the best talks I’ve heard in
sometime at the recent banquet for
the Buffalo area. His popularity is
still high from his playing day with
the Buffalo Bills.
— Dallas resident Jerry Ogurkis
won a state mat title under coach
Victor. He presented his former
coach with a steller photo of the two
with PIAA Trophy. Jerry ranks with
the best wrestlers I've seen in
Wyoming Valley and he’s done a
superb job with the youngsters in
the Back Mountain Wrestling Club.
— Valley West grid coach Jim
Fennell informed me at the Victor
fete that he’s going to have a ‘very
representative’ football team this
season. Spartans won their division
last year, bowing only to Hanover
Area locally and Berwick in the
— Wyoming Sem Coach Marv
Antinnes is delighted to have former
Spartan QB Frank Bauer coming in
for a year of prep this fall. Bauer is
keeping in shape this summer work-
ing at the local driving range on the
Lake road.
— After seeing the initial game of
the NBA playoffs, I thought the
Lakers would win going away. I
didn’t feel the Celtics were quick
enough to contain them. Wrong!
This Celtic team almost makes me
want to watch them, but seeing the
walking and fouls still sours me on
the NBA. I was once a Celtic fan
and I'm elated for K.C. Jones. One
further note, Larry Bird is marvel-
Zier honored
Dallas Post/Ed Campbell
The Lake-Lehman School District
will operate a variety of recrea-
tional-instrumental music activities
for students and adults of the Lake-
Lehman School District community.
The “open” recreational program
will feature the following activities:
aerobics, physical fitness, tennis,
basketball, golf, wrestling, weight
training, flag football, field hockey,
horseshoes, baseball, softball, wif-
fleball, jogging, volleyball, etc.
Senior High School facilities will be
available through thehours of 9 a.m.
to noon, Monday through Thursday,
Starting Monday eveing, June 18,
the Junior High School Gym will be
available from 6 to 9 p.m. for those
interested in volleyball, every
Monday night only. Beginning June
25, the Weight Training Room in the
Senior High School will be available
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
mornings for weight training and
physical fitness activities.
An elementary wrestling clinic
will be .offeredat the Lake-Noxen
Elementary School during the week
of July 9 through July 11; organized
playground activities will also be
available at Lake-Noxen that week.
Daily activities will be scheduled
according to the needs and interests
of participants who are participat-
ing in the program.
Program staff is as follows:
Program Director, Rodger
Bearde; Recreational Activities,
Mark Kirk, Jean Lipski, Ed Lada-
mus, Dwight Barbacci, Tony Javer,
Sally Galka; Music Staff, John Mil-
iauskas, Jonathan Pineno.
If you have specific questions
about the program, please contact
the Program Director, Rodger
Bearde at (717) 675-2165, ext. 258.
The Idetown Compact Bowling
League held its year end banquet
Only $12.50 er year
‘er Expires 12/31/84
Dallas Shopping Center
Open Mon. Sat. 10-9 p.m., Sun, 12-5 p.m.
recently at the Castle Inn, Dallas.
Championship trophies were given
to the first place team, the Aries, to
the following members: Gloria
English, Dottie Kolenkewicz, Bar-
bara May, Jack Berti and Charlie
Williams, captain. Second place tro-
phies went to Dawn Clark, Peggy
Boyes, Fran Rauch, Jim Roan, and
Walter Rauch, captain of the Fire-
taken by a Dallas Post
| Phone No. (optional)
Trophies for top performance for
men went to High average, 164,
Dean Doty; High game, 240, Rick
Cross; and High series, tied to
Hayden Evans and Charlie Wil-
liams, 533.
Trophies to the women: High
average, 148, Connie Doty; High
game, 230, Nancy Kozemchak; High
series, 554, Delores Cross.
New officers for the 84-85 season
are: President, Alberta Cross; vice
surer, Verna Evans and secretary,
Nancy Kozemchak. Any interested
bowlers can contact the officers.
The season will begin Tuesday, Sep-
tember 4th.
CYC sets
cage camp
The Wyoming Valley Catholic
‘Youth Center will conduct its Fifth
Annual Summer Basketball Day
Clinic and will also hold an exclu-
sive Offensive Shooting Basketbala
Clinic according to Tom Kosin?
Catholic Youth Center Athletic
The day clinic will open Monday,
July 23 and will run through August
3, three hours a day from 2:30-5:30
p.m., Monday through Friday.
The clinic is open for all boys and
girls age 9 through 16. All phases of
the game will be illustrated and
encouraged through participation.
The clinic will feature 8’ baskets for
the younger participants. Each par-
ticipant will receive a clinic T-shirt,
clinic handbook, evaluatiion report,
and use of the CYC facilities after
each session. Trophies will also be
available forvarious station champi-
The center will also offer an
exclusive offensive shooting clinic
with only 60 applications being
accepted. The clinic will cater to
boys and girls in 7th through 12th
grade who are sincerely interested
in improving the offensive phase of
their game. Features of the clinic: a
video analysis of each camper, an 8
to 1 ratio of campers to instructors
and free use of the CYC facilities.
John Quinn, Head Coach of
Coughlin High School, will direct
both clinics. John has amassed a
fine staff of college and high school
coaches and former college players,
work and experience at summer
Staff members that will instruct
in one or both camps are Ken
Atkins, Head Coach, King’s College,
Canio Cianci, Asst. Coach, Univer-
sity of Scranton, Jim Atherton,
Head Coach, L.C.C.C., Bishop
Hoban’s Chet Hine, G.A.R.’s John
Hopkins, Tunkhannock’s Tony Kon-
ieski, former University of Scranton
All-American, Tom Kosin, all-time
leading Rishop Hoban scorer and
former Dickinson College Player
Bill Thornton, King’s College player
Ed DeMichele, and also Ron Ulias
and Dom Falduto of Pacesetter A.C.
For more information or registra-
tion contact Tom Kosin at 823-6121
or stop in at 36 S. Washingtn Street,
Father John S. Terry is Director
of CYC, a United Way Agency.
Parents Club
plans tourney
The Wilkes-Barre YMCA Wres-
tling Parents Club will sponsor a
summer elementary wrestling tour-
nament on Sunday, June 24, at the
King’s College Gymnasium, N.
Main St., Wilkes-Barre.
Age divisions are as follows:
Pee Wee - 6 years and under (38-
55 pounds); Bantam - 7 and 8 years
(48-85 pounds); Midget - 9 and 10
years (53-105 pounds); Junior - 11
and 12 years (63-130 pounds). Cut-off
date for age limits is May 1. No
seventh graders will be allowed to
Weigh-ins will be conducted on
Saturday, June 23, from 5:30 to 7
p.m. and on Sunday, June 24 from 7
to 8:30 a.m. Walk-ons will be
accepted on Saturday but not on
Fee is $6 fo pre-registered wres-
tlers and $7 for walk-ons. Trophies
will be awarded to first, second,
third and fourth place wrestlers as
well as an outstanding wrestler in
each age division. :
For entry blanks, mail S.A.S.E. t&
Danny Harris, 48 Spruce St., Wilkes-
Barre Township, Pa., 18702 or call
825-6029 for information.
The Dallas Post
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