5) 16 THE DALLAS POST, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1984 IRIGY y J RELY 7 ¢ : V 4 a 1 Dentist visited : : Students from the nursery school at the Trucksville United Methodist Church recently toured the office of Dental Associates, 210 Carverton Road. The tour was arranged to familiarize students - «with the techniques used in a modern dental office. Shown above, from left, first row, are Erin Rother, Forrest Cummings, Jackie Youlles, Brian Tupper and Carson Hawke. Second row, Mrs. Linda Mazur, Nursery School Coordinator; Ms. Dawn Guloas, teacher; Lindsay Kravitz, Lora © Jones, Amy Frederick, David Bell, Christopher Groft, Nicole Wenrick, and Elaine Carpenter, . ,R.D.H. Third row, Eddie Pukara, Jesse Miller, A.J. Shaver, Tara Pattridge, Kristin Goodman and Candy sale winners Shown here are the top salesmen in the recent Easter Candy Sale conducted at Gate of Heaven School, Dallas. From left, first row, Joseph Heppding, Marlo Sholtis, Peter Elechko, Sharon Williams, Brian Ginochetti and Stacey Traver. Second row, Cathy Greger, Kelly Austin, Michael Mascoli, Jack Jones, Lisa Ford, Father William Cusick, and Sister M. Davida, principal. News & Ad Gate of Heaven announces Jeanette Humphrey. Fourth row, Ms. Paula Walp, teacher; Dr. Charles B. Lawley, Darryl Curry, Deadline Dental Assistant; Kathi Coulter, Dental Receptionist; Bernie Daubert, Dental Assistant and y s Veronica Trapani, RDH. Friday Noon Easter Candy Sale winners The Gate of Heaven School, Dallas, recently held its Annual Easter Candy Sale. Proceeds from the sale will be used for school activities and for the purchase of books for the library. Williams each received a Texas Instruments home computer; Joseph Heppding and Kelly Austin won savings’ bonds and Michael Mascoli, Lisa Ford, Brian Ginoch- etti, Jack Jones, and Stacey Traver each won cash prizes. Jim and Kathy Greger served as chairmen for the candy sale assembled and delivered free*...low, low prices too! | < [ 177 TY Et L/S } Nl ell { TEL} at Dallas Post/Ed Campbell Check presented With the cooperative efforts of the Dallas Township faculty, the Westmoreland faculty and the Dallas School District Administration, a benefit volleyball tournament was held recently in the Dallas Township school gymnasium. The support of the boys and girls of both schools and all those in attendance made it possible to present a check in the amount of $280 to the Ronald McDonald House in Danville. Shown here, from left, are Jean Uter, Dallas Township building coordinator, presenting the check to Tina Kocher, N Ask About Our CONVENIENT TERMS or use your charge cards *Except for one or two, special sale items ’ McDonald’s representative. The kindergarten classes of Mrs. Callahan, Mrs. McCain and Mrs. Moran of the Dallas Township Ele- mentary School had the opportunity of having an interesting program on nature presented recently. Mr. Spear of the Eberhard Museum of Scranton gave a talk on reptiles. Mr. Spear told the children that reptiles are not good pets and have a bad reputation due to lack of - understanding by children and par- ents alike. He went on to describe the four groups of reptiles - lizards, a Exclusive Authorized Dealer SUNDAY TA alligators, turtles and snakes. The program was a great success with the children as Mr. Spear had examples of all four groups of reptiles for the classes to examine closely. Fortunately for the students and teachers, the reptiles were stuffed and allowed the children a greater opportunity for a hands-on experience. Special thanks to the Dallas Township P.T.O. for providing this enrichment program to the kinder- garten students. Complete line of masonry materials (717) 675-2266