=e Concert set door. Williamson, Gwenn Letoski, DeAnne Dinners THE 'ALDERSON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF HAR- VEYS LAKE will hold its Annual Fisherman’s Breakfast on April 14. Serving will be from 6 a.m. to noon. cakes you can eat, sausage, eggs and beverage. Cost is $3 for adults and $2 for children 12 years of age and under. A SPAGHETTI DINNER will be held on Saturday, April 14 spon- sored by the Fairmount Township Volunteer Fire Company. Serving will be from 4-8 p.m. at the fire hall, which is located on Route 118, ! mile west before Ricketts Glen State Park. Tickets are $3.50 for adults and $2.00 for children under 12 years of age. All are welcome to attend this event. Church THE SHAVERTOWN. UNITED lowing calendar of events for the upcoming week: Wednesday, April 11 - 11 a.m. Service of Holy Communion for senior citizens in the Church Social Room; 6:30 p.m., Girl Scout Neigh- borhood Leaders; 7:15 p.m., Bible Study. Thursday, April 12 - Festival Choir. Saturday, April 14 - 7:30 'p.m., Passion of Christ Drama-Nanticoke Area Senior High. Programs 7:30 p.m. For more information and prere- gistration contact Family Service at 823-5144. Group sens is limited. Sports | THE | ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB OF HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL, Swoyersville will host a basketball game with Joe Zone and the WNEP-TV Instabuckets on Wednesday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the school gymnasium on Hughes Street. Any member wishing to play against the Instabuckets is asked to contact Joe Lipinski. In preliminary games, starting at 6 p.m. members of the girl’s basket- ball team will play their mothers. The members of the Junior Varsity boy’s basketball team will play their fathers at 6:30 p.m. and the boy’s Varsity team will play against their fathers at 7 p.m. > Family and friends are invited to attend this fun night sponsored by the school’s Booster Club. Classes THE WYOMING VALLEY CHAP- TER, AMERICAN RED CROSS has scheduled two Multimedia First Aid Classes for April. The purpose of this 8 hour course is to prepate people to care for injuries and to meet emergencies when medical assistance is not excessively delayed. One class will meet on Tuesday, April 17 and the other will meet on Mondays, April 16 and 23. Both courses are to ge held at the Chap- ter House from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. A nominal fee is charged for books and supplies. To register, call Safety Services at 823-7161. _— Family Life Education Program offered by Family Service Associa- tion. It is a group program in which you can discover and develop your self. As individuals, we are unique and not exactly like anyone else. How well do you know the nature of your self and how can you come closer to realizing it? “On Self Growth’’ considers stress-producing situations, relation- » ships, and emotions with a focus on learning to deal with and change growth. Open to the public, the sessions are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on April 12 and 26 and May 3 and 10 at the Family Life Education Building, rear 73 W. Union Street, Wilkes- Barre. Meetings THERE WILL BE A MEETING FOR THE CHAIRPERSONS of the Bishop O'Reilly Spring Bazaar on Thursday evening, April 12 at 7:30 in the faculty dining room, base- ment level of the school. The number, type and layout of the bazaar booths and activities for the May event will be finalized at that time. THE MARY CIRCLE of the Shav- ertown United Methodist Church will meet on Monday, April 16, at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Lounge at the church. Devotions will be given by Kate Newhart and Pastor Wert will speak, using an Easter theme. Host- esses for the evening will be Alice Borthwick, Ethel Chapman and Irma Jacobs. ELLIE WIESEL, world renowned author and Holocaust survivor, will present a lecture entitled “Building a Moral Society’’” on Wednesday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the William S. Scandlon Center for Physical Education, located on the campus of King’s College. The lecture is being sponsored by the Wilkes-Barre Jewish Commu- nity Center, in cooperation. with College Misericordia, King’s College and Wilkes College. THE DALLAS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1969 will hold a meeting to discuss further plans for its 15th year reunion. The date set for the reunion is September 2 which is Labor Day Weekend. The committee members have decided in favor of an outing to be held at Ruckno’s Pond in Dallas. Members of the planning commit- tee are Edward Rutkin, Louis Ruckno, Debbie (Allen) Ruckno, Gladys (Frantz) Crispell, Sue (Jos- wiak) Stearn and Judy (Krogulski) Nieman. Assistance in updating addresses of former classmates is needed. The next meeting of the group will be held on Friday, April 13, at 6 p.m. at Monty’s Cocktail Lounge, Main Street, Luzerne. All interested classmates are urged to attend. MEMBERS OF THE DALLAS HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1964 are attempting to locate the following individuals: William Gordon, John Wormeck, Kathleen Miller, Ron Moss, Steve Green and William Burkert. Anyone having any information concerning these people is asked to call Marsha Landis at Back Moun- tain Lumber and Cool Co., 675-2127. THE WYOMING VALLEY CHAP- course. The class will meet on Mndays, April 23, 30 and May 7 from 7-10 p.m. at the Chapter House. Interested people are required to have a current certificate in Basic COLLECT FL PA FENCE © FILTER Life Support. The fee for the course is $8.00. To register, call Safety Services at 823-7161. MEMBERS OF THE WYOMING VALLEY ART LEAGUE are cur- rently displaying their art works in the offices of the Greater Wilkes- Barre Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is proud to feature local artists and invites the public to view the display Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 pn m. THE SHAVERTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT LADIES AUXIL- TARY will hold its annual Rummage and White Elephant Sale on Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5, at the fire hall, Main Street. Serviceable rummage and useful white elephants are now being accepted. Helen Misson is coordina- tor and will be assisted by Florence Stella, Theresa Bosak and Alberta Roberts. Convenient drop off or easy pick up can be arranged by calling any of the above names at 696-3255, 675- 2847, 675-5168 or 675-4514 any eve- me Theater THE MUSIC BOX DINNER PLAYHOUSE, 196 Hughes St., Swoyersville, will present the age old American tradition of labor versus management set to music when the delightful musical The Pajama Game opens on April 27 for a four week run. While the wunion-management problems seem sometimes insur- mountable, love conquers all in the persons of Music Box Players Nanci Krakosky and Jonathan Pineno. Miss Krakosky has been with the Music Box since 1981, playing numerous ingenue roles, but in The Pajama Game, she makes her first lead. Mr. Pineno has fluttered femi- nine patron’s hearts in the chilling performance of Count Dracula, and as the gambler-gone-straight Sky Masterson in last season’s Guys and Dolls. Music, dance, love and laughter will make for an unforgettable eve- ning of theater for young and old alike. Play The Pajama Game by booking your reservations by calling 283- 2: Concerts THE ONLY AREA APPEAR. 'ANCE of the rock group, The Clash, will be at Bloomsburg University in Nelson Fieldhouse on Sunday, Ap 15, at 8 p.m. The performance is sponsored by the university’s Stu- dent Concert Committee. In addition to the university, tick- ets (all general admission) are on sale in the Bloomsburg area at Record and Jeanswear and Pro Audio as well ‘as Susquehanna and Bucknell Universities. In the Scranton, Wilkes-Barre area, tickets can be purchased at Joe Nardone’s in the Wyoming Valley Mall and at Ralph’s Record City in downtown Scranton. A SERIES OF SIX MANAGE- MENT BREAKFAST SEMINARS on “The Effective Executive,” based on the work of Peter Drucker, will be presented by Penn State Wilkes-Barre’s Continuing Educa- tion Department on Friday morn- ings, April 13 through May 18, at the The series for managers closely follows the chapters of Drucker’s book and a copy of the book and additiona program materials are mailed to participants before the program. Meeting for breakfast and making use of the early morning hours, from 7:30 to 10 a.m., manag- ers can share Drucker’s Concepts and relate them to specific prob- lems in their organizations. For further information about this program or on-site Management Development programs, contact Sharon Ward, coordinator for work- State Wilkes-Barre, 18627, phone (717) 675-2171. ‘Workshops A WORKSHOP TITLED ‘MAN- AGING THE ‘NEW BREED’ EMPLOYEE” will be presented by Penn State Wilkes-Barre’s Continu- ing Education Department on Wednesday, April 25, 8:30-4 p.m., at the Sheraton Crossgates, Wilkes- Barre. Managers and supervisors who want to identikfy and understand the changing character of the con- temporary work force will benefit from this workshop. Alfred Schaub, associate professor of Management Development at Penn State, will lead the program and suggest ‘effec- tive techniques for supervision. For: more information, contact Sharon Ward, coordinator of work- shops and special programs, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Lehman, PA 18627, phone (717) 675-2171. A DAY-LONG WORKSHOP ON “EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: TEACHING ADULTS” will be presented on Wednesday, April 18, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sheraton Crossgates, Wilkes-Barre. The program, sponsored by Penn State Wilkes-Barre’s Continuing provides and or develops instruction for adults but has not been trained to teach. The workshop fee of $30 covers the cost of instruction, course mate- rials, lunch and coffee breaks. Res- ervations may be made by contact- ing Sharon Ward, coordinator of workshops and programs, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Lehman, PA 18627, phone (717) 675-2171. Post Classifieds Sell 675-5211 Symbols of Faith Contemporary or traditional, we have a style to please you in our large and beautiful collection of Crosses in 14K Gold, Sterling Silver or 12K Gold Filled. Osar ROTH Jeweler 659 N. Memorial Hwy. Dallas, Pa. . NUT PASKA BREAD NUT ROLLS POPPYSEED ROLLS HOT CROSS BUNS RITE Back Mountain Shopping Center SHAVERTOWN i ——— ————————————— A EASTER DECORATED: EEE MACAROONS PRINCES SQUARES (Date Or Pineapple) Triangle Shopping Y ntor MOUNTAINTOP ™N Thru Easter Week! DINNER ROLLS: A. Parkerhouse B. Sesame or Poppy Knots C. Butterflake D. Potato Buns HARD ROLLS & KAISER ROLLS BAGELS JEWISH RYE BREAD VIENNA BREAD 100% WHOLE WHEAT SALT FREE BREAD a. NCE RE TART Midway Shopping Center EE a ES Ce JHIOMING