With Joe Gula Swoyersville Lions Club an- nounced today that the Lions Club of Pennsylvania, through their - State Council, have adopted an official theme song entitled “Dedicated to Service.” The song characterizes the concern and commitment to service of the more than 900 local Lions Clubs in Pennsylvania. It was written by Hugh Brooks, founder of Re-Creation, and was set to music by David Kazee, music director for the Katie Brooks show. Rev. Father Martin C. Dacey, president of the Swoyersville Lions Club said that the local group supports the primary service activities of Lions International by donations to the Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, free eye glasses to the needy, plus examinations, Christmas gifts to the blind of Swoyersville, donation to the second ward residents. 20 conducting a label-collection drive to acquire valuable educational equipment. be As part of a program called Soup Company will offer free equipment to schools in exchange for labels from their products. will provide library materials. Labels from Campbell’s Con- densed Soups, Chunky Soups, Campbell’s Bean products, Cocktail Juice, Franco-American products, Swanson canned and frozen food products and Recipe dog food are redeemable. . Call Mrs. Joan Ulrich, school librarian for information. Bir Pictured above are members of the Winter Bazaar Committee and its chairmen. From left, seated, John Uter, games; Rich Mizenko, Steve Galanda, bar and refresh- ments; Joe Lipinski, chairman; Msgr. Michael C. Polcha, pastor; Rev. Joseph Ziobro, assistant pastor and honorary chairman; Eleane Lipinski, treasurer. Second _ Beacon Lodge Camp for the Blind, -0- ha glacoma and eye test screenings. Paul Matenus, son of Mr. and : There are 12 members of the Mrs. Rayond J. Matunus of 87 Swoyersville Lions Club and they Dennison St., Swoyersville, was meet every second and fourth named to the Dean’s List at Sr., Dolores Berda. Third row, William Dorman, ticket chair- man; Joe Molchan, donations; John Baker, Jeffrey Dorman. row, Jay Bozinko, Vince Kraynak, co-chairman; Ken Baker, Fran: Kraynak, publicity; Mary Wilce, Barbara Modla, kitchen: Don Wilce, co-chairman; Mike Repak Mondays at 7 p.m. at Stack’s Northampton College of : : : \ Lounge on Simpson Street, Bethlehem School of Mortuary ua [ Swoyersville. Science with an average of 3.77. H H Zaal : n Rev. Dacey announced that -0- District Governor Chris Registration for kindergarten Kalmanowicz will visit the local and pre-school classes at St. Winter Bazaar’’ to be sponsored by Holy Trinity Parish. The affair will be held in the school’s gym- nasium and basement on Hughes St., Swoyersville on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 17, 18, and 19. The bazaar will consist’ of games, prizes, crafts, refresh- ments and dancing. Music on Feb. 17 and 19 will be furnished by the Henry Charles Orchestra and: entertainment on Saturday, Feb. 18 will be furnished by the Projections and a magic show by Cozmic Louie and Faye. An added attraction each night will be the appearances of the Care Bears, Cahbage Patch Kids, Smurf and Smurfette. Committee members will be canvassing the parish with ad- vance ticket sales for foods and refreshments. Arts and craft items can be dropped off at the parish ‘Professor Carl Pratt, professor of biology at Penn State University Wilkes-Barre Campus was the main speaker at a recent Swoyersville Kiwanis Club meeting held at the Andrew Lawrence American Legion Post 644 Home on Shoemaker St., Swoyersyville. ) Professor Pratt spoke on ecology and his work that he has done on the culm dump located in Swoyersville.. He spoke of the burning of the culm dump and the vegetation growth located there. His talk was well received by all in attenance. He was introduced by his co-worker Professor John Kolesar and also was presented a Certificate of Acknowledgement. President is Ray Vanyo, who presided at the regular meeting. Pictured above from left, seated, Professor John Kolesar, Professor John Kolesar, Professor Carl Pratt, Ray Vanyo, president. Standing, Edward Perugini, secretary; Joe Ranielli, 1st vice president. rectory. Parishioners are reminded to drop off their volunteer form to help out at the bazaar as soon as possible. They are also welcome to attend the weekly meetings scheduled for the affair in the school auditorium or the church basement. Dart results SHANKY’S DART LEAGUE-- The. Generals took advantage of the leading A-Team missing captain Joe Pollick and took a 2-1 victory. High for .the Generals were Jow Wavl 39-35-45-119, Ted Rydzewski 35-33-32-100, Worler Worlinski 98, Ron Drobenak 93. High for the A-Team Al Balun and Chicky Cheskiewicz both a 95, Dave Check 85, Larry Kruszka, 87. The Phillies got back on the Yanks 2-1. High for the Phils were John Lykon with a big 37-33-42-112 including a 9-timer, Emery Vojtko 90, Capt. Kosty Harzinski 89, Ron Gula and Cooksie Adams both an 84. Kosty also had a 9-timer. Both Kosty and Lykon are 1947 grads of Swoyersville High. High for the Yanks, Capt. Steve Adamchak, 40- 42-35-117, Dan Marascio 99, Bob Miller 92, Rick Watson 3 games 26- 78 and Scoop Gula 2 games of 48. Top five in averages: Joe Pollick 40.73, Steve Adamechak Jr. 39.30, Joe Koval 34.23, Dan Check 33.23, Ron Gula 32.68. Standings: A- Team 31-14, Phils 23-22; Yanks 20- 25, Generals 16-29. 0 ANN'’S CAFE DART LEAGUE-- The Chiefs keep rolling as they took a 4-0 win over the Eagles. High for the Chiefs were Joe Balent 25-39-41-115, Joe Mattie 94, Bill Fox 93. High for the Eagles were Lou Hodle 35-26-44-105, Ray Pechal 91 and Bob Hospodar couldn’t buy a point he had a 52. The Packers and Redskins tied 2- 2. High for the Packers, Mike Moses 39-39-35-113, Bob Asklar 32- 37-36-105. High for the Skins Ed Samuels 37-43-31-111, Jeff Katra 31-39-39-109, Jeff Zdancewicz 82. Top five in averages: Joe Balent 34.33, Lou Hodle 32.80, Bob Asklar 32.34, Bill Fox 32.34, Mike Moses 21. club Monday, Feb. 13 to install new members of the club. Also plans will be completed for their annual Chicken Dinner Dance to be held on Saturday, April 28 at the No. 1 Hose House in Swoyersville. Music for dancing will be provided by the Henry Charles Orchestra. Secretary Walter Condon got the approval of the body to get an artist to paint the Swoyersville High School and when completed, will be placed on display at the Luzerne National Bank, Swoyers- ville Branch on Main St., Swoyers- ville, next to the Harry's Colliery portrait. Secretary Condon also stated that the Lions Club will sponsor a glacoma eye test on Sunday, April 1 at the Swoyersville Borough Building. Ralph Edwards from the Blind Association will do the screening. ; The club also wished their hard working secretary, Walter Condon a happy 77th birthday which he celebrated recently. Many more Walter. 20- Atty. Joseph Yeager of Birch Drive, Swoyersville has an- nounced his candidacy for State Representative of the 21st District. He will oppose incumbent Rep. Stanley Jarolin of Nanticoke. Atty. Yeager is hoping for loads of support on the West Side as three candidates from the Nan- ticoke Area will be fighting it out. He is active in the Swoyersville Lions Club and served as president for the past two years. He is also active in St. Mary’s Church af- fairs. 20. The Holy Name Society of St. Mary’s Parish will hold their annual pre-lenten Paczkowy Ball “Doughnut Ball’’ on Friday, March 2 at the Church Hall on Shoemaker St.,. Swoyersville. President Ray Sczucki, urges everyone to get their tickets early as a limited amount will be sold. The Kryger Orchestra will provide music for dancing. Rev. Edward Sokolowski «is = pastor ' and moderator of the society. =0- The following was inadvertently omitted in Mr. and Mrs. John Luzerne, will be held until Friday, Feb. 10. Parents may register children by contacting Mrs. Margaret Semanek at the school from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 2:15 p.m. == The Swoyersville Crime Watch in conjunction with the Holy will present a role play “A Family in Crisis”’ conducted by the Wyoming Valley Alcohol and Drug Services on Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 Hall on Hughes St., Swoyersville. Adults and children are invited. It will be free of charge. The Crime Watch program’ would also like residents to place their Crime Watch Stickers which received in their windows. All residents are also invited to take a CPR course which: will be Building on three successive Sundays, March 11, 18, 25 from 7 to 10 p.m. Anyone interested in the class should register at the borough building, Main St. or call by March 3. There will be a small fee for the course and all classes: must be attended. O Plans were completed by the Altar-Rosary Society of Holy Trinity Parish for ‘‘Day of Recollection’! at the Sacred Heart Villa, Danville. A bus sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Society of Holy Trinity Church, Swoyersville is scheduled for Sunday, April 1. ‘0: Deborah Lynn Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cox of Crisman St., Forty Fort, was named to the Dean’s List at the University of Scranton. She received a 3.93 average for the fall semester. Ms. Cox a second year physical therapy major, is a member of the Lady Royals field hockey and softball teams at the University. She was graduated from Bishop O'Reilly in 1982. ‘0- The Bobcat Scouts will hold their annual Blue and Gold Dinner on Sunday, Feb. 26, at the Sacred Heart School Hall on Charles St., 31.82. Standings: Chiefs 27-1 Goliash’s 52nd wedding an- Luzerne. Cubmaster is Frank : Eagles 14.14 Skins 8-20. Packers 7. niversary announcement on Jan. Kodra. MR. AND MRS. ANTHONY MATINAS of 22 Sycamore Drive, 25. 0 JERRY STEFANOSKI JR. of 141. three children, Donna, Christina Swoyersville, will celebrate their -0- : : Assumpta Council 3987 Knights Ave. A, Swoyersville, will cele- and Anthony III. 16th wedding anniversary on DICKO'S. CARFE DART a daughter, Mrs. Peter Jos of Columbus will conduct a benefit brate their 11th wedding an- Mr. Lipinski is associated with Friday. They were wed on Feb. 10, ; f A Paluck of Bayshore, Long Island, niversary tomorrow. They were married on Feb. 9, 1973. Mrs. Stefanoski is the former Rachel Dallessandro of Wilkes-Barre. Stefanoski is the son of the Mayor and Mrs. Anthony Stefanoski Sr. of Swoyersville. The Stefanoskis are the parents of four children, Richard. Lisa, The Lipinskis are the parents of Midway Tool Co. in Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Lipinski is associated with Boscov's in Wilkes-Barre. 0 MR. AND MRS. HOWARD “BUTCH” EVANOSKI, 369 Main St., Swoyersville, will celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary Tuesday. They were wed on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 1970 at St. Mary’s Church in Kingston. 1968 at Holy Trinity Church in Swoyersville by Msgr. Michael C. Polcha. Mrs. Matinas is the for- mer Carol Ann Novroski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Novroski of Swoyersville, Matinas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Matinas of Pringle. Their, attendants were Irene Stanks Muldoon, Bernard Vinovrski, Judy Spisak Williams, LEAGUE--The Fighting Irish evned the score by taking a 3-1 win over the Raiders. Tops for the Fighting Irish were Dave Barilla 38-33-37-108, Gene Soboleski 98, Joe Merc 92, with a 9-timer, Dan Sekel 84. High for the Raiders Butch Evanoski 35-43-44-122, including a 9-timer, Top five in averages: Butch Evanoski 40, Gene Soboleski, The Goliashes are the parents of N.Y. They also have four grand- children, Peter Jr., Michael, Cynthia and Barbara Paluck. Mr. Goliash is a retired miner and was employed at the Boston Store in Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Goliash has been.active for many years in various church organiza- tions at Holy Trinity Parish. ro Also a happy birthday to Atty. square dance on Saturday, Feb. 11 at the Assumpta Council Home on Main St., Luzerne from 8:30 to evening will be Joseph ‘Red” Jones. The Square Dance is part of Assumpta Council’s ARC Program. All proceeds raised from the dance and other programs will be used for the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens. Tickets for the “Royer Foundry Co. in Kingston. Mrs. Evanoski is the former Chi tb i Steve Yonick and Dave Barilla all Blase Gavlick and Henry Novroski ~~ Square Dance may be secured : Be Jennie Sincavage, daughter of Bars it STD ine tied at 33 and Joe Merc 31. Both Jr. this past Jan. 30 and to from any committee member, Mrs. Frances Sincavage of ge, rt Vvalatka, Marion teams are 4-4. Marianne Gula Maticic of . council member of the Assumpta MR. AND . MRS. ‘ANTHONY Luzerne and the late Frank Sin- Paluck Basarab, Bert Spencer, Kingman, Arizona on Feb. 3 and to Council Home. LIPPY" LIPINSKI, of 196 cavage. Evanoski is the son of Elaine Matinas Marcum, Blase CORAL. LOUNGE: DART Ron Gula of Plymouth on Feb. 17. 0 _ Shoemaker St., Swoyersville wil Pick and Gert Evanoski of Mais Gavlick. Charles ‘and. Minds LEAGUE--6-Pack 2 and Sex 0. : ; celebrate their 19th wedding an- : y Shooters 1. High for 6-Pack, Mike Manon & Cocoon, Susenne niversary tomorrow. They were married on Feb, 9, 195 in Baltimore, Maryland. Gardecki, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gardecki, former residents who now reside in Binghampton, N.Y. Lipinski is the son of Mrs. Ceil Lipinski of Dana St., Swoyersville and the late Anthony Lipinski of Swoyersville. Co. St., Swoyersville. Their attendants were Antoinette Sincavage Jasulka and Allan Evanoski. They are the parents of two children, Robin and Howard Jr. Butch, as he is known by everyone is associated with Roth American in Wilkes-Barre. -0- MR. AND MRS. THOMAS & g Kemzura. The Matinas’ are the parents of three children, Kristen, Tiffany and Thomas Jude, Matinas is associated with Bartikowski Jewelers of Wilkes- Barre. Tom and Carol recently returned from the Poconos where they spent a few days marking the occasion of their anniversary. Repak with another fine night of 43-37-45-127, Vince Dennis Jr. 84, Gene Gowisnok 78 and Mike Kolessar 78. High for Sex Shooters, Harry Jones, 41-36-42-109, Chick Romanchick 33-30-9-102, Jim Reilly 84, Ted Daveski 80. 1-Arm Bandits 2 and Bumps 1. Tops for the Bandits, Lippy Lipinski 98, Leon Ziomek 93, Bob Wrobleski 87. Swoyersville Volunteer Hose Co. of Scott St., reminds Second Ward residents the 1984 fund drive will continue until Feb. 24. Monies collected will go towards maintaining the fire department which utilizes two pieces of ap- paratus with a third in reserve. It was noted 925 pledge cards have been distributed and more than 250 have been returned. They ask the Borough secretary, announced the office will be open Saturday, Feb. issuing garbage stickers. The cost is: $35 for property owners and tenants and the deadline is Feb. 17. After that date, a $5 penalty will be added. wn t