+ ARNOLD GARINGER Three members of the Lake- Lehman School Board have been honored by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association as long-term school directors. Over 1,000 school board members, ranging in years of service from 10 years to over 40 years, were recog- nized in a special booklet, entitled “Honor Roll of School Board Serv- ice” and also received certificates as a PSBA annual conference held recently in Pittsburgh. R. Arnold Garinger, a member of the Lake-Lehman School Board, received a certificate for 13 years of service while Gilbert D. Tough and Tree (Continued from page 1) Carol Chapple, who lives on Glen- view Avenue in Shavertown, has enjoyed a real Christmas tree since childhood. “To have a large real Christmas tree has been a tradition since I was a little girl,” she said. ‘A real tree smells like Christmas and makes Christmas seem very real to me.” Children, too, have definite ideas j about a real tree versus an artificial tree. Jeremy Williams, 81%, of Over- brook Road, Dallas, likes the smell of a real Christmas tree while Lisa Davenport, 11, of Eleanore Street, Shavertown, not only likes the pine fragrance, but enjoys going out and looking for a tree to cut down. z “A real tree makes the living- room look a little different, a little bit prettier,” said Lisa. GILBERT TOUGH Native Textiles Co. employees honored Dallas plant employees of Native Textiles and their guests, attended the annual Christmas party held recently. Approximately 150 people were present for a buffet dinner at the Irem Temple Country Club. Remarkes were given by Thomas J. Neyhard, plant manager; Bill Donald J. Jones both received certi- fictes for 10 years of service. According to PSBA president Thoams G. Macarro, these individu- als put in, on the average, about 2% working days per month - 30 days or a full month in a year - committed to-non-paid, volunteer service as a school director. Dallas Post/Dott Lehman (Continued from page 1) board members have 30 days from Dec. 6 to fill the vacnacy, but to date cannot agree. The 30-day period will end on Jan. 5 and, with the holiday season approaching, it is questionable whether or not many of the directors will be willing to give much more of their time on what seems to be a ‘‘stalemate situation”. “Ten persons applied for the vacancy and all of them qualified as far as I am concerned,” said Jones. “I have nothing against Marchaki- Paculavich, assistant plant man- ager; Ronald Clemow, present, Local 1824, ACTWU; John Namey, secretary treasurer-business agents, Local 401, Teamsters; John Vene- ski, business agent, Local 401, “Although we interviewed all of the candidates I don’t believe the young man, but I knew we would before putting a motion on the floor not get a fifth vote for any one of _at the meeting. Some of the mem- the candidates. All of them are from bers had other people in mind and Marchakitus’ region and include weren't ready to vote.” Teamsters; and James Putnam, vice president-tricot operations, Native Textiles. Dancing was to the Edward Kern, Paul Goodwin, Charles: Nafus, Robert Emery, Daniel Hudzik, William Samuels, Donald Weidner, Ray Hillman, Joseph Skivitsky and Marchakitus. Dallas (Continued from page 1) new member. If it cannot do so within that time period which expires Jan. 4, the Luzerne County Court will make the appointment. The unprecedented vacancy came about when Johnny George cap- tured both a two-year seat and a four-year seat and elected to serve the four-year term. Following ‘the Dec. 5 swearing-in of the new directors, the board advertised for voluntary candidates from the community. A total of seven applications were received and reviewed by the board in the hours prior’ to their vote on Moyer and Bolton. The other candi- dates, all of whom received no votes, were John Farkas, Reese Finn, Barbara Mead, Richard Morgan and John Tinner. Morgan and Finn had both been defeated candidates for the Dallas School Board in the primaries with Morgan being the second top vote- getter for the two year post that is now up for grabs. Speculation in the community had been that Morgan was a shoe in for the appointment because he did run for the post and because he lives in Trucksville. Legally, there are no residency requirements by town since school SEAFOOD Lobster Tail board directors residing anywhere within the district are now elected ‘at large.” However, there has long been an unwritten law regarding equal representation and, under this ‘‘gentleman’s agreement’ the com- position of the nine-man school board is three from Dallas Town- ship, three from Kingston Township, from Franklin Township. The eight men presently seated on the school board reflect this same community representation with the exception that there are now only two ‘members living in Kingston had been that a woman might be a logical appointment since the school board is without female representa- tion for the first time in 12 years. This appointment will apparently be made on the basis of the can- diates’ application only, rather than on any of these considerations or on an interview. In the past, it had always been standard practice for the school board to personally inter- view each candidate, but no inter- views were held prior to this vote and to date none have been sched- uled before the next vote. | Swoyersville 287-2111 Lb. $9.99 c= ® € © © © ® 2 3 & RD 9 5 POPPE J nH Deck the halls with boughs of holly and decorate your holiday tables with good tasting Carvel Ice Cream cakes and frozen desserts. All ourice cream treats are made fresh in our own store and are decorated in charming. colorful holiday designs J available exclusively at Carvel y Ends. Employees honored with service awards during 1983 were as follows: 35 years - George Fladd, Jack - Cook, Joe Kravitz, Ernest Wolfe, Julius Shultz, Harry Bartholomew. 30 years - Bob Grey, Evelyn Wolfe believes that unless some- one changes their mind very soon, the appointment to the vacancy will have to be made by the Luzerne County Court. “I put Tony’s name on the floor because I believed he would get the five votes needed. I talked to him Roberss. Bill Schneiderite, David Dont forget... prior to the meeting and he was : we ¥jbe happy to willing to take the risk. I believed, 20 Years - Leo Rowland, Renald ra emow. Carvel’ cakes he would look at things objectively and his main concern is fulfilling his brother’s term. He has no political ambitions, at least not at this time. 15 years - Albert Paltrineri, while you wait! Orville Ide, Dave Stuart, Frank . O’Boyle, Louise Wilce. 10 years - Jim Ford, Bob Lauder- baugh, Thelma Parsons. 5 years - Bob Morris, Richard Jenkins, Marcia Weaver, Mildred Kuhn, Bill Paculavich. Prizes were awarded during the evening by Santa Claus to Jim Faux, Joe Edwards, Leroy Scott, Coupdli~~nm==—=ssnaanmsafevfasnnn . You trim the tree . . . we’ll trim our price! "The Carvel’ Store/s listed in this ad will give you $1.00 off their regular retail price of any HOLIDAY CAKE when this coupon is presented at time of purchase Offer expires December 25, 1983 “We have spent three hours on each of two nights interviewing the 10 applicants plus many more hours talking with them on the telephone x mm SAWP LE me IL) cates he is willing to change. I guess because most of the directors Dan Miller, Jr, Francis Gurnari, Can not be combined with any other coupon or reduced price offer (hd believe it is a 4-4 board they are Don Montigney, Elwyn Cragle, Pete Rodsemable palyat storers hited un tis ad i 1 . . oo en me a en mt CDT DDE mee Hes me mena Voge sticking together. Bielecki, Ken Hoover, Ron Clemow, hd ee A Glenn Harvey, Harry Barholomew, Dave Ide, Connie Williams, Vic McCarty, Rich Jenkins, Bob Teet- sel, Jack Cook, Glenn Watkins, Bob “The president or two other hoard ah Coniel, Jee Cam Sone |g 754 SANS SOUCI PARKWAY, WILKES-BARRE | * ing, but why go this route again to come up with another stalemate?” : AMERICA'S Jones asked. “I have no idea what = \yeren, Bob Morris, Jack Rogers, FRESHEST ICE cream NEXTTO McDONALDS PHONE 825-9222 pi happens if it goes into the courts, 1. Hugh Williams, Mike Newell, Bill OPEN7 DAYS A WEEK $0 § ‘= Paculavich, Audrey Mock and % FROM 11:00 A.M. -9:00P.M guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Helen Sidorek. All (aril ice cream products are made FRESH in the store where they are sold. | Beverage “A Complete Beverage Supermarket’’ On Union Street E o wie = * Beer Balls * Party Mixers * Ice-Snacks-Cigs. % Cold Beer * Draught Kegs « Case Beer & Soda BIG 4 * yl aS ¥ ¥ ¥ Xx x Xx x3 XX XxX x x * * Kh * v Tax & Deposit Where Applicable OPEN:MON-SAT 9-9 Quantity Rights Reserved * * Next to the Self Service Liquor Store Y : * LUZERNE SHOPPING CENTER | * PHONE 288-0133 : | iE * THESE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY PACKAGES!! i » * Offer Good SEASONS GREETINGS ( Otter Good * 2 Dec. 5) fromall ofusat Union Beverage thru Dec. 31st * ; Em Bem * SODA . * COKE *475 COKE 36° PEPSI °*47° MA'S *3% *» 16 oz. Return Bott. 12 0z. Cans 16 0z. Return Bott. 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