The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 21, 1983, Image 18

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| Christmas in
church terms
Life becomes confused at times. Dif-
ficult decisions face us. Frustrations and
failures dog our paths, Sometimes, we
even get mixed up about the meaning of i
life. Where do we turn? cali
God has turned to us! We are not alone.
In Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate
on Christmas Day, God comes to us. The
message to the shepherds was, “Fear not,
for behold, I bring you good tidings of
great joy--for unto you is born this day in
the city of David, a Savior which is Christ
the Lord.” k
“Fear not.”’ This is the assurance we
need today. God did not send a message. HE
He sent a peson. He is still with us, for f
Jesus said, “I will not leave you com- :
fortless, I will come to you.”
And He does. Through the Holy Spirit,
He always is with us. The promise of
“Emmanuel” is always and ever fulfilled,
and at Christmas, we celebrate again that
great event which assures us that God is
always with us. May this be the gift we
receive again this Christmas.
Millions will
~ note holiday
ART STUDENTS - Art students from Dallas Senior High Ondish, Kerry Roushey, and Lisa Bobeck. Standing, Amy Root,
School decorated the windows at United Penn Bank, Dallas, for Mrs. Jane Cornell, John Maniskas, Rich Gdovin, Alan Cuba, SU OINGEHUEIR
HERS the holiday season. Shown here, seated, from left, are Chris and Lisa Lushefski. (Photo by Ed Campbell)
Ed "Christmas is the day when millions of
people around the world celebrate the
birth of Christ. Christmas is a time to
proclaim His message of peace on earth
and good will toward men.
Some people may find it difficult to talk =
about peace and good will in a world torn
by strife and evil. Many earth shattering
events have taken place since last
Christmas. From the Sea of Japan to the
Sea of Galilee, from the parched far-
mlands of middle America to the bloodly
battlefields of Central America, the
troublesome events have called for our
em er
Since last Christmas, we have ex-- a
perienced turmoil and triumph. A Korean
passenger jet was shot from the skies, as
the space shuttle soared to new heights.
Our Marines were killed in Beirut and
liberated people in Granada. There have
been leadership changes in Israel; and the
election countdown has already begun for {
In a moment rilled with crises, we need
to stop and examine some things that are
eternal. If we think of our present
dangerous world, our minds will be filled
with despair and not peace. The real peace
that Jesus came to give is a personal
peace. It is an inner security that comes
from faith in God. It is only when we find
peace within that we can help bring peace
and good will to others. Christmas is really
y a demonstration of God’s love. At this
Rachel Schall season of good will, let each of us share
Grade? that never failing love.
(Clyde Dupin is editor of a national |
Gate of Heaven column entitled “Religious viewpoint.””)