The Back Mountain Kennel Club recently held its 38th Annual Dog Show and out in the arena, 1,090 dogs paraded before the judges while another 133 ran the obedience trails. Back in 1945 when the first Back Mountain Dog, Show was held it primarily featured local dogs but it has now grown to the state where canines and their owners travel long distances to attend; the home address of one black Cocker Spaniel was 31 Ave. Princess Grace, Monte Carlo, Monaco. Dogs also come in a lot of different breeds these days-118 to be exact and very few of these bear resemblance to Old Yeller or Fido or the dog in This Bassett Hound, who was a finalist in the show, wishes to proclaim that he did not have his hair done. His expression shows his opinion of those who did. His buddy a Bull Dog named ‘Al Capone” felt the same way but was so modest that he declined to even have his picture taken. Despite the headful of curlers, called “bobbles’” Martin was showing her. Pompadours are obviously still in with French Poodles, so are leggings. This toy dog goes by the : i official A.K.C. name of ‘Hells A Blazen Vindicator” while her hairdresser’s name is Fran. Ye ; so Ra ; your own backyard. This is particularly obvious teasing brushes, hair spray, curling irons and hair dryers are the primary tools used to groom the show dogs. Some dogs even have their nails done while others own monogrammed curler bags of course, and then don their barrettes, hair clips or satin hair ribbons. Then it’s into the main ring with most of the animals being put through their paces by professional dog handlers who in this case are appropriately called “agents” for the canine stars. % He, Text by 8 Loh SRR