Triathlon: The Ultimate Challenge Russell Johnson of Trucksville prepares to begin the 37 1/ Ed Ladamus of Dallas cools off in a small wading pool near the finish line. 2-mile bicycle ride. Triathlon temperatures soared to nearly 100 degrees. Bethlehem’s Bill Ruth, overall winner of the Triathlon, applies ice bags to brushburns he received in a fall from his bicycle. Seed dode fod ede ode vo dodo odode de Fedo foo ie ied The Second Annual Back Mountain Triathlon, held Aug. 27, provided its participants with a sense of accomplishment at the finish line, its spectators with some spectacular scenes and the Wyoming Valley Unit of the American Cancer Society with $10,000. The triathlon, won by Bethlehem’s Bill Ruth with a record-breaking time of 3:09.31, consisted of a one- mile swim in Harveys Lake, a 37!>-mile bike ride through the Back Mountain area and a 10-mile run. Among participants from the Back Mountain were (listed in their order of completion): Chuck Brown, Dallas, No. 45, 3:55.50; Edward J. Ladamus, Dallas, No. 61, 4:02.45; James P. Smith, Dallas, No. 98, 4:14.49; John M. Tasco, Shavertown, No. 114, 4:19.25; Fussell Johnson, Trucksville, No. 138, 4:25.44; Mau- ‘reen' Connolly, Harveys ‘Lake, No. 140, 4:26.17; Richard Connor, Shavertown, No. 141, 4:26.17; Michael Budjnoski, Dallas, No. 148, 4:29.17; John Isaac, Shavertown, No.. 160, 4:34.29; Robert N. Nygreen Jr., Sweet Valley, No. 172, 4:37.41. Also, Dwight Cummins, Dallas, No. 179, 4:38.10; Stan Crampton, Shavertown, No. 186, 4:42.55; Paul Mahon, Shavertown, No. 202, 4:53.34; Scott Burnside, Shavertown, No. 215; 4:58.42; Jeannie Karmiel, Shavertown, No. 218, 4:59.47; Burt Karmiel, Shaver- town, No. 220, 5:00.26; Robin Cummins, Dallas, No. 224, 5:06.23; Kim Reese, Shavertown, No. 229, 5:12.14; Andrea Isaac, Shavertown, No. 234, 5:16.41; Ed Durkin, Dallas, No. 236, 5:15.01; Bob Post Jr., Dallas, No. 241, 5:30.15; Ian Richardson, Shavertown, No. 246, 5:35.32; Matt Butler, Shavertown, No. 249, 5:46.40; and J. J. Kowalski, Dallas, No. 254, 5:57.59. More than 300 entrants competed in the annual event which was sponsored by The Times Leader, Falcone Beverage, College Misericordia, Hanover Bank and Jewelcor. 3 2 Fe ve Ae Ae Fe dh ve de ie vk de die de Fe die die oe de se dk de ek de dee ke eke de de de ok Ie ek dd ok 2 Foe dee dee dee dee desk Ak A ok kde ded ede de de de dd de Ake de ek de de de Ark Some participants got more than they bargained for. Here, Stephen Valkos of ; 5. a : Wilkes-Barre has a flat tire repaired by an unidentified Good Samaritan. POETRY AEE AAA pane Adon Emme 2 8 roll BE : ) uelling event. 0 They are shown here with Ms. Adonizio’s niece. Photos by Rod Kaye Design by Dotty Martin Photographers, volunteers and medical personnel anxiously await the winner at the finish line which was set up on the campus of College Misericordia. Chuck Brown of Dallas relaxes with a cold i Z drink and ice bags under his arms. Brown was | Pio En fakes 1 look lest epay on i the first to finish in the 45-49 year old age : See i group. : : .