By JOAN KINGSBURY Last week I commented on how fast the school year goes by. This week, my son Billy completed his first year of nursery school with a closing pro- gram and picnic at Trinity 1.O.O.F. The Dallas Independent Oneida Lodge No. 371 held a Mother’s Day dinner on Thursday, May 5 at the Castle © Inn, Memorial Highway. Fred Templin was toast- master, and George Handzo Jr. gave fhe invo- cation and benediction. Robert Kline was guest spedker. Each lady in attendance received a gift. The Jollowie were i Nursery School. Just three and a half, Billy was a member of the two day program. Mrs. Audrey Lockhart, school coordina- tor, teaches the three year olds as does Mrs. Nancy Higgins. Mrs. Nancy Odell, assistant coordina- tor, teaches the four year old class. Mrs. Sally Dodson is the teaching substitute. Billy had a very happy year, thoroughly enjoying the many projects the stu- dents undertook. Field trips are always a special attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Cletas W. Sweeezy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Labar, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Roushey, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Disque, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ide, Mr. Thomas Landon, Mrs. Nellie Scouton, Mr. and Mrs. Corey C. Besteder, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bro- kenshire, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Spencen; Mr. Dom- inic Fino, Miss LeAnne Fino, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard W. Owens, Mr. Thomas E. Reese, Mrs. Priscilla Liput, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Templin, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson R. Williams, Mr. - and Mrs. Joseph S. Allen Jr., Mr. Walter G. Gosart, Mr. and Mrs. George Handzo Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Voelker and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kline. The Harveys Homecoms, ing Festival is SPORSONING 18, at 2 p.m. The locat of the race will be S be two divisions: division one: ages 10-15, and-divi- sion two: ages 16-adult. Each contestant must be a proficient swimmer, life jackets are required and all ‘contestants must ot COMPANY supply their. own rubber Trophies: will be awarded. Official entry forms for this event and also for the bike tour and parades will be available at the follow- ing places: Javers Market, Taft’s Market, Jones’ Pan- cake, and the Harveys Lake Municipal Building. event sponsored by a steering committee made up: of umembers: from 19 different ‘organizations’ in events include fishing con- tests, a beef roast, fishing exhibits, Historical Society exhibits, parades, a dance, and fireworks display. A schedule of events may be picked up at Harveys Lake business places. DISCOUNT gz, & 2. = POPULAR FOUR-DRAWER FILES = = List Price SALE PRICE = $s ; $ 00 = Legal Size 321 1°° 136° = ; % 00 Letter Size 182%. 119 ON SALE THRU MAY ONLY! } ® — = fams/ Discount | 2 . OFFICE COMPANY - ie 100 PENNSYLVANIA BLVD. WILKES-BARRE, PA. 18701 Se i, MURRAY COMPLEX - BESIND POST Office) Phone 828-7088 x 3 WEEKDAYS 9-4:30 @ SAT. 9 TO 11:30 = ~~ *€ COMPANY ET \ iy) ; Park Service highlight. Billy’s class vis- ited = the Children’s Museum, the Kunkle Fire hall and picnicked at Frances Slocum Park. The school also provided the children with many enjoy- able programs: a’ visit from the police, the Hal- loween party, the Christ- mas party complete with Santa; and fun day, where everyone just has a good Well, here it is the end of the year. The children presented a program of songs and skits. Unless you have heard a chorus of 3 and 4 year olds, you just can’t imagine how pre- cious the program was. The program began as most adult programs do with the Pledge of Alle- giance to the flag. This was followed by singing America the Beautiful. Other songs the children performed for our enter- tainment were O’Tico Tico o Fuba, a Brazilian song, America, We All Love the Little Children, It’s a Small, Small World. Special features included a duet by Mrs. Wenk-Wolff and Luis, Song from Brazil, Wee Willie Winki, sung in Scottish by the children and Mrs. Bolin- ski, and a Dance from the Far ‘East ' by Marina Knappman. Picture, if you can, a three year old belly dancer complete in cos- tume. Delightful! } Following a few words from Rev. Andrew Pillar- ella, pastor of Trinity United Presbyterian Church, we moved to the back room for a delicious luncheon. Describing the table is difficult since the variety of foods seemed almost endless: macaroni salad, tuna salad, jello salads, meatballs, rigatoni and meat sauce, pigs in the blanket, baked beans, tossed salad. Believe me, I could go on and on. Each family donated a dish. For dessert we had a cake, punch or coffee to drink. If the food description makes you hungry, you sample Connie Wilt’s Savory Italian Casserole, Mary Ellen Duris’ Maca- roni Salad and my Orange Jello Salad. The children who com- pleted Trinity Nursery School this year are: Brad Adams, Amber Atherhold, Aaron Barker, Sarah Barlow, Kerri Brown, Rebecca Lynn Brown, Charles Bucculeri, Lori Buzin, Greg Cobleigh, Nathan Downend, Bobby Duris, Jaime Elston, Kris- ten Faerber, A.J. Finar- elli, Matthew Gearhart, Mark Figgune, Krista Greger, Amanda Hall, Ste- phanie Janewicz, Tracy Kennedy, Billy Kingsbury, Richard Klick, Marina Knappman, Kevin Kozel, Nicole Kozick, Fred Maier, Audrey Marut, John Michalak, Melissa Miller, Ann Moore, - Mich- ele Murray, Kristen Nack- ley, Nicole Perry, Daniel Podehl, Andrew Rogers, Danielle Romano, Jared Rutt, Brian Santarelli, Heather Santarelli, Court- ney Scutt, Jack Traver, Angali Udoshi, Nick Wali- gorski, Chad Williams, Heather Wilt, Joel With- ers, Luis Wenk-Wolffe, Andy Woods, Kristy Wool- bert, Sarah Wysocki, Adam Yarnel. SAVORY ITALIAN SEROLE Connie Wilt > 1b. gr. beef > ¢. chopped green pepper CAS- V» ¢. chopped onion 6 oz. can tomato paste v, ¢. water 1 1b. can tomatoes salt and pepper pkg. Velveeta slices 8 oz. pkg. Mostaccioli noo- dles or other cooked noo- dles Saute ground beef with green peppers and onions. Add a can tomato paste, cheese water and tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. In a baking dish alter- nate layers of cooked mos- taccioli noodles, meat sauce, and Velveeta slices at 350 degrees for 30 min- utes. MACARONI SALAD Mary Ellen Duris 1 Ib. elbow macaroni 3 eggs chopped » ¢. chopped onion J» ¢. chopped green pepper %» c. chopped celery !2> c. shredded carrot salt, pepper, parsley andj oregano to flavor 2, c. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing ' Combined cooked elbow § macareni with above ingredients. Mix with Mir- acle Whip Salad Dressing. Put sliced eggs on top for garnish. Sprinkle with paprika. ORANGE JELLO SALAD Joan Kingsbury 6 oz. orange jello 2 c. boiling water 15 c. cold water juice from 20-o0z. crushed pineapple 8-0z. cream cheese 1 med. size Cool Whip 1 c. grated carrots Combine orange jello, boiling water, cold water and pineapple juice. Stir in | cream cheese, crushed pineapple and grated car- rots. Fold in Cool Whip. Chill until firm. can ‘Duke Sunday: Closed Mondays