Close to 500 people enjoyed Pam Johnson and her Homemaker’s School presentation last week at Merrick Hall, College Misericordia. Pam, home economist from Homemakers Schools, Inc.. entertained the crowd with her own unique brand of humor while providing numerous cooking and baking tips. One of the highlights of the show is always the large number of door- prizes and gifts to THE DALLAS POST, WE members of the atidience. Hanging plants, bags of groceries, gold jewelry, microwave dishes, gift certificates, curling iron, make-up mirror, per- fume, bubblebath, crewel picture, and other hand- crafts were presented through a drawing. Each person attending received a goody bag filled with suprise coupons, recipe ideas and helpful hints. Participants also had an opportunity to visit with a Commonwealth Telep- hone representative and Red Cross. The Dallas Post Homemakers School is always an eagerly awaited spring highlight and this year, as usual, the public was not disappointed in its ex- pectations. A few ex- ceptionally lucky persons even managed to go home iwth the results of Pam’s cooking magic. The Post would especially like to thank the five students form Dallas Area and Lake- Lehman High Schools who helped Pam wth her cooking -and cleanup chores. Pam and Liz Moore, from Dallas Area and Monica Fletcher, Wendy Jones and Chuck Garnet form Lake- Lehman worked throughout the day and evening to insure that everything ran smoothly. Photographer Dan Walsh has captured the cozy, friendly nature of the evening and his im- pressions are pictured on this page. PAGE ELEVEN