) Ray Pisaneschi, building contractor of Simpson Street and Stephen ‘Peeker’ Urban: . of Milbre Street, Swoyers- ville have passed away. Peeker could be seen just about every day taking his walk to Chet Innamorati’s Sporting Goods Store on Shoe maker St. Both were well known and liked. They \ will be missed. | <0: { Thomas Lukachunas formerly of Swoyersville passed away at his home. in Wilkes-Barre. He was well known here and will . be missed. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Eddie ‘. “Hubby Wheeler’ Kolesar, former residents of Swoyersville who now reside in Old Forge, re « cently returned from a trip to California. While there, they visited Mrs. Kolesar’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Caruso. Mr. Caruso is ~ formerly of Pittston and + Ms. Caruso is the former Jennie Pennella of Old Forge. ‘The Kolesar’s visited Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Long Bezch, Universal City, Ocean Beach and naturally, Hubby had to getin a few rounds of golf. He said that the courses “a CARE BEEEE The Swoyersville Lions To = Club met recently at the s Midway ~ Diner in, : Wyoming with Mr. and “s. Mrs. Stanley Gavlick Jr. : and their son Stanley III “as guests. Young Stanley was pre- sented with a beautiful HFRS BE The Confraternity of 3 Christian Mothers of St. Mary’s - Czestochowa . Church, Swoyersville, jrecently ‘held their . monthly meeting with Mary Ann Guchanyk presiding and Rev. s Edward Sokolowski .%% pastor and moderator. | ~ St. Gerard Committee + delivered flowers for .. + Easter and Felicia :. . Palmer gave a report on * + the sick of the parish. + Hostesses for the May -- meeting are: Violet a « Dzwilefsky, Katy Gaydos 21: Marie Dziadosz, Isabelle “ws Flick, Mary Federowicz, iu Bernadine Foy, Stasia s+# Gaines, Mary Gaiteri, is Betty Gavlick, Lottie Pa . EE Puce « Homemakers School, April 21! and Alice Fanti, on the serving committee. Rosanna Dvornicky, “ — #% will. 3 va ‘nn nh vere just about the best he has ever seen. Eat your heart out Elmer Berganya and Ben Roback. Making the trip with them were their daughters, Angela and Lisa who had a ball for themselves. -0- The Traveling Blue Army statue-will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schnelly, 275 Dana St., Swoyersville. Ser- vices will begin at 7 p.m. nightly. -0- can see by all of the fields being used up just about every evening when it isn’t raining or too cold The Little League has been practicing at the impounding basin off Kossack St. and the field on Hemlock St. The new teeners league is doing their practicing when and where they could, usually at Roosevelt Field. The Swoyersville Legion team is getting in their licks at Roosevelt Field and John Milius’ Sunday team is gettin gtheir shotsin later also at Roosevelt Field when the King’s College team isn’t playing. == Baseball season will be beginning soon. The Swoyersville Little Walter Condon, secre- pen and pencil set by vice president Rev. Martin Dacey of the Lions Club for his selection as Student of the Month in February at Wyoming Valley West High School. His selection was made by West School District. Gavlick, Mary Gavlick, Teresa Gonglefski and Beatrice Gostinski. St. Gerard Committe for April, Joseph Stasrolis, Helen Peeler and Jennie Volack. League will hold their opening day ceremonies on May 1 at the field on Hemlock St. The Swoyersville Girls Soft Sunday, May 8 also at the Little League Field on Hemlock St. The new Teeners League will begin on Saturday, May 7 at Roosevelt Field where the face West Pittston. " Opening Day ceremonies will be held as the following will participate: Mayor Anthony Stefanoski, Magisstrate Andrew Barilla Jr. Swoyersville Council, Michael Simko, borough coordinator and several other dignitaries. Also to be honored are the sponsors, Frank Stack Swoyersville Lions Club Turner. : 0. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bartorillo Jr. ,228 Vaughn St. Luzerne recently became the parents of a son, Seth Ronald. They also have a son, Dean III. The mom is the former Rholda Dropk o, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dropko of Sweet Valley. The proud popis the son of L The baby has four great grandfathers, two. great grandmothers and two great-great grandmot- hers. -0- Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kozokas,.84 Noyes Ave., Swoyersville recently became the parents of a son, James John Jr. This is their first child. The mom is the former Jean Washinsky, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Washinsky - of Swoyers- ville. The proud pop is the sonof Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kozokas, Swoyersville. This is the third grand child for the Washinsky’s and the 13th for the Kozokas. -0- Several of our goods friends and neighbors are patients at the Nesbitt Hospital in Kingston. They are Dempsey Sekerah, a former r esident wh now resides in West Wyoming; Joe Malusky, Kossack St.; Adam Stelma Sr., Simp- son St.; Peter Madaya, Main St. and young Matt Hornick, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hornick; Watkins St., all of Swoyersville. We wish all of them a quick recovery and hope to see all of them up and around soon. Get well soot guys. Stanley is a senior, listed in Who’s Who in American High School Students and currently serves as president of the Student Council. Stan is also a member of the National Honor Society and Spartan wrestling Gift of the month was won ‘by Alice Matukonis. The next meeting will be May 3 after the 7 p.m. mass. A social hour will follow the meeting with games and refreshments. members and guests of the Greater ‘Wilkes-Barre from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Local elected officials and state Reg. $2.99 ON SALEFOR Joe Ranieli R.Ph. team. He has served on Story” and the Spartan Yearbook. After graduation he plans to attend Villanova University to follow a program of studies in This past Dx Charley ' Kidurka of Shoemaker St., Swoyersville got up one morning and took a walk around his yard where he found footprints of a big deer. He would believe it so he called his neighbor Rudy Fanti to verify it and Rudy did They are coming close. N -0- Altar ' and Rosary Society. of St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Chureh, -- Tripp: "= St., Swoyersville, will make and sell cabbage and potato pirohi on Friday, April 22, in the church hall. Orders may be placed with Anna Barna, 287-8259, Veronica Kmetz, 287-5626 or Nellie Remetz, 288-4212. Society mem- bers are welcome to come to the church hall on Friday at 9 a.m. to assist. -0: With the high school season of baseball beginning, it was in- teresting to see that not one Swoyersville player was on the Valley West team, “while there were severa lon West Side Tech and Bishop O’Reilly No. 2 Slocum Dinner teams.. Is omeane Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 and William Lehman and fire house and many of rye 0 tell someone ih music furnished Ron Alunni as co- their fine civic projects. somethings by the Polka Dynamites. ~ chairmen. Both are Wyoming Seminary A number of Wyoming Seminary Lower School students from the Back Mountain recently won cluded: honors in the school’s First annual Science Fair Tiogias, competition. First place winners in Dallas, the ompetition: are pic op lace. SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS: Wyoming, biology division; Kingston; division;’ Hose Company of Street, Swoyers- chased of the Dance on Maria Third in Aben, grade--Jenny second. Shavertown, eight third place and - Dallas; Stacey Faison, division grade--Tudor Wilson, Dallas, fifth grade, third; and Andrew . Fourth grade--Jason Merrill, Shavertown, PAGE NINE councilmen from the third ward and are directors of the Hose Company. All residents of the borough are welcome to attend as proceeds ‘will go towards remodeling the from any member affair. President Jr. as chairman sixth grade, fourth. The students were pre- sented with certificates of merit for their outstand- ing performance in the competition. Harveys Lake, the ecology eighth grade, lace: Kendra “ale HOURS:Mon.-Fri. 8-8 ~~ FRESHBAKED Sat. 8-6 & Sun 8-8 EVERY SUNDAY ~ FRESH LEAN 31b. or more SANDY MAC LEAN COOKED HAM 2 2% NEW FROM 7 UP SANDY MAC ib. W O¢ LIKE zw SODA™" 99¢ Cheetos — BAG — GET ONE FREE! SAVE S1.29 8 oz. bag