BIL GHTON BOX B56 HIRTGHTON, La @®Vol. 93, No. 5 25 Cents RIDING FOR FUN AND THERA A Dallas continues to provide lessons and horse trail experiences for both physical and mentally disabled children and young adults, but the job is becoming more difficult for -3 ES N iismmbion RNY LH WO Wa RAs Thomas Bly, Dallas Postmaster, announced that Raymond A. Cecconi has heen promoted to uperintendent of Postal perations at the Dallas Post 7 Office. Cecconi began his postal career in 1962 as a substitute letter carrier in Seawaren, N.J, He was transferred to Wilkes-Barre as a distribution clerk in 1963, He transferred to Si Kingston in 1972 as a window clerk, For the past three years, he has gerved as supervisor of collection and delivery, and superintendent of station and branch operations at the Kingston Post Office. His promotion to the Dallas Post Office became effective Feb, 5. Cecconi, his wife, Mary Ann and daughter, Jill, reside at 418 Hoyt St. rk SCHOOL, Dallas Senior Back /lountain Baseball will hold its fina) registration for the 1983 season Saturday, Feb. 19, from 11 a.m, to 2 p.m. at the Shavertown Methodist Church, corner of Center Street and Pioneer Avenue. Registration is open in the following leagues: Little League Hardball, ages 8-12; Little League Softball, ages 9-12; Teener League Hardball, ages 13-15; Senior League Softball, ages 13-15 and American League (Hardball, ages 16-19. . Registration fees are $10.00 per child for the first two children and $6.00 for the third child per family. Registration for American ‘Legion will be $20. Children registering for the first time should bring their birth certificates, All youngsters wishing to partici pate in any of the programs are urged to register at this time, In the event of inclement weather, registration will be held Feb, 26, coordinator Georgeann Kosten bauder "It's not the time involved in lessons,” she explained, "It's trying to get volunteers and financial fy In response to his home having been broken into on two occasions, Jay Miller, director of activities at the State Corrections Institution at Chase has embarked upon a public information program to tell people thelr hones are nol 4, sale as they might think, Miller uses an inmate, Ken Anderson, in his presentation and relies heavily upon the book Are You Safe From Burglars?, written by Early Barnes, another inmate The book was published in 1971, while Barnes, a professional burglar was Incarcerated in another state prison, He is pre sently at Chase but does not have outside clearance so Is unable to accompany Miller, On Jan, 10 Miller and Anderson spoke to the Mountaintop Junior Woman's Club in the first of what he hopes will be many such presentations, Treating the subject of burglary from the point of the burglar as well as someone who has been victimized, jarnes actually “blows a lot of theories about how safe, safe is, help.” At the moment, the problem appears to he keeping the horses fed, The cost for food is over $200 per month, and Kostenbauder has taken out a personal loan to make ends meet, Still, she admits, H.1LD. KE, Is at least $1500 in debt The program has existed through the generosity of various agencies, civie clubs and private citizens Charles Dente allows Kostenbauder to teach and house the horses and give lessons from his farm in Kunkle, rent free, Dallag Kiwanis purchased two horses for use by the program, and Back Mountain Kiwanis donated over $1,000 last year toward the purchase of feed and equipment, Girl Scout troops have volunteered their time to help with the lessons, They walk with the handicapped riders, groom horses and lend a hand wherever needed But Kostenbauder said it takes phenomenal effort to keep a steady flow of volunteers on hand Her incentive in approaching the Lions ig that they are holding their state convention in Wilkes-Barre this year, She believes the Dallas organization can perform an eye catching function by supporting Operation H.1.D KE, Because the program is not well Actually it is next to impossible to completely burglar-proof your home without overdoing it and interfering with natural ingress and CRI ens ’ Miller admits his house was an casy target for burglars because of hig carelessness. For example, he had hung a canvas around his base ment door to keep out the weather This turned out to be a perfect hiding place for a burglar Miller also used doorknob locks, which are very easily jimmied by even an amateur burglar, Now, he has secured the basement entrance with a deadbolt action plus knob lock, He has also encased the door sash In concrete and added a 2x4 barricade bar On the main entrance doors, Miller has installed deadbolt and cylinder locking systems, He is award, however, that it is still not enough to keep out the criminal element bent on burglary, As a per fect example in a second attempt to burglarize his home, thieves climbed on a gas grill to enter a second floor window known throughout the area, Kosten bauder said she has difficulty with fund-raising projects, A raffle and Ride-a-thon, sponsored last year, netted only a few hundered dollars An organ brought only about 20 people out, The concert featured an organist from Chicago brought to the area by Yurish Music Center Despite the fact that it is not a well-known cause, Operation R.I.LD. KE, hag shown amazing results, Kiwanis and LUZARC com bined last year to sponsor three picnics for the handicapped and their families, On all three oc cagions, at least 50 handicapped children and their families enjoyed a day of riding and fun The Luzerne County Parks and Recreation Department gave $240 last year as well concert, Kosteénbauder also took the horges to Camp Daddy Allen at Hickory Run State Park (an Easter Seals Camp) on two occasions, One trip wag sponsored by the Back Mountain Jaycees and the other by the Blind Association The riders have proven the worth of the project time and again with physical and mental advancement after taking lessons, Several were able to enter horse shows during the Miller says the best defense against burglary is neighbors helping neighbors, ‘As one inmate told me, ‘the key is to nose into other people's business for the right purpose’, He also advocates crime wateh and house watch programs, He suggests using whatever means possible to make it difficult for someone to break into your home He also advises considering cost effectiveness, A dog is fine if it is convenient to own one, On the other hand, a professional burglar is not put off by a dog Alarm systems are not com pletely burglar-proof, as they can he defeated by a smarg gang with a pair of wire cutters, The fact is if a burglar believes it is worth his while, he'll find the weak spot in your home and get in, For this reason, Miller advises against showing off expensive jewelry or belongings Hig community program was initiated with a Jan, 10 talk to the Mountaintop Women's Club, He and Anderson dre available to meet year, with two participants bringing home second and third place ribbons, One young boy, who came to Kostenbauder in a wheel chair, now brags he can walk a mile or two and hig boast 1s true, He hag given up his wheelchair and leg brace, and looks forward to con tinued progress Last year Operation RIDE, served 20 physically and mentally handicapped people on a weekly basis, In addition, almost 200 handicapped persons toured the stable on field trips and ex perienced the sights, sounds, smells and feel of a real horse, most of them for the first time alone, The program is considered therapy and is organized with the aid of a physical therapist, Kosten bhauder herself is an avid horse lover and sees the project ag a way of combining her enthusiasm for riding with helping people, She is well-skilled in her craft, having a B.S, from Penn State University in large animal husbandry She admits she will keep RID KE, going by dipping into her own pocket as long as is necessary, Her wish. is / to the program recognized as the beneficial cause that it is See burglary with other groups upon request Although his work at the prison was not the initial impetus for developing the program, he has the advantage of dally contact with persons who have made a career of Miller is in charge of leisure time and recren- tional programs for the inmates, This includes running athletic endeavors such as basketball, soft hall, boxing, foothall, volleyball and weightlifting teams, He is also in charge of the soelal Inmate organizations such as Centurisn burglary. At the prigor JayCees, Life Association, Latin American Study Cultural Group, Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholic Anonymous He Is available to take his burglary program to interested civic and social groups, Arrange ments can be made by contacting Miller at the prison, He believes in light of recent burglary activity in the area, that homeowners can protect themselves better, providing they incorporate a little common sense into their planning, Shoppers in the Lake Lehman School District received a very special treat last week when the Lake-Lehman Education Association held its first “Free Store,” The “Free Store” offered clothing, toys and other articles to local customers completely free of items were all members of the Lake charge, The donations from Association (teachers ut Lehman) and thelr friends, The one-day project wag con sidered an overwhelming success “We were thrilled with the response,” explained association president Jane Morris, "We weren't Harry Lefko, Dallas School Board member, who has been under fire recently due to his frequent ab sences from board meetings, has resigned from his position as a member of the District's negotia tions committee but not from hig position as board member Russell Havey, chairman of the negotiations committee, confirmed the report that Lefko had resigned from the negotiations committee but not from the board, “Lefko said that he was sub mitting his resignation from the committee because his work made it impossible for him to attend the number of meetings being held for the negotiations,” said Havey, ‘His resignation was accepted with regrets because 1 believe he has a lot to offer. I have asked Director Ernest Ashbridge to replace him and Ashbridge has accepted,” Havey said that the negotiations between the committee and the Dallas Education Association (DEA) representatives are going well “Discussions are going well, | believe that we are making progress, Both sides have been very friendly and there has been no impasse, We have not reached the point of discussion on economic issues but 1 am optimistic at this point,” said Havey, John Johnson, Jr., president of the DEA, confirmed Havey's statement, “We have been discussing Issues of mutual con cern,” sald Johnson, “The meetings are a good opportunity to hear both sides, the district and the teachers We have not discussed any economic issues but there is plenty of time, This is only February, Our contract does. not expire until August, To-date, our discussions have been very friendly,” sure how it would go over but our fears were quickly put to rest,” The Free Store was conceived in an effort to perform a community service in light of present economic conditions, Morris noted the group could have used more children’s remembered when second Free She said the association is hoping to run another in the spring Store The Free Store was held in the Lehman Fire Hall and manned entirely by Lake-Lehman teachers, It was open from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m, after school, Feb, 9