BRIDAL SHOWER--Miss Sandra Marie Serhan, fiancess of Francisco Cano Perez of Murcia, Spain, was enter- tained at a bridal shower given by Shirley Rittenhouse and Theresa Decker on Saturday, Jan. 8. In attendance were friends and neighbors of Miss Serhan who will be married in Spain later this winter. Following the wed- ding, the couple will reside at Harveys Lake after a brief visit with family and a honeymoon in Paris, France. front, Marion the Shavertown U.M. Church. The Celebration includes a Service of Dedication at the 11 a.m. worhsip service, at which time the instrument will be didicated in memory of Cordelia J. Hall, and a concert at 4 in the af- ternoon. On Sunday, Jan. 30 a dedication Celebration for the recently installed Rodgers 3-manual custom organ will take place at ih : i *000,, “HF ORGAN DEDICATION--Brian Davey, director of music at the Shavertown United Methodist Church prepares for a Dedication Ceremony concert to be held on Sunday afternoon. SHOWING OFF~Students in the Pre-Ballet class of College Misericordia’s Continuing Education Music Conservatory program had a recital recently to show off to parents and friends what they learned in the special conservatory designed for younger students. Katie Moylan in the Pre-Ballet class showing determination and concen- tration. The College is offering the program again this semester with offerings for private lessons on musical instruments and ballet classes. Classes are scheduled to begin in February. Brian W. Davey, director of music at the church for two and one- half years, will direct the Festival Choir in the musical selections ‘‘Let All the World in Every Corner Sing” from the “Mystical Songs’’ of Ralph Vaughn Williams, and ‘‘Make a Joyful the Service of Dedication. Mark A. Van Valin, baritone from William- sport, will sing “God is My Strength and My Song’’, of Matthews. Organ solos, “Prelude and Fugue in D Major” and ‘‘Arioso’”’ by J.S. Bach, and ‘Final’ from “Sixth Symphony’’ of Widor are also included in the Service of Dedication. The Dedicatory Concert will feature Steven Gillenwaters on organ and harpsichord and Brian W. Davey on trumpet and organ. The program will include compositions of J.S. Bach, Clarke, Franck, Murrill, Purcell, Sweelinck, Soler, and Vierne, including the ‘‘Concerton in C Major’ Antonio Soler. The concert is open to the public. There is no admission charge. A free will offering will be taken. Child care will also be available. The church is located on the corner of West Center Street and North Pioneer Avenue. Rev. James A. Wert is pastor of the church. Ide’s to celebrate 65 years MR. AND MRS. MARCUS IDE, 60 Mill Street, . Dallas, will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary Feb. 8. Theyare the parents of 10 children, Marguerite Cobleigh and Pauline Blackwell of Troy; Barbara Dreher, Campbell, NY; Janice Russell, Lehman; Elwood, Lawrence, Willis, Thomas, Dallas; Kenneth, Sweet Valley; and James, Rochester, NY. One daughter,Shelma, died in 1965, and a son, Marcus, Jr. died in 1979. They have 32 grand- children and 28 great grandchildren. " The Ides, during this winter, are confined to their home, and would greatly appreciate a card, telephone call, or visit from their family, relatives and friends on A person doesn’t have to die to get to heaven, rather just get on an Eastern Airplane and go to Miami. That’s what I did and it was just so neat that I've got to tell you all about the place and people I saw. (Some of you may know some of these people.) First, I arrived in Miami, Dec. 30, and was greeted by my hosts for the trip, Ann and Joe Dernoga--(My aunt and uncle). Getting my stuff together, we went home where my aunt greeted me officially with two of the biggest crabs you could ever imagine. The next evening was New Year’s Eve and we spent that at the Miami Showmen’s Association, of which my aunt and uncle are members. (My aunt a past president). It was there I met Janet and Bob who were responsible for catching my crabs. Janet also was the first person I ever met who could imitate Geraldine (Flip Wilson's ver- sion)...She was neat. Next I was introduced to many people with whom I later spent some more time. Tops on the list is Marie and John Vivona, owners of the Amusements of America Show. (You've probably ridden on an A O F A ride in your life at.a carnival in Wilkes-Barre or somewhere else in the country.) Anyway, I must tell you that Marie and John (Marie's Mom and Little John) entertained me at their house (which is neater than the Hart’s--we’re talking neat!). I was swimming and then ended my visit with a fantastic dinner. Marie and John, thanks! You're wonderful people. Down my list of wonderful people, and yes, they are many and very wonderful, is Zell and Charlie Travers, also their son, Bennett, (who is cute). Zell was super enought to take me shopping and treat me (and my aunt) to lunch at Gracie’s. After meeting Zell, 1 fell in love with her and her Cadillac. (Remember, I'm a car lover). A few nights later (at Turnberry Isle- -which I'll tell you about later) I met a girl named Susie who is a friend of Zell's. I learned a lot about the younger crowd from Susie and hopefully I now have a new friend who will keep in touch. Thanks to the Travers for their hospitality. (P.S. Charlie is a football fan and attended the big Miami game when I was down south.) Mary Lou and Irving Zaitshik reside at the famous Sea Court Towers on Miami Beach and every- time I saw Mary Lou, she looked stunning. If you ever want to see a well dressed person, Mary Lou is it. Mary Lou was one of the people who I had only seen (met) recently on New Year’s Eve and who made me feel like I had known the whole crowd my entire life. Mary Lou and Irving, my words to you are good luck on your March cruise! Send me a post card. Southern tradition for New Year’s Day includes black-eyed peas and it was new to me. With the help of Tony and Polly Bush, my aunt’s neighbors, I was able to have my picture taken in every stance possible and enjoy the most heavenly southern food and tradition ever. I'm waiting for the photos, Tony. (If you're visiting your relatives up north, stop by.) Not going to the beach in January would be like going to the ski slopes and not skiing down the hill. Of course I went to the beach and I have Gary Bordman, son of Bobbi and Ernie Bordman to thank for that. My social activities * coor- dinator (My Aunt Ann) arranged for me to spend a sunny day with Gary at Hollywood Beach and that’s exactly what I did. The water was superb and my host, Gary, was the spend a day at the beach. (Gary even loves video games--like I said, it was a perfect vacation). Thank- ing the Bordman’s is the least I could do-my reciprocal offer to them would be come north and let me take you skiing. Remember your last trip to New Jersey (Atlantic City). I'm sure the million dollar pier strikes a note. Well, moi spent a Saturday af- ternoon in the presence (over lunch) at Jane Tubis’ table. Jane is the former owner of the pier and is truly a lovely person. I'm telling you guys heaven couldn’t be better. A last roundup of some of the people I met. If I exclude anyone it’s not because I didn’t like you, but rather I was overwhelmed with 12 wonderful days of Florida and a very short memory capacity. (It’s that southern air that makes me forget.) Anyway, Jeanne, Mae, Florence, Rosita, Judy, Belle and Eileen, - Agnes, Elsie, Lill, Mae McKee, Nova and Louis Dell. I love mention that I spent one evening at the one and only Turnberry Isle, home of all the famous people who are living in the condominiums in Florida. The place is so exclusive my aunt had a fit when I went wandering (more like snooping) around the place. I'm still out of sorts from the new Continentals and Cadillacs I was in and the places and people I met. I hope they all realize how impressive they were and that I'm definitely going to try to coordinate another trip down South. Meanwhile, hand me the snow shovel. All jokes aside it’s really snowing outside. Elizabeth Williams, Forty Fort, and Robert J. Williams, Str, Trucksville, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Lisa Marie to Earl J. Lozier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Lozier of Dallas. Miss Williams is a graduate of Dallas Senior High School and King’s College where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. She is employed as a mathematician for the Dept. of Defense, Fort meads, Maryland. of ‘Dallas Senior High School and The Penn- sylvania State University, where he ‘earned an Associate degree in Survey Technology. He is employed as a surveyor for Ben Dyer Associates, Ine. Landover, Maryland. The wedding will take place on Feb. 19, 1983 at the Trucksville United Methodist Church. . Lozie Sr. Julian Baird, Mercy Center, Dallas, has been listed in the Fifth Edition of the ‘‘Directory of Handwriting Analysts,” compiled by Marjorie Westergaard. This book offers a history of grapho- logy, a listing of schools offering such training, and professional organizations, as well as listing 186 recognized pro- fessionals from 10 foreign countries and 31 states in the United States. Sr. Julian is one of eight such specialists in Pennsyl- vania, writing analysis with Charles Cole; She has certificates from Hand- writing Analysis Work- shop Unlimited and the Institute of Graphology. Sr. Julian is a pro- fessional member of the 1983 annual Heart Fund campaign kickoff meeting will be held Sunday, Feb. 6, 3-5 p.m. at the Sheraton Crossgates, Public Suare, Wilkes-Barre. Dennis Garvey, Dallas, campaign chairman, said that volunteers and others at the meeting will attend a ‘“‘deli-buffet.”’ Garvey, local in- vestment broker, said that next month’s cam- paign will include a general public appeal, residential, business gifts, special gifts and events, and memorial gifts. Atty. Thomas O'Connor heads American Association of Handwriting ~~ Analysts. Sr. Julian is actively in- volved in ministry to prisoners at the State Correctional Institution at Chase. She is the director of the Mercy Prison Chain and the editor of a national Directory of Sisters of Mercy working in prison ministry. Sr. Julian is a former teacher of English, Newman the residential phase of the drive. Dr. Victor Greco, Hazleton, is president of the region. Mrs. R. Spencer Martin, Dallas, is chairman of the board. Chairman of the board- elect is Dr. Wilbur Hayes. Vice presidents are Dr. chaplain, VISTA worke and prison volunteer. Sh has also taught adult basic education courses to prisoners. Sr. Julian’s current work with the Mercy Prison Chain was funded by a grant from the Mercy Action Fund to help the development of new and innovative ministry solutions to contemporary problems. John Field and Dr. Philip Seroska. Treasurer is Morton Schiowitz. Secretary is Rita Tancin, RN. Mrs. Priscilla Williams, Trucksville, is the region’s executive director. More than twoscore girl scouts of Centermoreland lauched their annual Girl Scout ‘cookie sale’ on Saturday and the initial reports were en- couraging: The sale will continue through Feb. 11, Mrs. Ama DeGraw, Centermoreland Girl Scout leader, announced and requested the support and cooperation of homeowners in the Back Country area. The Centermoreiana Girl Scouts, unlike those in the areas covered by the Penns Woods Council, which includes most of Luzerne County, will have the cookies available for immediate purchase when they make their home calls. Centermoreland Girl Scout troops engaged in the sale of the cookies include 10 members of Cadette Troop 500, of which Mrs. DeGraw and Mrs. Sharon Dixon are leaders; 18 members of Junior Troop 263 of which Mrs. Carla Anthony, Mrs. Pat Dulsky, Mrs. Gloria Rought and Mrs. Ama DeGraw are leaders. Probably the most enthusiastic of the three Centermoreland Girl Scout Troops engaged inthe cookie sale are the 14 members of Brownie Troop 436 of which Mrs. Emily Considine is troop leader and Mrs. Diane Dymond, assistant leader. Hoping to earn a ‘troop cookieship’ by selling at least 40 boxes of cookies for each of the 14 were out early Saturday morning when the cookie sale got underway. onan an