PAGE SIX BY JOAN KINGSBURY . Christmas in the tropics! Warm sun, sandy beaches, bathing suits and shorts. This is what the Christmas season is like in Sao Paulo, Brazil, | Suzane Wenk-Wolff’s | hometown. Suzie, who's family still resides in Sao Paulo, moved to the United States with her husband, Kai, vice-president of operations at Offset Paperback, about a year o FAST SERVICE — Seles and Repail ! i 1 gl g A 669 Market St., 15% OF PLUS ... Tube FREE and a half ago. Since Sao Paulo has many Italian and German people living there, Christmas customs are a blending of several ethnic groups. Typically, the large Christmas dinner is eaten at midnight, when Christmas Eve becomes Christmas Day. Many people serve ham decorated with cherries, cloves and peaches. Potato salad is a. favorite, often molded in a loaf pan, a A $10 Haircut And Style Conditioner oo Pat Giambra, Owner mOIw —=HZcOonwn mouO=w mg , mouO=vw mOIw =-ZCOOwn=-0 Open Mon.-Fri. Ll HM I then decorated with shrimp. A whole fish, baked and artfully ser- ved, is also a feature of the Christmas table. Farofa, a dish made by browning dry Farina in a pan, then adding sliced bacon, black olives, parsley, onions, plums and mashed hard boiled table. Suzie says this is good served with gravy. Those who serve ham make a chicken pie to serve while those choosing turkey serve a shrimp pie. Panetone, a bread made with raisins and candied fruits, is an Italian bread that graces every table. For dessert German cakes, apple pie or chocolate mousse are served. on Christmas Eve and the children open their gifts then. While the children are out of the room, parents spread gifts under the tree. Then with a ringing of bells signaling that Santa has come and gone, the little ones happily rush in to open their gifts. The ringing in of the New Year is also special with parties celebrating the occasion. Parties are large, often with as many as 300 guests invited. Suzie says costume parties, which are a popular New Year’s Eve tradition, are loads of fun. Suzie says that she enjoys life in the United States. The Wenk-Wolff’s have .two sons Luis, 3% and Patrick age 2. Both boys speak Portuguese and German while Luis also speaks English. Both Suzie and Kai are fluent in languages. Suzie speaks English, Portuguese, and ; Spanish while Kai speaks English, German, Portuguese and French. The: boys babysitter, Luiza Leite, also resides with the Wenk-Wolffs. If you would like to treat your | family to some tropical = treats for Christmas this year Suzie suggests three recipes, Panetone, Salpicao Tropical and Sweet Milk Caramel. Salpicao Tropical is an extremely popular salad while Sweet Milk: Caramel is simply made by boiling sweetened condensed milk in the can then allowing it to cool. Suzie says this is delicious served with white cheese. PANETONE Ys c. sugar 1 T. yeast, heaping % c. warm water 3 egg yolks % t. vanilla Dec. 8-12 Dec. 15-19 mOITw =HZCOOWw=0O_o¢_mmu0O=wn mO Iw -“~ZCOOWV=-0 675-2029 1 t. grated lime rind 1 t. salt 31% c. flour > c¢. butter or margarine, room temp. two thirds c. raisins, seedless one third c. candied fruit 2 T. butter, melted Dissolve one teaspoon sugar in warm water with yeast; mix, let rest 10 (beaten) into vanilla and mix with lime rind, salt and remaining sugar. Put two cups of flour beat milk, Inch Loss in Hourly Sessions ® NoPills| ® No Sweating ° Private Rooms Certified Wrapologist SLENDER TOUCH 287-5184 or 829-2291 ($12 []$23 []$32 [ls14 EEE EEE EEE EEE ESSN EE EEE EEE Z » 8 ® COOK'S PHARMACY OPEN DAILY 11% 1. N8 SHAVERTOWN xs RLA 1year 2years 3years 4 a & "3 @ * @ 0 oa ms 5 & ® - ding flour % cup at a time, add remaining flour. Mix well. floured board until smooth and elastic. Put in a greased bowl and let rest until double in bulk about 1 hour. Punch the dough. down, mix in raisins and candied fruits fruit in. Grease a 3-pound coffee can. Put dough inside can, cover with a towel and let rise 45. minutes. with melted butter. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees, this is very important since oven must be hot when Panetone is put in the oven. Place Panetone in the oven, lower the temperature to 325 degrees. Bake for 45 minutes. Brush with melted butter. If top darkens too fast, cover with aluminum foil. After removing from the oven brush again with melted butter, cool. SALPICAO TROPICAL 2 pineapples, cut in half 3 oz. plums, chopped 2 cans tuna 1% oz. raisins 1% oz. peanuts or nuts 1 c. mayonnaise 1 T. Karo syrup 2 T. mustard Remove pineapple from shell, leaving shell intact. Cut up pineapple fruit, add to chopped plums, tuna, raisins, nuts. Mix with mayonnaise and Karo syrup and mustard. Put salad into pineapple shell. Decorate as desired. SWEET MILK CARAMEL 1 can sweetened cndensed milk boiling water Bring water to a boil on the stove. Make sure that the boiling water is covering the can. Boil the can for 11% hours without opening it. Remove the can from the boiling water and let stand until cool. This is very im- portant since the can will explode if opened when warm. Best if boiled at night, then opened the next morning. This makes the milk into a caramel. Suzie says this tastes delicious served with white cheese. apple juice. milk. milk. milk. beans, pudding, milk. green butter, ice cream, milk. butter, ice cream, milk. saltines, apple, milk. milk. LOUNGE Fri.,Dec. 17 Dodge City f CHEZ AMIS ROOM Sat.,Dec. 18 a Boylan | NIGHT | 836-2151 rae Ce eT SIGE