PAGE EIGHT Boy Scout Troop 144 and Cub Scout Troop 144 long with the Luzerne Court- dale Pringle Lions Club have announced that they will not be picking up any newspapers as they have several years. There is no market for them and they ask the residents to either burn them or put them out for garbage picking. They would also like to have the people refrain from dumping the papers off at the Swoyersville Little League Field and parking lot near Bargains Galore in Luzerne. -0- Bill Coniglio, representative of Cub Scout 144, announced that if the market on papers improves they will begin picking up the paper again, but they want to let the public know, so until then dispose of them properly. No. 1 Hose Company President Frank Galetti, would like to thank everyone who helped and attend the recent Bazaar sponsored. by the Nop. 1 Hose Company in Swoyersville. The first two nights were beautiful but Sunday night, the rain came down in barrels. -0- Luzerne Volunteer Fire Company also would like to thank everyone who attended and helped at their recent bazaar. -0- Andy Lavix had a setback recently but is a fighter and although on disability can be seen taking his daily walk for exercise. Andy is well versed in politics and sports and keeps the conversation going at Paul George’s Barber Shop on Shoemaker Street. Andy is well known in Swoyersville and Forty Fort and has a -0- The youngsters around the Kossack Street area got together and built a nice baseball field where the impounding area is located by the tracks and where the = former Lagoski-Gavlick Field was located in 1974. The youngsters did a terrific job and can be seen playing there just about guys. That's what the older folks in town did in their days and they ap- preciated it more by doing it themseelves. -0- Luzerne Senior Citizens Trip Chairman Helen Amos announced that a bus trip will be held to Wildwood, N.J. from Sept. 20 to 24. Contact her for more information at 288- 1440. -0- Rose and Mike Uter of Parry Street, Luzerne, recently returned home after a week’s cruise celebrating their 25th anniversary. They both enjoyed themselves and to make the trip brighter, Bingo on the ship and won a tidy sum. Mike is co- owner and operator of Uter’s Cleaners of main Street, Luzerne. Rose is manager of the Luzerne Bank Swoyersville Branch. -0- Ray Podskoch Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pod- skoch Sr., Main Street, Swoyersville returned home this past weekend after spending a week’s manager; Laura Ruth Roberts, manager. As Swoyersville con- throughout the com- munity under county, state and federal auspices attention to a few long standing problems. Borough officials met last week with Department of Transportation officials regarding water ponding on Slocum Street, near the Pride Boxspring Mfg. plant. It seems that when the street was recon- structed via the Disaster Project, Conrail ap- ests were not for- ncSping ‘Subsequently two french drains were connected by a 2” pipe which, due to heavy traffic volume, has cracked and blocked. Through the combined efforts of Pride Box- spring, PennDOT, Conrail and the municipality, PennDOT will replace the broken pipe and extend the drainage line to swale which feeds an inlet leading to the Borough's Slocum St. Storm Pump Station. Commenting on the added demand placed on the station, Coun- cilman Bill 'Ichman remarked that ‘‘the amount of water that will be carried to our pump station will be negligable as far as overall pumping capacity is concerned.” . Joe Ranieli R: Ph, FROZEN COD 5-Ib. box $ 7% CLEANED AND FROZEN each $125] 50%.75%(] SMALL BRAZILIAN Ib. $ 77? DEVILED CRABS, SHRIMP wy pp ks He added that the repair will also enhance the shipping and receiving area of Pride Boxspring which is now a subsidiary of Luggatt and Platt. It was also learned that the parent firm, Leggatt and Platt, is considering stepping up the operations at the local plant. Both local and state officials agreed that the needed repair could ultimately result, in- directly, in mere jobs at While the Slocum St. project is not yet un- derway, PennDOT crews have been busy installing ‘“‘gabion-baskets” in the creak bed along Main St. the Harry E. ~ which resulted in the slippage of vicinity. Ed Shamus, of is a recently applied method stemming from the days of the Romans. Borough officials con- veyed information on the technique from in- fromation suplied by Shamus. The ‘‘basket” is con- structed of wire and is laid along areas where washouts are continued maintennance problems. Since unattached stone slips over a period of time, these baskets are filled with gabion stone to form a wall of sorts. The “wall” is placed in layers with the basket portion after 40 or 50 years. By that time, PennDOT spokesmen say, enough granular material fills in to compact the stone, essentially, creating a wall. The use of this in- novative idea is expected to pay dividends to the borough by reduced situation in the Shoemaker St. ponding area which is fed by the stream on Main St. Swoyersville Junior Sailor Football Team will travel to Wyoming Tenth Street Stadium to meet Wyoming West, Wyoming, Scranton, August 29 at 2:30 p.m. B and C teams will begin at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. a EE vacation with his uncle, Andy Spirko of Pittsville, Pa. Ray had a ball for himself but was happy to be home. He will be a freshman at Bishop O’Reilly ‘this coming September. Ray Jr. is also the organist at the Holy Trinity Church. 0- John Cicero, former chairman of the Swoyersville, said that he will take it easy this coming election. John lost a close election for State Senate Seat on the Republican Ticket and now is getting calls that they are sorry that they didn’t vote for him. John is hard worker and will be missed from the political scene. -0- The Swoyersville Senior Citizens held their annual summer picnic last Sacred Heart Grove in Dallas and everyone had a good time. The Great Lefty and his accordian was there to furnish music for singing and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly did a fine job with their committee in arranging the affair. Clara Belle Reggie is pesident. -0- The Swoyersvilkle Girl's Softball League will hold their annual banquet on Sunday, Sept. 12 aat the Andre Lawrence American Shoemaker Street, beginning at 6. All graduates and players and coaches will be honored along with the championship teams. -0- Congratulations to John Demko and the SWoyersville American Legion team for the stellar performance throughotu the whole year and by getting the fur- therest in Legion play than any other team. John is a hard worker and deserves a lot of praise for getting all the equipment Field. You are going to have to go a long way to find a hard worker like Demko when it comes to sports. John is quite the polka fan as he and his wife make their rounds to most of the bazaars listening to the different polka bands. John is also a collector of good polka band records -0- Denny Hlavac’ Barilla’s Girls’ Softball team of the Tracelling Women’s Softball League, took the championship of the American Division and the Forty Fort team won in the National Division. This is the second straight year for Barilla’s to take the championship. Magistrate and Mrs. Andrew Barrilla took a week off last week to spend at the shore. Both are sporting a good tan. 103 Shanky’s Softball team ended 12th in the recent State Tourney held at York. Out of four valley teams, they ended up the best. The team is spon- sored by shanky Dam- chak, Jr. of ‘Hughes Street., Swoyersville. The team took the cham- pionship at Coal Street, hammered in a recent playoff as most of the The team on the whole has a respectable won and lost hold their Three local youngsters from Swoyersville qualified for the Philadelphia ~ Phillies Home Run Hitting Contest and will participate in the regional finals at Veterans Stadium on Sunday, Sept. 5 before a Phillie game. The: three youngsters who qualified at the Kingston Recreational Field sponsored by the Phillies are. Joe Perziz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perzia of 9 Fredrick St., Swoyersville, represen- ting the Fort Swoyer Teeners League in the 13- 15 year old class. Joseph Rheil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Rbhiel of 226 Kossack St., ' Swoyersville, representing the Swoyersville Major Little League in age bracket 10- 12, and Linda Schwenk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Schwenk of 63 Watkins St., Swoyersville, representing the Swoyersville Girls Soft- ball League in the 8-9 age bracket. We wish the three of these fine youngsters well in this contest and remember give it your all, swing with authority and everyone is behind you, win or lose. It’s a big honor to just appear at the Vets stadium. St. Ann’s Church of Luzerne will hold its third annual family picnic for Sunday, August 29 at Sacred Heart Park, Dallas. The picnic provides the opportunity to begin or renew friend- ships with other members of the parish community. Each family is asked to bring a picnic basket. Refreshments will be provided. A fun filled day of games and activities has been planned for ages one to 99. Games will a 31: 'BERK'S 1% LB. BAG Food Coupons Accepted include egg and Yi balloon toss, 3 leg ra bingo, peanut race, grapefruit and chewing gum relays, teenage scavenger hunt, and “the mummy”. | Prizes will be awarded to the winners. Committi:e chairman’is committe members Ronald Romashik Conrad Walko, Cal | Beterlin, Ann Baltruchitis, Nikki Erwine Barbara Bugdonofviteh, Rita Romashifo, Mary Ann Bellanca,| Peggy Kamus, Ann Walsilauski, and Bernadifne petersin. Toe ESTER = TY