—— in Traditionally, when a wed- ding is in the offing, attention is focused on the bride. gather round to offer sug- gestions and advice and, for the definitive word on any as- pect of her approaching wed- ding, she can consult a wide variety of magazines and books, written with her in mind. But, what of the groom? Information gap _ The plethora of information available to the bride seems equaled only by the scarcity of information available to him. To help alleviate this situa- tion, the American Formal- wear Association has com- piled the following list of fre- quently asked questions with answers—written with the groom in mind. Q.: Who or what decides if the wedding is to be formal, semiformal or informal? A.: Those decisions are usually up to the bride, and are often determined by the choice site of the ceremony. If she wears a long gown with a train, the ceremony is definitely formal. If the bride elects to wear only a veil with her gown, the ceremony can be considered to be semi- formal. k Q.: If the wedding is for- mal, what do I wear? A.: In the daytime, a cuta- way coat and striped trousers. However, in some contempo- rary weddings the groom will wear a white tailcoat, but tra- ditionalists hold out for the gray cutaway. It’s your choice! For a contemporary evening formal ceremony, the groom may wear a black or white full dress (tailcoat), while the tra- ditionalist will wear the classic white tie and tails. Q.: If the wedding is semi-formal, what do I wear? A.: For a traditional day- time wedding, a gray strofler with striped trousers. For a contemporary day- time wedding, a tuxedo of your choice or an updated stroller. For a traditional evening ceremony, a black tuxedo or a white dinner jacket. For a con- temporary evening wedding, a tuxedo of your choice. Q.: What do my ushers or groomsmen wear? A.: In a traditional cere- mony, the same as the groom, with the exception of the boutonierre which in the groom’s case should be a sprig of lily-of-the-valley from the bride’s bouquet. In a contemporary wed- ding, the groomsmen may dress “a step down” from the groom. I.e., if the groom wears a tailcoat, the groomsmen may wear a short coat. Q.: What do the fathers of the bride and groom wear? A.: The same rules apply to the fathers as to the ushers and the groomsmen. Q.: Do I owe a gift to any of the wedding members? A.: Yes. Some small gift should be made to your ushers or groomsmen. Dress studs, type, place and length of the honeymoon? i A.: Those decisions should be made by agreement be- tween the bride and groom. The available time for the trip and its type is usually determined by financial capabilities. professional portraits. wedding. come- with portraits. B cuff links, pocket jewelry or the like is appropriate. Those gifts serve as mementos of the occasion. : Q.: Who decides on the Q.: Who provides the bride’s bouquet? 2 A.: The groom buys his bride’s bouquet and also the usher’s boutonierres. Q.: Who pays for the hon- eymoon? : A.: The groom! Q.: Who gives the hon- orarium to the officiating rev- erend or judge? A.: The groom. Q.: Who pays for the rental of the formalwear? A.: The groom and the members of the wedding each pay for their own. Q.: Who pays for the wed- ding? A.: The bride’s family. Q.: What are the duties of _ the Best Man? HHYHL dA9Vd the groom prior to ceremony, hands him the ring to place on ceremony, and offers the first toast to the bride and groom at the reception. He also reads, to all assem- bled, any and all congratula- tory messages sent to the bride and groom at the reception. IS SPECIAL... ‘Besides a myriad of traditional fine china and contemporary earthenware and porcelain, a multitude of flatware designs in sterling, silverplate, and stainless exquisite hand- blown, hand-cut crystal, and an array of giftware and accessories in pewter, silver plate, and china to suit ‘every decor. We also offer a knowledgable, helpful staff, unique gift ideas for the bridal party, and gift certificates. ‘Come visit with us soon, and while you do we will be pleased to show you our collection of brilliant, high- quality diamonds and wedding bands that you will be as proud to wear for their beauty as you will for their symbol of your love. Fray CLARK, I JEWELER RE SUA SAAS