Tad SN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Saxon and children Philip and Janice of Abington, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Margin Saxon and daughter Sandra of Tunkhannock attended the funeral of the Mr. Saxons’ brother, Michael Saxon of Vernon, which was held Friday monring from the john Baloga Funeral Home, Forty Fort. Mrs. C.B. Townsend; her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey David and Scott of Orange spent Sunday (Oct. 25) with. Mrs. Townsend’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Inman of Appalachian, N.Y. November meeting of the recently organized Northmoreland Township Volunteer Fire company will be held Tuesday evening (Nov. 10) at 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kyttle, Monkey Hollow Road, Vernon. President Charles Goble will preside. Plans for the fundraiser will be discussed. The annual Charge Conference of the three United Methodist Churches of the Carverton UM Charge will be held Tuesday evening (Nov. 10) at 8 at the Orange UM Church. Other UM Churches taking part will be Mount Zion and Car- Members of Dymond Hollow United Methodist Church will serve a benefit roast beef dinner at the church Saturday afternoon from 4 to 7. Reservations should be made as soon as possible with either Mrs. Marge Bonney, Mrs. Margaret Coolbaugh . or Mrs. Pat Coolbaugh by calling ‘any of these numbers: 388- 6571, 388-6561 or 333-4841. No tickets will be sold at the door. Takeouts will be available. Menu will include roast ' beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, squash, pickled beets, green beans, cole slaw, apple sauce, homemade rolls, pie, tea or coffee. A date to remember - The Belltones, a five-man gospel singing group, will ‘be featured in an evening presentation on Sunday, starting at 7:30, in East Dallas United Methodist Church. On Sunday, Nov. 15, the Belltones will be featured in a combined worship service for the members of the three United Methodist Churches of the Carverton UM Charge at the Mount Zion UM Church, starting at 10 a.m. There will be no Sunday School services but’ the worship service will be followed by a fellowship hour in the church social rooms. Mr. Margaret Coolbaugh, who had been a medical patient for sometime in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Kingston, is recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David (Shirley) Pearn, 1096 Murray Street, Forty Fort. Women of Dymond Hollow United Methodist Church have resumed quilting sessions on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. on at ‘the home of Mrs. Harold Davenport ° of Orange. Mrs. Betty Dee Fuller in Centermoreland, who was injured two weeks age in an automobile accident in Nor- thmoreland Township, was discharged from Wilkes-Barre General Hospital on Friday. David Scott" of Hildebrand Road came home on Sunday (Oct. 25) after a 10-day stay as a medical patient at Mercy Hospital in Wilkes-Barre. His condition is reported as fair. Word from Taunton, Mass. is that David DeCosta; son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeCosta and grandson of Mrs. Beatrice Moore of East Dallas, has been discharged from the hospital there and is recuperating at the home of his parents: His grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Moore of East Dallas is visiting the DeCostas in Taunton, Mass. He was injured in a cident in that area. Tomorrow is the deadline for calling in orders for the chili sale being sponsored by members of the Pares and Spares Class of Carverton United Methodist Church. The sale will be held Wednesday, Oct. 10, from 4 to 6 pm. and orders should be called into 33- 4837 or 696-1937. George Parrish is class president. Choir of Noxen UM Church will rehearse tomorrow evening at 6 at the churc h. +++++ Teachers on the education committee at Kunkle UM Church School will meet this evening at 9. Fo oe Candle placements at Kunkle UM Church for November include those in memory of Clara Dodson by Dorothy and Fred Dodson; Frank Hess by Elizabeth Hess; Owen Ide by Grace, Phyllis and Don Ide; Wheeler Kunkle by Jason and Agnes Kunkle, and Russell Miers by Jennie Miers. +++++ Flowers on the altar for Sunday morning’s wor- ship service in St. Luke’s Lutheran Church were placed there by Mr. and Mrs. John Hettes, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hetteshiemer and Mr. and Mrs. Don Steltz in memory of Mrs. Florence Blizzard. Miss Debbie Tallent, daughter of Pastor and Mrs. Jerry Tallent, will be honored at ‘a variety shower Saturday after- noon, November 14, at 2 in the Noxen Independent Bible Church Hall. +4++++ A total of 59 pints of blood were collected at the recent blood drive held at the Noxen United Methodist church social rooms under auspices of the = Harveys Lake Sportsmen’s Pistol and Rifle Club, Noxen Community Ambulance Association, United Methodist * Church of Noxen and St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Noxen. Mrs. Martha Macialek and Mrs. Claire Meade, who co-chaired the drive, express thanks and appreciation to all those, who responded with donations of blood or helped in any way to +++++ Noxen United Methodist Church will * sponsor a clothing sale on Saturday from 10 to 4 in the church social rooms. New clothing sizes five to fifty will be on sale. Some of the benefit affairs coming up in the next fortnight include the annual turkey dinner and bazaar of Noxen United Methodist church, which will be held Saturday, November 14, starting at 5 in the evening in the church social rooms. Tickets can be secured from any member of the church or at the door. Adult = tickets $4.50; children three to 12, $2. +++++ Ladies Society of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church will hold their annual boutique on Saturday, November 21, along with a soup and bake sale. Donations of homemade articles or items that can be used as gifts will be appreciated. Miss Candy Jones is chairperson of the committee on arrangements. +++ Mrs. Lela Wall is a patient in Room 432 at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. +++++ Belated birthday greetings are extended to Loren Case, who observed his birthday anniversary on Sunday. +++++ Council of St. Luke's Lutheran Church will meet Tuesday evening at 7 in the parish hall with Rev. Jacob Victor, pastor, presiding. 675-0350 Mrs. Lori Van Etten of Buffalo, N.Y. will be the guest speaker at a Ladies Missionary Fellowship of the Noxen Independent Bible Church and the Union Gospel Church of Beaumont at the latter church tomorrow evening at 7:30. Mrs. Van Etten is the wife of David Van Etten, who was in- troduced on Sunday as the new Youth Pastor of Noxen Independent Bible Church. He is a senior at the Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit where they are completing studies for the mission field. Mr. and Mrs. Van Etten spent the summer serving in missionary field work in Peru. +4++++ Rev. Jacob Victor, pastor, officiated at a special confirmation and communion service Sunday in St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. Con- firmands included Donna Meade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Meade; Bobby Hackling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hackling, and Shayne Lukasavage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lukasavage. A reception followed the confirma- tion-communion service in the church school room. +++++ Unitd Methodist women of Noxen UM Church met last evening and dis- cussed plans for the an- nual Fall turkey dinner to be held Saturday evening, starting at 5, in the church rooms. A bazaar also will be held in conjunction with the dinner. ++ +++ Saturday will be a ‘work day’ at Ruggles United Methodist Church, starting at 11 a.m. Lunch will be provided. _ Administrative board of * the Ruggles UM Church will meet November 18 at 7:30. deadline Friday Sp.m. ROY'S AUTO or OPEN DAILY 10-9 The Fall meetings with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry will open Sunday morning at 9:45 at Noxen Independent Bible Church, Rev. Jerry Tallent, pastor, has an- nounced. Theme of the meetings will be ‘‘Prophecy in the Eighties,” a conference exploring God’s plan for Israel, the Nations and the Church in the Prophetic World. Rev. Fred Hartman, Eastern States director of Friends of Israel, will be the guest speaker at the opening session at 9:45 and at the morning worship service Sunday at ask. 11. Services will continue Sunday evening at 7:30 with Rev. Stan Rosenthal, North: American director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, as the guest speaker. Evening services also will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Rev. Ken Meyers, New England field evangelist for the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, will be the speaker at Monday evening’s service. Tuesday eveing, Rev. Stan Rosenthal will bring the message, and on Wednesday evening, Rev. Will Varner, national ITH itl 822-6627 | a Financing i Available ‘mute “Weare The Experts’ Gx =i Y ¥ THE ROBBINS NEST Ap In The Showcase 649-5! Wyoming Ave., Kingston 4). . 288-9552 M: HOURS: Daily 10-8 ® Sat. 10-4 N q S/d SATURDAY 10 6 Carlene Simon, nick, Thomas Baseski. conference coordinator for the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, will i DIET ROOT BEER GINGER ALE CHERRY COLA COLA 28 Oz. Cleaner-Protector For No-Wax Floors FLAT CHRISTMAS WRAP 3 PACK GIFT BOXES BAG OF 30 BOWS ICICLES G-9 BULBS WHITE TISSUE PAPER TINSEL GARLAND NAME LAUREL PAPER TOWELS (Large Rolls) 2/°1.00 SET OF 35 CHRISTMAS LITES 1.99 SET OF 50 CHRISTMAS LITES $3.49 SET OF 100 CHRISTMAS LITES 5.49 SPRAY SNOW 1302 99° TASTER'S CHOICE FREEZE DRIED COFFEE 1302 32.19 CHICKEN LEGS QUARTERS tv. 49° BONELESS CHUCK ROAST 1.*1.69 WHOLE HAMS w.*1.39 WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE 1b. 99° BOILED HAM % 1b. 99° BOXED RIBBON CANDY 75° CUT ROCK OR FILLED CANDY 702 82 60° STORAGE CHEST : 99° COLORING BOOKS 4/1 FOIL WRAPPED CHOCOLATE CANDY 99° Rev. Mr. Tallent ex- tends an invitation to all friends and ‘members of the church to attend any or all of the meetings. 69° 69° 69° 0z. 69° 64 0z. 64 02. 64 0z. 20. *1.00 50: $2.00 100: $3.00 Retail $2.59~Closeout 79° 12 Sheets 99° 99° 50° 12 *1.99 1,000 Strands Per Box 3/*1 spack 1.00 2/99° pr. 39° 18Ft.By4 inch 99° ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE Vvorvrssosossssososes | | Tocovosovovoso sesso sm.