orentan A AE pr PAGE EIGHTEEN by Joan Kingsbury Peggy Straigis sees herself as an: ‘‘old fashioned cook.” Peggy enjoys baking bread, preparing homemade ravioli and pierogi, or making her mother-in- law’s recipe for Stuffed Pancake Filling. Most recipes Peggy uses are those she learned from her mother. Peggy’s recipe for Quick Doughnuts starts with a loaf of Rich’s frozen bread dough. These doughnuts are simple to make. Allow the dough to rise, cut into desired shapes, fry until golden brown. After draining, shake quick doughnuts in powdered sugar. Peggy uses the same dough for pierogi and ravioli. She fills her pierogi with: a potato- cheese mixture. Ground chuck and spinach filling is used for the ravioli. Peggy likes to’ prepare large amounts of pierogi and ravioli, then freeze them. This way she always has something on hand for a quick meal. Stuffed Pork Chops with’ Potato Pancake Filling are delicious and unusual. The filling is made by combining grated potatoes, grated onion, fried hamburger or sausage and fried bacon. Although Stuffed Pork Chops with" Potato’ Pan- cake Filling do take some preparation time, they make a tasty meal. A native of Dallas, Peggy and her husband have lived in their home on Memorial Highway since 1973. The couple has two children, J.J., age 9, a student © at Dallas Township School, and Martin, who is four years old. John, a U.S. Army Veteran who served in Viet Nam, is employed in the marketing division of Bell Telephone Company. BAR AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE 287-9357 PUTRI Te WRAP VIININININININIIININS ) ) 4 Stack’s $ -STEREO- Q choose your favorites q VISA A A a Pal Peggy is a graduate of Bradford Beauty School and proprietor of Peggy Straigis Hair Fashions. The shop is located in her home, which is situated across the street from Daring’s Market. Peggy cuts men’s, women’s and children’s hair, giving special consideration to each person’s needs. In her spare time, Peggy spends whatever free time she has studying new cently, a friend of Peggy’s completed a mural of an oasis on the wall of her shop, which adds an in- teresting quality to the room. Swimming in their pool and camping are leisure activities the Straigis family enjoys. Since J.J. is a member of Little League, baseball games are definitely on the agenda at this time of year. Fishing at Harveys Lake provides fun for John, J.J. and Martin. If your family, like Peggy’s are basically ‘meat and potato’ eaters, try her recipes. They are proof that plain food is also good food. QUICK DOUGHNUTS 1 loaf Rich’s bread dough, unbaked oil for frying powdered sugar Thaw bread dough and allow to rise as for bread. When dough has risen, ho Heat oil in frying pan, making sure there is at least two inches in the pan. When oil is very hot place about five pieces into" the pan. Fry until golden on one side, turn, fry until’ other side is golden. Drain doughnuts on paper towels. Shake in powdered sugar. HOMEMADE RAVIOLI AND PIEROGI Dough 2 c. flour 2 eggs Vy t. salt water Combine flour, eggs, salt and enough water to make a dough that/is easy to roll. Knead the dough until smooth. Roll out inch thick. Cut "into squares. Fill. Fold, pinch ends well. Drop into boiling water. After ravioli or pierogi float to the top of the water boil for 5 minutes longer. Drain. Serve pierogi with melted butter and onions; ravioli with spaghetti sauce. Filling: Pierogi 4 med. potatoes salt pepper 8 oz. extra sharp cheese Boil potatoes. = Drain. Combine ingredients; beat ‘well. Cool before filling pierogi. Ravioli 1-1% Ib. gr. chuck 1 onion, chopped roll it out in flour. Cut salt dough into desired pepper shapes. garlic AL Qe oN Hop bo The Ladies Auxiliary of the Shavertown Volunteer Fire Co. extends sincered appreciation to everyone in the community and surrounding areas for their most = generous support of the rummage and white elephant sale held recently at the Fire Hall. The donations and patronage were over- whelming and greatly appreciated. All are reminded of the upcoming Flea Market to be held on May 17 from 1 Hall. Further details can be obtained from Janet Roberts at 675-4514. Come on out, and continue support of this volunteer organization. 1s box frozen spinach ‘Parmesan cheese Chop spinach very fine. Fry meat is browned, making sure that ‘the meat ‘is broken up well. Drain off grease. Add parmesan cheese to taste. Cool before filling ravioli. STUFFED PORK CHOPS WITH POTATO PAN- CAKE FILLING 6-8 pork chops pockets 4 potatoes, grated 1 onion, grated Vy c¢. milk 2-2Y, heaping T. flour V4 1b. hamburg or sausage Y 1b. bacon Wash pork chops; trim off fat. Grate potatoes, drain, mix starch left in bottom of bowl with potatoes. Grate the onion into’ the potato mixture adding milk to keep it white: Add flour to thicken. In a frying pan fry hamburg or sausage and Stuff a 350 degree oven for one hour and 15 minutes. Turn with a spatula and a spoon twice during baking time to avoid burning. Any leftover filling can be placed in a greased pan and baked for 30 minutes. Note: Although filling is soft and watery when chops are first ‘stuffed after about five minutes of baking the filling solidifies. A combined effort of Lehman-Jackson Ele- mentary PTA, Lake- Lehman Junior High PTSA and Ross Elementary PTA will sponsor a ‘‘Meet ‘the Candidate Night’ on April 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Leh- man-Jackson Elementary School. Candidate Night has been set up to give the voters of the Lake- Lehman School District an opportunity to meet and talk to all candidates running for school director. Candidates running for school director are Region 2, Thomas Williams; Region 2 is the Middle and South-West District of Lehman Twp. and Ross Twp.; Region 3, Joseph “Red” Jones, Edward Mark, Dr. William Price, and Joseph Salvo; Region 3 covers Jackson Twp. and Northeast District of Leh- man. Region 2 has one seat open and Region 3g has two seats open. The quality of the Lake- the hard work given by school board members, administration and faculty. PTA feels each position on the board has an important function. The PTAs urge each registered voter to attend “Meet Night’’, April 29, 7:30 p.m. The Harvey’s Lake Historical Society, Inc., held a Family Day at the new Lake-Noxen Elementary School at Harvey's Lake on Sunday, April 26. Family Day included a salad luncheon, historical exhibits: and a gift boutique. Following the luncheon a magic act for children was presented. The historical society has a large display featuring the history of WE SELL AY HI 7 DAYS A WEEK T0A.M. to 10P. WA. Very Latest in Video Games, Pinball, Pool, & Much More. Midtown Arcade West 129 | ) PG alll | { y | ) ) y / DALLAS EVERY WEDNESDAY Donut’ BOBBY BAIRD & HIS @ MbiFiFoops® HAR (h)wiiiFiFoops BAND Live Entertainment Fri. and Sat. Night Try our “New” Pe 0 07 09 Te 6 $00 TW $F Ta 00 00 00 TW 0 0 00 00 Wn ¢ 9 0 PW 07 a $0 a 69 Wn 00 69 OFT 99 Wn 60 Wn 0 dance floor NEW HAPPY HOURS 7 days a week 4to 7 P.M. Mon. thru Fri.&2for1 ial Hwy. SUPER GREAT FOOD Pe Daily Breakfast, Phone 675-2949 or Luncheon & Dinner 2308 Sans Souci Parkway 1 Dundee Section : Specials Hanover Township, Pa. PHONE 675-4511 Phone 735-3013 >< OT NO OP 09 Wa 0 0 PT 00 09 6 8 $F TH 09 Wa PT 09 00 0 SW 0 OF OF OP 00 00 3 r RE 7 { OURFOODIS | i FLAGSTONE / But not so FANCY can't find : A Pinebrook A { ely 1something to suit your palate, including a : / ) HOUSE ; : i id Li / in Nn { : / © SUNSET, HARVEY'S LAKE { OUR PRICES i Demunds Road, \ 639-9998 i, SRE FAIR { Dallas I x ; ; : { frightening prices. b 4 { 675-3550 i Friday Night Special / Ore look at our ly / { i i~ap will convince you. s A . OSE UL DINNER : - {Serving Dinner i Singalong with Bobby 8-12 on i O U R F E E |: | N G AY { 5:30 - 10:30 / "= 1 ISFRIENDLY Tues.- Sat. { OUR FEELING IS FRIENDLY : / = We are Cobblestreet Restaurant and Saturday Night Special { Saloon. And we'd love to have you i PRIME RIB DINNER | onus ry pn ! Compl ete { 6.95 : Menu- yr { i ea, | "™RESTAURANTAND, = : Steaks & =i soon Seafood . | OpenWeekends ~~ { WYOMING VALLEY | i Throughout the Winter ! MALL 824-2463 { OPEN SALAD BAR S$ 4 / Major Credit Cards — Daily Specials / EVERY NIGHT & SUN. j . Dallas Wilkes-Barre 829-4440 JEATLRING FOOT LONG DOGS MENU PIZZA HAMBURGS Szechuan-Cantonese BAR-B-QUES Dishes ALSO; : TO PLACE ORDER Polynesian Cocktail > mss | ounge CALL 675-5287 477-3707 Sunday 8to7 [ only | Open Salad Bar ties & Meetings a the Lake-Noxen school system with turn-of-the- century photographs, old yearbooks, school history, and artifacts from the Lake. The school history is on display in the lobby of the new school. For Family Day additional historical pictures and artifacts were on display in the school cafeteria. Memberships to the historical were available at the Sunday luncheon. The society is currently engaged in a number of activities to celebrate the bicentennial discovery of Harvey’s Lake. The lake was disocovered in 1781 by Benjamin Harvey, a Plymouth settler who was captured by the British and Indians in 1780 during the Revolutionary War. He was taken to Fort Niagra in New York and after he was released in the spring of 1781 he found the lake on his homeward journey. The historical society is undertaking a landmark campaign to provide bicentennial markers at the Lake. A bicentennial parade and ball is also planned for Aug. 29-30. Area residents are also invited to donate old postcards and photographs of Harvey's Lake to the historical society for display at the new elementary school in the Fall. Banquet changed Dallas Band Parents Association annual banquet scheduled to be held on April 30 has been changed to Tuesday, May 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Irem Temple Country club. Any members or parents planning to attend must have reservations. Just Received Truckload Gibson & GE Food Freezers Discount Prices A Aa IRAE / e& Furniture RAG {EIS]8 TAO) ¢ in addition to with values exceeding $300. -plus- and i L