The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 25, 1981, Image 4

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Governor Dick Thornburgh has
appointed a Shavertown man to the
post of Emergency Management
Coordinator for Kingston Township.
‘Kenneth Beisel, 77 Franklin Street,
has been charged with the task of
running operations during any
disaster, after concurring with the
board of supervisors. :
In an emergency situation, he will
be requested by township manager
the nature of the incident. Beisel
‘can order evacuation, mobilize
police or fire companies, obtain
mass housing, and work with’ the
Red Cross.
Kunkle said should an emergency
arise, Beisel will not be working
alone but in unison with the super-
visors, adding this is not a one man
in complete charge situation.
The new emergency management
coordinator enlisted in the Army in
‘1943 as a private; serving until 1946.
In 1947 he joined the Reserves
where he served until 1950 through
1952. Following his discharge in
Division where he served for 20
years. Beisel has been employed as
a shipping clerk at Back Mountain
Lumber for the past 10 years.
The Beisel family are members of
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,
Shavertown. They are the parents
of two, Gary, a policeman with the
township force, and Kathie Roman,
a registered dental hygienist, who is
coordinator for the department of
Community College. He and wife,
- Hope, an employee of Offset Paper-
back, have three grandchildfen and
are awaiting another soon. His
mother, Florence, resides in
His community’ endeavors in-
clude membership in the Shaver-
town Fire Company, now as vice-
president, - and, previously, as
president. He also served as a line
officer in the volunteer company.
Beisel serves as vice president of
the first aid unit of the Shrine at the
Irem Temple. He is a Mason,
member of Landmark Lodge, and
Caldwell Consistory.
Beisel said his wife of 34 years,
Hope, is a great help to him. The
former Hope Kishbaugh, she is
active in her own right as a member
of the ladies auxiliary to the fire
company. Both are originally from
Wilkes-Barre, but have lived in the
Back Mountain since their
marriage. 3
It appears Kingston Township is
in capable hands should an
emergency arise as Beisel’s tenure
in the service was comprised
largely of disaster planning and
earth person, Beisel is also amused
at the fancy title he holds and
wonders why the civil defense
director designation is not used
now. He said he is a “C.D.”
The new coordinator will work
closely withthe county civil defense
department and he is currently
undating the township emergency
management plan.
Dallas Township and Dallas
Borough still have ‘‘civil defense
directors’’. Bob Besecker has
served for the past two years in that
capacity for the township and Bill
Berti has been in charge for many
years as_ defense director in the
No matter how many ways you
smiles. I share with you these great
words of wisdom which I have spent
over $3,000 a year to learn. And to
get my money’s worth, I will share
some of my great learnings with:
you. See, I was told last week in
school that I have not actually’
learned something until I can ex-
press it to someone else in my own
words. So, what a better group of
people to share my great wealth of
knowledge with, but you.
Guess what else. I'm going to let
you in on what’s new in the ad-
vertising world here at the Post.
new day care center opening in the
Dallas United Methodist church. A
very “motivated person, Rosanne
Griffin, is going to put her well-
attained knowledge to use with a
friend, debra Kolojejchick, to bring
the Back Mountain mothers a
terrific place to leave their pre-
school children.
Now you tell me you don’t have
kids and so what! Well, there’s
another person in the Back
Mountain who thinks everyone
forgot about her, and that lady
comes from Hill the Florist, located
on Pioneer Avenue. Since she’s not
located on the Main Road, people
never seem to think about her, so
I’m taking care of her problem, by
telling her that you would be over-
whelmed to stop by and brighten
your life with some flowers. And if
you're like me, a little excitement .
includes some good food.
Have I got the greatest idea for
you. If you get your little body over
by Debbie Z.
to the Dallas Shopping Center,
youll find a terrific luncheon
there the other day, it was terrific.
Since I had a Corn Beef Club sand-
wich, I recommend that, but my
partner, Jane, says the Ham Club
was just as good. (You can believe
With all these wonderful things
it all and have your hair done. For
this adventure I have two different
places where you can ‘‘go for it”.
For the people closer to Shaver-
town, Ed Fielding’s offering a
special on his perms. But, if your
closer to the Post’s new location,
(by the Jean Shop), Peggy Straigis
has opened her own shop right in
I.wotuld: mention that awful word
Franklins ‘after. bowling, What's
the difference how heavy you are if
you get sick or die tomorrow.” So go
for it, and that’s what Jane made
me do too much of this week. See,
we promised that we would only eat
when we were together during the
day. At home we wouldn’t touch a
bite. So where and when do we
decide this. At lunch, over a
Chocolate Brownie Fudge Delight.
Ha, Ha, my diet just blew out the
This will not work if I expect to
get some new clothes for Spring. It
just so happens that Omar the tent
maker is on vacation. So ‘‘diet’s”
the word so I can wear the clothes
I'm going to tell you about next
50 years ago-March 20, 1931
Approximately 1200 children are
expected to take part in the Annual
Community Egg Hunt at Fernbrook
Park. Children will search for 2,000
to 2,500 eggs.
A large crowd is expected to see
Laketon basketball team battle
G.A.R. The two league leaders are
expected to play an exciting game
in Lake Township gym tonight. -
Married-Catherine Lois Hof-
meister and James Gansel.
Deaths-Edward Coolbaugh,
You could get-Norwegian sar-
dines 2 cans 17c¢; red salmon tall
can 33c; graham crackers 1b. pkg.
16¢; jelly bird Easter eggs 2 Ib. 25¢;
three cakes Palmolive soap 19c.
40 years ago-March 21, 1941
. Richrd Jones, Kingston Township
High School senior wins the Luzerne
County oratorical contest with an
“original oration, “The Light Shall
Burn” written on the Constitution.
William Kazlusky, WPA field
engineer makes final arrangements
for the opening of a $34,888 borough-
wide street improvement project.
This project will employ 25 WPA
2 ed =
61 Gerald Ave., Dallas
_ J. Steve Buckley, Publisher ¥
Rick Shannon, Associate Publisher
Charlot Denmon, Editar
Virginia Hoover, Circulation
“Jane Opalicki, Production Mahager
~~ Mork Moron, Photography
An independent newspaper published each Wed-
nesday by Pennaprint Inc., from 61 Gerald Ave.; .
_ Dallas, Pa. 18612, Entered as second class mater’
March 3, 1889. - §
* Subscription $9.00 per year. in PA
~ $11 per year out-of-state x :
Telephone 675-5211 or 825-6868 POSTMASTER: |
undeliverable, please send Form 3579 fo P.O Box
Maried-Abbie Van Buskirk and
John Carr.
Engaged-Gloria Chance and
William Deisenroth; June Chance
and Keith Wolfe.
Anniversaries-Mr. and Mrs. Ozra
M. Wilcox, 50 years; Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Newmans, 25 years; Mr.
and Mrs. Reynold Watkins, 19
years. (
Deaths-Rese Tracy Price,
Dallas; Carrie Stark Newberry,
Dallas; Vernon Rood, Harveys
Lake. :
You could get-Fish fillets 10c Ib;
oysters 23c pt.; lobster tails 29c 1b;
haddock fillets 19¢ Ib; rib roast 25¢
Ib; coffee 21c lb; butter 2 lb. 65¢;
fresh mushrooms 19c¢ basket; large
grapefruit 3c each; bananas 15c
30 years ago-March 23, 1951
Prizes, including wrist watches
and portable radios, roll in as
Kingston Township Easter Egg
Hunt. ‘plans are formulated by
Constable . Louis Banta.
Approximately 10,000 dyed eggs are
Married-Doris Finney . and
Frederick Rundle; Synda Jones and
David Williams. *
Deaths-John Pall, Sweet Valley.
Preacher needed
In the absence of not having a full-
time preacher, we haven't had a
scheduled church service since Ash
Wednesday. Of course we have a
Sunday School class and a prayer
meeting on Wednesdays, but the
men of our church are sanding
down and varnishing our church
pews which Mr. Cooper from Lake
Silkworth- made for us. We are
hoping and waiting for a full time
Sec. of Neptune Chapel
STAGE BAND--Lake-Lehman High School stage band will perform Wed-
nesday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the high school auditorium during the Stage
Band and Awards Night. The public is invited, free of charge, to this event
which will honor senior members of the school band and all members who
won seats in District, Regional and All-State Band Festivals this year. John
Miliauskas, band director, will present the awards. Members of the stage
band, seated, left to right are John Hudak, John Kasko,
Richard Werhun, Joan Drobnicki, Paul Wolensky,
Brian Montross, Steve Barski, Frank Snyder,
Cragle. John Stepanik, and Stacey
It remains to be seen if Kingston
Township policeman Jack Appel is
going to be “The Last of the Con-
stables’ for Kingston Township.
Every town or municipality has a
constable, right?"
Wrong. For the past two years,
since the expiration of the elected
term of the last ‘server of legal
papers’ Jack Appel, Kingston
Township has been using its police-
men as constables in the capacity of
“ex-officio constables” due to a
difference of interpretation bet-
ween the township and the county:
Also helping out are Constables
Henry Tuck, Lehman; Tim Carroll,
Dallas Borough; and Tom Gauthier
of Dallas Township.
differing viewpoints on the town-
ship’s Home Rule Charter, noted
Election Bureau headed by Daniel
by Bridgette Correale
The question, ‘“What ‘do you
know?’ will, probably never arise
again from our children when Vin
accomplish this? DANCING-
Saturday evening my New York
family and about 100 friends joined
together to: celebrate my: niece
Donna Amalfitano’s engagement
when Vin and I gave Fred-Astaire
and Ginger Rogers a run for their
money. We danced our way from
1930 to the 80’s and our children who
danced their way through the 70’s
were amazed. I don’t know if they
dance all those numbers or that we
had the energy to keep on keeping
Up to date the party was one of
the best we ever attended and it
took me half of the following day to
realize why...our children were
there to enjoy it with us. Each had
cousins and friends their own age
and_ were grouped together for
A Harveys Lake man will be
cheduled for a hearing before a
agistrate on charges of drunken
iving stemming from a collision
long Rt. 309 early Saturday af-
ernoon. ;
William Mainwairing, 34, of Pole
210, Harveys Lake, was arrested by
Dallas Borough Ptlm. Tim Carroll
after a collision Saturday between
his car and another vehicle driven
Three motorists escaped injury in
a chain-reaction collision at the
intersection of Rt. 29 and Zbiek Rd.
early Wednesday evening, Jackson
Twp. Police report. -
Police said Ray Kradf, Jr., of RD
3, Box 112, Hunlock Creek, was
driving south along Rt. 29 in a 1974
AMC when he struck from behind a
car that had paused momentarily at
the Zbiek Rd. entrance, pushing it
into a third car.
Gonzalez charged
A Lackawanna County man,
currently being held in the county
prison there, will have a hearing
this Friday on charges arising out
of the burglary of a Franklin Twp.
property last November.
James gonzalez, 18, Taylor
Village, will be heard on charges of
burglary and criminal conspiracy.
The charges stem fro the burglary
of the property of william
Steinhauer, Race Rd., Franklin
Twp., on Nov. 26. Taken were some
$13,000 worth of rifles, jewelry and
A Dallas man was taken to
Nesbitt Nospital late: Saturday
evening following an accident at the
intersection of Pioneer Ave. and
Main St.,” Dallas Borough Police
Injured was William Allabaugh,
22, of Shrine Acres, Dallas. Police
said he was driving north’ along
Pioneer when, as he entered Main
St., his car slid on a patch of ice and
went over an embankment. °
Ripa feels Home Rule Charter does
not provide for the constable
position. Kunkle disputes this
notion, stating that while engaging
in what * Kunkle termed a
‘‘/dialogue’’ with Ripa, Kunkle
pointed out the Home Rule com-
munities of Wilkes-Barre Township
and Kingston Borough both employ
They are compensated by the
number and types of subpeonas
delivered. Police Chief Paul Sabol
made it clear that no extra com-
pensation is paid to any members of
the force acting in the constable
At least two township men have
indicated interest in the slots, Gary
Snyder and Herb Hankey, ac-
cording to Kunkle. Snyder appeared
at a public meeting of the super-
visors some months ago inquiring
dinner and dancing. While my
brothers, who were my dancing
were being themselves-terrific.
Guests ‘at the affair asked us if we
were ‘for hire.’ It seems our ren-
New York, New York, were enough
to’ charge 1%c. My mom kept
true, she was the first one on the
got started.
what we ate cause I still can’t
believe it. There was stuffed shells,
ravioli, eggplant parmigan, chicken
cacciattore, tripe, sausage and
pepper, pepper steak, spare ribs,
meatballs, roast beef, chow mein
(how that got in there I'll never
know) and the million dollar fish
salad, (that’s lobster, shrimp,
octopus, squid and about 14 other
shell fish chopped up and served
with garlic, parsley, olive oil and
fresh lemon). This food was served
from 8:30 to 11:30 so you ate,
by Joseph Alba, 55, of P.O. Box 414,
Police said Alba was exiting the
Red Head gas station, crossing the
highway to head south, when he was
struck from behind by the Main-
wairing car, travelling in the
passing lane. No date has yet been
set for the hearing, which will be
held before District ‘Magistrate:
Leonard Harvey, Dallas.
Drivers of the second and third
cars were identified as Joseph
Gibbons, RD 1,, Box 602, Wilkes-
Barre, and James Spencer of RD 2,
Box 245, Dallas. Police said they
had slowed down because a car
ahead of them was turning.
Investigating was Chief Donald
Car fishtails
An icy road during Friday's
storm sent a Trucksville man’s car
out of control and brought about a
collision, according to’ Kingston
Twp. police.
Police said that Paul Ritts, 22, of
227 Skyline Drive, Trucksville, was
driving north when, as he tried to:
pass a car ahead of him, he began to
fishtail, crossing over into’ the
oncoming lanes.
There his car struck a car driven
by Judith ‘Santarelli, RD 3, Box 186,
Wyoming, approaching from the
opposite’ direction. Santarelli said
she was trying to: avoid the Ritts
vehicle when the accident hap-
Investigating was Ptlm. Gary
Hubcaps stolen
Thieves removed a pair of hub-
caps from a Dallas man’s car late
last ‘week, according to’ Dallas
Borough Police. :
Willard Newberry, Jr., 196 Main
St., Dallas, reported to police that
someone took two hubcaps from his
1979 Chevrolet pickup, parked in
front of his home. Ptlm. Severn
as to the status of an appointment
for himself or others.
Following that meeting, Kunkle
said it was his and other officials
contention constables are em-
ployees of the courts’ and so the
courts should appoint one from
those who petition for the job.
The situation between the
township and county election
bureau chief is at a standstill but
the county ruling is in effect,
evidenced by the lack of an appoint-
ment. There was going to be an
election for the position but that was
dismissed after the situation was
researched and determined con-
stables work for the courts not the
township, therefore, precluding the
necessity for a hometown contest.
Former constables who made
good, as they say, were District
Justice Earl Gregory who served 12
danced, ate, danced, ate; danced,
enough at 12:30 desserts’ were
served. Oh too mucha, too mucha.
How I survived only God knows. It
took two days of my body func-
tioning in slow motion to get the top
half coordinating with the bottom
Well I'm together bodily, can’t
say too much. for the brains, but
Happy birthday to'a dear friend
Elly Thompson whose day is March
22, Louise Menapace, March 28 and
Vicki Lawrence, a sixth grader at
Gate of Heaven School, March 29.
Congratulations to Jim and Kathy
Barlow who honored a wedding
The Mohens, Leo and Rose have
just returned from a lovely Florida
vacation where they visited with
son Gene and daughter-in-law
Cindy Osborne Mohen.
Saturday, April 4 from 5-8 p.m.
and Sunday, April 5 from 9 a.m. to-1
p.m. the Harveys Lake Lions Club
years, followed by Police Chief Paul
Sabol; and most recently Appel.
The next election for constable
could be held in 1984, if the logistics
of the Home Rule Charter are re-
solved by then, one official stated.
An interesting sidelight is that the
modern day police gained the slang
term ‘*‘cop” because they were
originally called ‘Constables on
Although Kunkle: reminds
residents the lack of a constable
poses no hardship to the township, a
question of principle remains. It
may appear unusual that Kingston
Township is not allowed a constable
appointed by the courts while the
other two Home Rule Communities
named above are. Kunkle made this
point during -what ‘he refers to
county" election bureau chief.
will sponsor their Annual Pancake
and Sausage Supper and Breakfast
at the Lake Elementary School
cafeteria. All are welcomed.
The Annual Covered Dish Supper
sponsored by Gate of Heaven's
Altar and Rosary Society will be
the school’s cafeteria. Reservations
are requested by calling Helen
Ranalli; “675-2534; or~Jane Chase,
675-1863. ‘Husbands, boyfriends,
lovers, are cordially invited.
Friday, April 17 and Saturday
the Dallas Chapter of UNICO will
Dallas and Shavertown Acmes.
Women who are Italian or married
to an Italian are welcomed to dish
up their favorite Italian cookie,
pastry, bread, cake, whatever.
Orders are being taken but I forgot
for what goodies so tune in next
week when I'll give you the answer
to “Who hit Pinnoli in the fragoli,
with a cannoli...”
Three cars were damaged in a
skidding collision along icy Rt. 309
last Friday evening, Kingston Twp.
Police report. g
Police said that Lynn Ashworth;
76, of RD 7, Box 66, Shavertown,
was driving along 309 when he
skid and began to slide himself as
he tried to: avoid a collision. The
Ashworth’ vehicle was then struck
from behind by a car driven by
of 221
Buttonwood Way, ' Glenside.
Becoming involved in the collision
then was Michelle Crabtree, 18, of
RD 3, Box 199, Valley View Drive,
Wyoming. However, she could not
tell police exactly what car she had
struck or what one had struck her.
The Ashworth’ and Armstrong
Investigating was Ptlm. Severn
Dallas Twp. Police announced the
students’ in the Dallas School
District, in. connection with: the
telephoning of bomb threats to the
schools. All three will be petitioned
to juvenile court.
The arrests’ followed bomb
threats Thursday and Friday and
were credited by police to the in-
stallation of sophisticated tracing
equipment by the Commonwealth’
Telephone Co.
LCB raids bar
Several citations for underage
drinking were issued at the Hearth
Stone Pub in Dallas Saturday
evening. Police from Dallas
Borough, Dallas Twp., and
Kingston Twp. guarded the doors
while agents' of the Pennsylvania
Liquor Control Board checked
identification of patrons.
Co-owner Ron Post said that no
more than three or four underage
persons were found and that he had
made an effort to ensure that cards
were checked.
Newberry investigated.
Clean up
Dallas has reportedly ex-
perienced more than 20 bomb
threats in the last two years, high
for Luzerne County:
Driver skids on ice
Icy roads sent a Shavertown
motorist’s car out of control and
onto some private property Friday
evening, Kingston Twp. Police
Heidi Anderson, 18, of 66 North’
Lehigh St., Shavertown, told Ptim.
Elliott Ide she was driving west on
Harris Hill Rd. during the Friday
snowstorm when she suddenly lost
control, her vehicle leaving the road
to the right. There it knocked down
to: Ronald Franklin, 9 Harris Hill
Car hits fence
A fence along Chase Rd. was
demolished Saturday evening when
road, according to’ Jackson Twp.
Police. ;
Police said that William Shaefer,
Jr., 14 Marrabee St.,” Dallas, was
driving south along Chase Rd. near
crossed the opposite lanes and went
over the berm; striking a fence on
the property of Carol Moskalak.
Investigating was Chief Donald