The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 14, 1980, Image 6

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‘Pastor quits’
“Pastor quits sports!” the headline read.
“Football in the fall. Basketball in the winter. Baseball
in the spring and summer. Your pastor has been an avid
sports fan all his life.
“But I've had it! I quit this sports business once and for
all. You can’t get me near one of those places again.
*Want to know why?
“1. Every time I went, they asked me for money.
“9. The people with whom I had to sit didn’t seem very
friendly. v
“3 The seats were too hard and not at all comfortable.
‘4 1 went to many games, but the coach never came to
call on me.
5 The referee made a decision with which I could not
“6. Isuspected that I was sitting with some hypocrites-
they came to see their friends and what others were
wearing rather than to see the game.
“7. Some games went into overtime, and I was late
getting home.
: “g. The band played some numbers that I had never
jeard before.
‘9 It seems that the games are scheduled when I want
to do other things.
10. I was taken to too many games by my parents
when I was growing up.
11. I recently read a book on sports and now I feel I
know more than the coaches anyhow.
“12. 1 don’t want to take my children to any games,
because I want them to choose for themselves what sport
they like best.
“With apologies to those who's use these same flimsy
‘rationalizations to avoid attending church. (Reprinted
from the Faith, Prayer and Trace League, Grand
Rapids, Mich.)
on Feb. 3.
Officers installed for
the coming year. are Mrs.
Hazel Garris, president;
Mrs. Sylvia Kuhnert, vice’
Dallas United
Methodist Church Women
had installation of officers
for 1980 during the Sunday
‘morning church services
The BOOK Store
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- ‘In Hard Cover:
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the United Methodist
Women’s unit of the
‘Carverton Church will
hold its annual call to
prayer and self denial
observance. The program
will be held in the church
at 10:30 a.m. The women
sacrificial meal 'im-
mediately following the
POP men
The men of the Prince
of Peace Episcopal
Episcopal Church, Main
Street, Dallas will sponsor
a stuffed chicken breast
dinner on Shrove
Tuesday, Feb. 19, with
serving from 5 to 8 in the
George Gulvas is
chairman in charge of
tickets. Committee
members are Stetson
Swan, menu planning;
Jack Shaw, waiters and
table setup; Joseph Hunt
and crew, clean up.
Tickets can be obtained
from the men of the
church or by calling the
church office or may be
purchased at the door the
night of the dinner. The
public is invited to attend
the dinner.
president; Mrs. Dorothy
Blase, secretary; Mrs.
Ruth Maury, treasurer.
Mrs. Betty. Cease,
coordinator for Christian
Personhood; Mrs. Louise
Hess, coordinator for
Christian Concerns; Mrs.
Helen Coombs, coor-
dinator for Global Con-
cerns; Mrs. Mary Reese,
coordinator for sup-
portive community;
Mrs. Elizabeth Scott,
nominating chairman;
.Mrs. Carol "Roushey,
publicity chairman; Mrs.
Jennie Brown, telephone
squad chairman; Mrs.
Lorraine Stair, world
bank chairman; Mrs.
Marilyn Akers, mem-
bership chairman; ‘Mrs.
Alice Brown, hostess
‘chairman; and Mrs. Betty
Davies, ‘Home Guild
Chairman. hy
Sarah Circle * officers
are Mrs. Priscilla Liput,
Breymeier; Mrs. Sharon
Jones, secretary; Mrs.
Karen Justus, treasurer;
and Mrs. Melinda Seidel.
hospitality chairman.
During the service a
The theme for this years
giving is ‘Ministries by
and with Women’. __
The Bible Study group
which meets at Carverton
every Wednesday mor-
ning will join the women
as their guests for the
service and the meal.
This years service for
the quiet'bay is “The Life
Divine” = written by
Frances Eshleman and
Francis B. Hall. Some of
those who will be taking
part in the program are:
Carol Metz, Melinda
Sutton, Doris Stearn,
Genny Dana, Allegra
Spare, Evelyn Shales,
Doris Robbins, Leda
Morton, and Lavinia
Parrish. Everyone is
welcome to attend.
Following the meal,
Doris Stearn, president,
will preside at a short
business meeting.
The Lenten season will
get underway on Wed-
nesday in area Roman
Catholic Churches with
the Ash Wednesday ob-
servance that will be
marked with ° the
distribution of ashes in all
area Catholic’ Churches.
At St. Therese’s R.C.
Church, Shavertown,
where Rev. Father
Joseph Sammons is
United Methodist
Women of Kunkle UM
Church are completing
plans for a benefit seafood
dinner to be served on
Saturday, March 15, at
the Kunkle Community
Hall. Serving will be from
4 to7 p.m. and tickets and
reservations can be made
with any member of the
United Methodist Women.
Takeouts will be
Mrs. Dorothy Dodson is
president of the United
Methodist Church at
Kunkle and is being
A Lenten vesper service
will be held on Ash
Wednesday evening at
7:30 in Orange United
Methodist Church, Rev.
Dr. Allan Cease, pastor,
has announced. All
members of the three
distributed at the 9:30
a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
masses on Wednesday.
Ashes also will be
distributed to the faithful
at 3:45 and 4:45 Wed-
nesday afternoon.
Stations of the Cross at
St. Therese’s Church in
Shavertown will take
place every Friday
evening during Lenten
season and will include
assisted by the following:
Mrs. Dorothy Henney,
Mrs. Jean Holburt, Mrs.
Elva Elston, Mrs. Sylvia
Brace, Mrs. Lana Birn-
stock, Mrs. Anna Landon,
Mrs. Jean Race, Mrs.
Naomi Ashburner, Mrs.
Agnes Elston, Mrs. Sally
Dodson, Mrs. Myrtle
Hess, Mrs. Eunice Mit-
chell, Mrs. Bonnie Bealla,
Mrs. Nancy Higgins, Miss
Winifred Stompler, Mrs.
Irene Transue, Mrs.
Arlene Updyke.
United Methodist
United Methodist
Churches comprising the
Carverton UM Charge at
Orange, Carverton and
Mount Zion are welcome
to attend.
A home Lenten study,
Scripture meditation and
benediction of the Blessed
Rev. Father Sammons
has announced that week-
during Lent will be of-
fered at 9:30. Masses
during the Lenten season
will be offered on Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons
‘at 5:30, and on Monday
and Wednesday evenings
at 7:30.
Women’s Sunday was
observed by the Kunkle
United Methodist Women
at a special service when
Rev. Michael Bealla,
speaker. Litany was given
by Mrs. Dorothy Dodson,
president; scripture
reading was by Mrs.
Dorothy Henney; opening
prayer was by Mrs. Jean
Hilburt, and closing was
by Mrs. Elva Elston. Mrs.
Sylvia Brace and Mrs.
Lana Birnstock were
ushers for the service.
‘‘Rejoice in Your
Saviour,” will be led by
Rey. Dr. Cease during the
Sundays of Lent. The
study will begin on Feb. 24
at 7:30 at the parsonage,
Bodle Road and West
Eighth Street, Carverton.
The Priscilla Circle of
the Shavertown United
Methodist Church will
meet on Monday, Feb. 18,
at 8 p.m. at the home of
Peggy Evans. Co-hostess
is Mary Kloeber.
The Rev, Lynn
Rothrock will be the
speaker for the evening.
Devotions will be given by
Beverly. Bunney.
The Back Mountain
Widows Club’ ‘will meet
Saturday, Feb. 16th at
12:30" p.m. in ithe
Educational Bldg. of the
Trucksville United
Methodist Church.
Mrs. Louise James
will’ preside at the
business meeting. Each
member is to bring a
sandwich lunch. Dessert
and beverage will be
served by Mrs. Helen
Lamoreux and her
committee. Pastor E. Lee
Brehm will give the
TOOLS-Stanley, Crescent, Black & Decker
Friday 8-9
program ‘‘A Nature
to meet with us for an
afternoon of fun and
a six week course
begin Monday evening,
Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. The
course will be held at
Community Bible Church,
Taught by the pastor of
the church, the Rev. Jack
Peters, ‘Good Marriages
Grow’ - will feature
mimeographed notes,
ciscussions, question and
answer periods and Bible
based talks on the marital
relationship and family
Topics to be discussed
love my marriage part-
er,” ‘Role playing in the
family,” ‘Discipline in
the family,’” and ‘‘How to
solve disagreements.’
‘‘Attendance in our
course is not admission
that someone is having
marital problems,” cited
the Rev. Peters. ‘What
we are trying to do is help
make good relationships
even better. It is amazing
that we train people for all
sorts of jobs, and neglect
to prepare them for one of
the greatest factors ing)
life-marriage.”’ ?
All couples who are
married or contemplating
marriage are invited to
attend :
Fastnacht will be
celebrated at St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church,
Shavertown on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 19.
The festivities will
beginat 6:30 p.m. with the
traditional sauerkraut
and pork dinner and
homemade fastnacht’s for
dessert. Dinner reser-
vations must be made
with Mrs. Mary Rorick,
675-1832 or the church
office by Sunday, Feb. 17.
A limit of 110 reservations
will be taken. '
Following dinner
members of the
congregation under the
direction of Mrs. Nancy
Hitchings will present an
entertaining program
with “The 50's” as its
Pastor Lynn
Rothrock announced the
Ash Wednesday service
with Holy Communion
will be held at 7:30' p.m.
Services entitled “We the
Jury” will be ehld the
following five Wednesday -
evenings at 7 p.m. con-
cluded with a discussion
session each week in the
social rooms.
All community
members are welcome to
attend these services.
Joy Class
plans Feb.
; /
The Joy Class of the
Kunkle United Methodist
Church will hold their
Valentines Day covered
dish dinner, Thursday,
Feb. 21, instead of
Thursday, Feb. 14 at the
home of Mrs. Dorothy
“The Christian Mup-
pets’’ will tell Bible
stories during the Sunday
the Idetown United
Methodist Church on
Sunday, Feb. 17. “I Can
See Clearly Now” will be
at all churches on the
Lehman Charge.
The pastor’s con-
firmation class will meet
at 4 p.m. at Lehman.
The Idetown United
Methodist Women will
meet 7:30 p.m. on Wed-
Quick Service
Reg. $7.25
Easy Parking
nesday, Feb. 13, at the
home of Mrs. William
Kleinfelder, Harveys
Pastor Robert Harris
will be preaching and the
Welsh Cookies singing at
Wesley Village on Wed-
nesday, Feb. 13.
The Idetown Couples
Club will have a covered
dish meeting Saturday at
6:30 p.m.
The joint Ash Wed og
nesday service with the
Maple Grove Charge will
be held Wednesday, Feb.
20 at 7:30 p.m.-weather
permitting, the service
will be held at Jackson.
The Rev. Jeffrey Rarich,
Pastor of Maple Grove,
Loyalville will bring the
Daily 10 to 5
Sat. 10 to 4
y IIT an,
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