The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 14, 1980, Image 4

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Editor & Publisher
Asst. Publisher
Editor Emeritus
News Editor
Circulation Manager
Circulation Assistant
Production Manager
1889.Subscriptions *7.00 per year.
Dallas, Pa. 18612
The Dallas Post adds its
congratulations to the many
compliments ‘already extended
to Dallas resident Charles
Lemmond, recently appointed
as a judge in the Luzerne
Court of Common Pleas.
Lemmond has served his
community well, most recently
as solicitor for Dallas borough
and Lake-Lehman school
district. His talents and in-
tegrity will now be extended
to a broader service to the
laws of the Commonwealth.
The quality of leadership
epitomized in the recordto-
date of Judge Lemmond ex-
tends the credibility of the
judiciary and provides reason
for optimism by the citizenry.
We wish him well.
by L.D. Burnham
Dear Burnham,
With all your knowledge and
expertise I wonder why you don’t
run for president. I read your
column every week, and I find your
viewpoints on affairs of great im-
port astounding. I'm sure the politi-
cal parties are aware of your
remarkable abilities and have
approached you on several oc-
casions. And I'm sure your column
is a regular up on Capitol Hill.
I assume you don’t seek public
office for your own personal rea-
sons. Won't you give your readers
just one little peek at your inner-
most thoughts? Why don’t you
aspire to the oval?
Kinda Kurious
Dear Kinda,
So here we go again. First, a
simple “letter; «then, the write-in
campaign. There's the ‘‘we need
you’ pressure from that parties.
There’s the ‘‘you can’t just think of
yourself’ phone calls from citizens
and party bosses. And to all of them
I must say no. No, no, no, I'll never
run for ‘predident.”
perfectly up-front about this. It's
“because of my sordied past. Yes,
When I was in sixth grade, I was
caught cheating on a geography
test. I copied the word, Okeechobee,
from Betty Lou Slobokni’s paper. I
got nabbed. I paid the price. But I
live with that blot on my record for-
ever more.
I've never been able to cover up
the Okeechobee Affair. Betty Lou
Slobokni has gone on to become a
linguistics expert specializing in the
spelling of unusual Floridian
swamp names. She gets the bright
lights and the fame. I get the painful .
Me, bitter? Why should I be? How
can I allow incidentals like
domestic and foreign policy to
supercede the real issues? What
would I answer when asked that
first inevitable question, ‘‘What
about Okeechobee?’
Dear Burnham,
My only real source of relaxation
has always been movies. Lately I
haven’t been able to leave the house
due to a rare affliction that has yet
to be diagnosed.
I have found it increasingly hard
to walk and when I do walk about T'
often s futile into walls. T amroften »
disoriented entirely.
I have visited every specialist
available. No one has been able to
the smell. of, popcorn,
Foiled Film Fanatic
Dear Foiled,
You've overlooked the obvious.
The movies have made you ill. If
you've watched the movies of the
doubtedly been stricken with a case
of S.E.S., Special Effects Syn-
drome. S.E.S. is caused by in-
sufficient quantities of plot,
dialogue and characterization.
You've been starved of cinematic
What are the most common
symptoms and effects?
1. Dizziness. This is caused by
continual visual bombardments.
Aerial shots, chase scenes, space
warps all contribute to the cause.
The afflicted individual loses
normal perceptive skills.
2. Coughing, tickly throat. Special
effects are often gross or incredibly
inspiring. Leaving the mouth open
through such moments of shock or
awe allows the entrance of inor-
dinate numbers of insectavora.
These little devils excite the gag
reflex and tickle the uvula with
their tiny little feet.
3. Ringing in ears. S.E. flicks are
always well-promoted, big-budget
films. Everyone knows who the
regular movie-goers are and every-
and rings. ‘How was it Shelia?
We're just dying to got but we
thought we’d call you first.”
4. Sudden weight: gain: These
thrills. There’s little to do between
effects but eat.
5. Stiffness in legs. S.E. movies
move so slowly that watching them
on a frequent basis can cause
atrophy of the gluteus maximus. No
matter how often one shifts and
squirms, eventually the muscles
stiffen and begin to waste away. In
special-effect movies ‘it’s always
the good guy who gets it in the end.
Mrs. Peggy Boyes, Dallas
I believe the FBI should use any method they have to
catch crooked politicians. Something needs to be done to
clear up political dishonesty.
I want you to know that I buy your paper regularly to
keep informed on what takes place at the council
meetings of Harveys Lake Borough. I reside there, and I
council meetings sometimes get rather confusing, and I
miss a lot of the moves that are made in this confusion. I
read your paper’s account of the meeting and pick up a
lot that I missed.
I think it is very important for the people of any
community to get involved and attend the meetings. You
really have to go there to see the job that is being done by
the people you have elected to office. Many times, I
become upset with some of the people on our council.
It is very apparent at times that there is great
animosity between some of the people on council. It
seems that every little thing becomes an issue. I don’t
understand why this has to be this way. And, already I
am so tired of hearing legal quotations! If it isn’t from
the solicitor, it’s from councilman Cappellini. I don’t
‘know if any of the members of council understands any of
it, but I am sure the average person doesn’t understand
much of this legal jibber jabber.
Why I would be afraid to sit on that council from what it
looks like to me! From the audience, it is very confusing.
“STOP! Before you vote on this issue, let me warn you of
what the law states.” And, then follows another legal
How can the average person sit there and make up his
or her mind on how to vote with the legal terminology
that is thrown around? I don’t know what it sounds like to
anybody else, but to me, it sounds like some of the council
people are being swayed or scared into voting a certain
way. This is very unfair, to say the least.
I could be wrong, and would be the first to admit if I
were wrong. But, when I hear of such and such a code
and such and such a paragraph, and hear all of that legal
terminology thrown about, I for one, get confused. I
woner if the council members get confused? If so, do they
really know how to vote? Is this swaying their vote? Why
does every little thing become some great legal issue?
Something just doesn’t seem right to me.
I hope that our borough’s council meetings get less
confusing in the future. I also hope to see some harmony
between the members of council. But, if we don’t tell
them how we really feel, and don’t show them that we
care, we cannot sit back and complain.
I urge all of the people of our community to get out to
the meetings, see what is going on, and then stand up and
voice your opinion. If you like what you see, then tell the
council. If you don’t like what you see, tell them. But,
show some interest.
Hope to see you at the next meeting,
Thomas Miskiewicz
P.S. Keep up the good work Dallas Post!
LATEST SIGN-The latest sign to appear in front of
Fritzges Market had the following invitation for
Trucksville residents. Gripes about Iran-drop in. (Photo
by Mark Moran)
Mrs. Melinda Seidel, Dallas
I approve of the method used by the FBI to catch the
officials if they had prior information that the public
officials selected would accept bribes when offered to
Sandy Sharkus, Sweet Valley
I do not approve at all. I believe that for some reason
the FBI is strong-arming our representatives. They
probably contrived a lot of the evidence. The truth won’t J.
be known until hearings are conducted. \
Dear Editor:
Everytime a prison riot hits the headlines, people in
this area start to worry about its happening at the Chase
prison nearby.
But how many of them work at preventative programs
at the prison which might help the men to behave in a
normal manner?
I can give you information on two such programs.
The always on-going One-to-One program of
correspondence and-or visiting is interested in persons of
goodwill over 18 years of age, who would be willing to
write to a prisoner on a one-to-one basis.
THRESHOLDS is a decision-making project which
helps the prisoner to make good decisions in his life. It
usually deals with men about to be released. The training
for the spring programs is set for March 15.
Don’t just worry; Do something about it! Call me 675:
Sr. M. Julian Baird
I have just finished reading this week’s edition of the
Dallas Post. I would like to comment on your article
about the Harveys Lake Council Meeting. Since I was at
the meeting, I can say that your article follows true to
form as to the way things happened. But, I would like to
elaborate on a few ings, and call attention to another
First, I thought it ais odd that councilman Cappellini
did not challenge a vote by councilmembers Boice and
Casterline prior to the taking of the vote for McCaffrey
for the sewer authority. The motion for McCaffrey was
made and seconded, and then voted upon, and no
challenge was made by Cappellini. After this, another
motion was made for the sewer authority appointment;
this time to re-appoint George Alles.
And now, Cappellini challenged the votes of Boice and
Casterline. If their votes could have resulted in an
“abuse of office’’ why didn’t Cappellini bring this up be-
fore the vote was taken for McCaffrey? It was apparent
to me that Cappellini wasn’t merely being neighborly
and passing on some free legal advise. In my opinion, it
was just another dirty political trick.
Secondly, in regard to the letter that was read to
council, and presented as being from the H.L. Taxpayers
Association, I have the opinion that this was also another
this organization (H.L.T.A.) as a front. I am a member of
the Harveys Lake Taxpayers Association and had nog
knowledge of this letter. I checked with a few other
members who knew nothing about this letter, its con-
tents, or that it was being presented to council. The letter
I am referring to is the letter stating that the people of
the taxpayers association did not want to see George
Alles reappointed to the Sewer Authority.
I question how many members knew of this letter and
it’s contents? If the members of the taxpayers associa-
tion have a gripe, I think it should be brought up to
council. But, I do not feel that the opinion of a few should
be passed off as the opinion of all members. This is
simply using the membership of the taxpayers
association for political moves, and I don’t think the
members would like being used this way. We as mem-
bers should all be asked our opinion before someone else
presents it as ours at an open, public meeting.
Thanks for hearing me out. 5
: a Richard Tattersall |