The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 08, 1979, Image 13

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The Circle-K Club of
Luzerne County Com-
munity College will present
a spring fashion pageant on
Thursday, March 8, at
Pomeroy’s Community
Room in the Wyoming
Valley Mall.
The Pageant, ‘Fashion
Focus: Spring and Sum-
mer of 79,” will begin at 7
p.m. and will feature the
ideal spring and summer
clothing for young ladies to
wear to college and for
campus-related events.
Among - those par-
ticipating in the pageant
will be Barbara Johnson,
Trucksville; Rosemary
Lyons, Dallas; Carol
Nehee, Tamra Rose
Halesey, and Kim Pat-
terson, Hunlock Creek.
The regular monthly
meeting of the Lake-
Lehman Board of School
Directors will be held. on
Tuesday, March 13, at 8
p.m. in the auditorium of
the Lake-Lehman High
School, Lehman.
Gilbert D.
president will preside.
Notice should be taken as
to the change of location
from the music room of the
Lehman-Jackson Elem-
entary Building to the
auditorium of the Lake-
Lehman High School.
(Alex Rebar Photo)
Dallas hosts
| coffee
Residents of the Dallas
School District were given
the opportunity on Wed-
nesday to learn more about
the Dallas Informational
Guidance System (DIGS)
when Diane Hunt, project
director, held a coffee
‘klatch in her office. Those
attending were given the
opportunity to browse
through career refernce
material and observe the
DIGS computer in
DIGS’ is a computer-
based system which can
give information about
occupations, both civilian
and military, four and two
year colleges, graduate
school and sources of
scholarship and financial
© aid.
Mrs. Hunt said she was
pleased with the turnout of
teachers, counselors and
parents. An evening
session for interested
parents will be held during
March. .
Dallas grads
on LJC
dean’s list
Three 1978 graduates of
Dallas High School have
been named to the dean’s
list of Lackawanna Junior
College, Wilkes-Barre
Center. Diane Zakjawski,
daughter of Mrs. Cecelia
Zakjawski, Donna
Richardson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ian
Richardson, and Florence
Anne Williams, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Williams, were named to
the dean’s list at the con-
clusion of their first
semester where they are
studying secretarial
In order to achieve ad-
mittance to the Dean’s
List, a quality point
average of 3.2 or higher
must be attained. All three
girls reside in Shavertown.
Lake-Lehman High
School Band Parents
Association is sponsoring a
flowers as a means of
raising funds to send the
internationally award
winning Lake-Lehman
High School band to a band
competition next month in
Altanta, Ga. ;
Band sponsors, parents
and band members are
taking orders for Easter
lilies, azaleas and other
Easter holiday flowers, as
well as permanent
cemetery baskets until
Delivery date
for the orders is April 7.
MONDAY-Steak hoagie,
scooter pie, milk.
green beans,
maple syrup, ap-
chocolate milk.
Patrick’s Day cake, milk.
chilled milk.
chili dog or
cream pie, chilled milk.
(hamburg with tomato-
topping, milk.
Additional information
can be secured from any of
the following area chair-
men: Lake Silkworth, Mrs.
Linda Belcher: Noxen,
Mrs. Vi Paci or Mrs.
Marlene Konopke: Lake
Township, Mrs. Audrey
Wilkes: Harveys Lake
Boro, Mrs. Mary Davis:
Lehman, Mrs. Joan
College Misericordia’s
1979 Annual Funds Cam-
paign edged nearer its
$150,000 goal on Monday as
campaign volunteers
reported $139,958 in cash
and pledges raised to date.
The report meeting was
held at Gus Genetti’s in
The meeting was the
second for the annual funds
drive, ‘with ‘the wrap-up
report meeting scheduled
to be held at Genetti’s on
Friday evening. That
meeting will also im-
corporate a victory
celebration for the some
125 members of the
campaign volunteer team
this year.
Conaway, Mrs. Betty
Saba: Chase, Mrs. Jennie
Jones or Mrs. Faye
Rynkiewicz: Sweet Valley,
Mrs. Lois Williams.
The - Easter flower
Lehman Band Sponsors
Association is grateful for
any cooperation received
from area residents.
of $150,000
Campaign general
chairman George Sailus
said he has every ex-
pectation of the drive going
over the top before
Friday’s meeting. The
Monday report represented
less than half the prospect
cards outstanding, he said,
so the potential is very
At Monday’s meeting,
Sailus . exhorted .team
captains to make sure
volunteers called on all
their prospects before
The money raised in this
year’s drive will be used by
College Misericordia for
student financial aid and
general college develop-
Lori Gaylord,
Trucksville, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George
Gaylord has been named to
the dean’s list at Delaware
Valley College.
This announcement was
made by Dr. Clinton R.
Class of 69
plans 10th
The 1969 graduating
class of Dallas High School
will hold a meeting to plan
its tenth year reunion on
March 12 at 8 p.m. at the
Pizza Bar, Trucksville.
All members of the class
are invited to attend and
help with the planning.
Blackmon, dean of the
college, who pointed out
that this high academic
recognition is given to
members of the freshman
class who achieve a
semester academic
average of at least 3.3.
Greg Dunazusky,
representative of Martin-
Grid Mothers
meet Monday
Lake-Lehman Football
Mothers will hold their
regular monthly meeting
Monday, March 12, at 8
p.m. at the high school.
All junior and senior high
school football mothers are
urged. to attend.
Senour Paint Company,
basic fundamentals of
refinishing a car for the
power technician course at
Dallas Senior High School
on Thursday.
Using one of the student’s
cars for the demonstration,
sanding, priming, and
sealing procedures and
how to refiniish a car with
an acrylic enamel. They
were also shown the proper
use of a spray gun. .
Dunazusky related that
his company is very in-
terested in teaching
students proper application
Back Mountain Cultural
Center announces their
spring classes to begin the
week of April 16, and run
for six weeks. Phone
registration will be held on
April3 and 4 from 4:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. by calling
College Misericordia.
BMCC said it preferred
that students register by
PNMA notes
The Professional News
Media Association (PN-
MA) of Northeastern
Pennsylvania wil observe
its 10th anniversary at a
cocktail hour and buffet
10, at Konefal’s East,
Yatesville Road, Jenkins
Keynote speaker will be
Maxine Cheshire, in-
vestigative reporter for the
Washington Post. Ms.
Cheshire, who joined the
Post as a reporter in 1954,
began her career as a
journalist with the
Knoxville, Tenn., News,
where she worked from
1951 to 1954.
696-1333 4
is offering
use of Ball Machine and
phone rather than by mail.
Adult classes to be of-
fered include: golf, tennis,
aerobic dance, yoga,
volleyball, self-defense,
sewing, jazz disco and
study skills.
Children’s classes are
wrestling; tennis, archery,
cheerleading, baton,
drawing, rhythm gym-
nastics, reading,
mathematics, sewing,
cooking for kids.
Pre-school classes in-
dance games and fun, and
the regular Pre-school
of paint and correct safety
measures. He found Dallas
students co-operative and
said he would return to
visit the class on a regular
According to Russell |
Owens, class instructor, |
this program was arranged
through Paul McCue,
owner of Dallas Auto Parts
who supplies many of the
items needed for this |
particular class. Owens |
noted that Edgar Hughes,
high school principal, has |
been very supportive and
that it is largely through
his efforts that the
program can be utilized. |
Flyers will be passed ott
in local schools and
members will receive
notices by mail in two
weeks. i
Classes are open to]
everyone at a fee of $12 per
class and a small mem-
bership fee for one year. |
Membership is required for |
insurance reasons.
Income Tax |
Service |
Dallas 675-0182
Dear Sirs:
Rt. 118 Off Dallas-Harveys
Lake Highway >
co a oo > wn cs on cs on
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