PAGE FOURTEEN Cheerful mail | for tots If you have a stamp and a moment of time, you can put them both to good use. Mail for Tots, a charitable organization, is looking for some kind-hearted people to help them. What they do is to have mail directed to seriously ill children. The | youngsters are either hospitalized or are shut- ins; many are very lonely. If you would like to bring a bit of sunshine into their lives, a list of names and a them is available. Please write: Mail for Tots, P.O. box 8699, Boston WHAT SHOE SHOULD YOUR From pre-walker, fo early walker, to active walker, there's a Siride Rite shoe for every stoge of a baby's foot development. Stride Rite's Progression Fitting ° insures proper fit, support ond flexibility for ofl three stages of growth. MOTHERS LOVE THE WAY THEY'RE MADE ... by StrideRite’ CARBS KEPT ON FILE & SENT OUT FOR CHECK UP. Dectar's Prescription Specialist |GINO'S SHOES DALLAS SHOPPING CENTER i? Dallas, Pa. Mon., Tues., Wed. Sat. 9:30-6 Thurs. 2 Fri. 9:30-9 x The Wednesday Night Dart League at the Dallas Legion saw a change in the two-way tie for second place. The Bootleggers of Len Graboske tightened their hold on first place by taking two of three from Dave Eddy’s Rum Run- ners. Meanwhile the Generics of Zeb Redmond were Wilkes-Barre G.A.R. Wyoming Area Wyoming Valley West Pittston Area Wilkes-Barre Meyers Nanticoke Area Wilkes-Barre Coughlin Lake-Lehman Bishop Hoban Dallas Bishop O’Reilly Hanover Area — — S — Wh OOo OO © RN UU RN SS = — losing three to last place John Bergevin’s Jokers. The addition of Walt Kingsley to the Jokers was felt by the Generics. Kingsley fired a 35-37-38 high series of 110 leading the Jokers to a three game sweep. High game for the night went to Harry Wesley with 39. The standings now show Bootleggers 10-5; Rum Runners 8-7; Generics 7-8; and Jokers 5-10. High games for the night were W. Wesley 30-30-31; L. Jolley 30-37; H. Wesley 34- 38; D. Derhammer 30-31; W. Stanton 30-30; J. Bergevin 37; M. Hislop 35; G. Brutko 34; L. Graboske, T. Kupstas 33; D. Eddy 32; and N. Stredny 31. The five members of Dallas Nursery team hit 500 series to take three points from Stanton TV in the George Shupp League: i & 7 4 NOW F. Adams hit the pins for 222(569), J. Swingle rolled a respectable 546, N. Stredny tumbled woods for 543, D. Eddy hit the pocket Leslie Faye) ATRY — I found my game ; ER ww? Tel! Eh y GW » for 537 and P. Jordan posted 212 (534). D. Katyl scattered pins for 217 (581), J. Maculis rolled 225 (568) and B. Hislop had a 522 series for the television men. Harris Associates picked off three from Disque Funeral Home paced by G. Harris’ 576. D. Purvin aided with 521. E. eGreen eGreen Blend WILKES-BARRE FATS by Lee L. Richards CLIPBOARD NOTES: CBS may have Jimmy the Greek, but I've got a friend called ‘“Maggie the Cat’ and she’s won on the football tickets three times this year and twice in as many weeks. When asked how she does it, ‘‘Maggie the Cat’’ responded, “I look once and pick, that way I don’t get confused.’”’ She’s an amazing person. --Is Bob Sewell getting set for the First Annual Garden State Bowl? His Rutgers team is one of the teams seriously being considered. --Bet Jones’ performance last Monday night really shouldn’t surprise you if you've been reading our column. We've mentioned here several times about his gun-like arm. LSU Coach Cholly Mac told us several times he’s never seen a QB put velocity on the ball like Jones. That was evident against the Skins. --Eagles victory over the Jets on Sunday had to leave a bitter taste in Walter Michaels’ mouth. There is no love between the current Jets’ staff and Eagle Coach Dick Vermeil, since he terminated all of their contracts. --Lake-Lehman’s Jim Michaels turned in an impressive performance at QB this season passing for over 1,400 yards and John Coulton was on the receiving end of over 40 balls. --Didn’t we tell you Coach Jack Jones would have his Mountaineers well prepared for GAR in the final game of the season for the Big D lads? Two wins and nine losses ranks as one of the poorest teams ever for Coach Jones, but we anticipate he’ll be back at the helm again next season. --Nebraska’s triumph over a fumbling Oklahoma team really didn’t surprise us. We felt the Sooners would have to hold on to the pigskin to win which they didn’t. The National Championship is still up for grabs and the Nit- tany Lions aren’t a shoo-in yet. --This week’s Bowl invitations should prove interesting and we feel the Lions will be under tremendous pressure to accept the Orange Bowl and play Nebraska. Should they decide to by-pass the Huskers, which they pulled in 1969 when they refused to meet Texas in the Cotton Bowl, could prove costly in the polls. St. Joe has said he wants to play the BEST team available. Because of the Bowl’s commitment to the conference champs the Orange is the only choice. They beat Houston last season, so there's little to gain in the Cotton Bowl. Georgia must beat Auburn to win the Sugar invite, because Alabama was their last year. It will be interest- ing because a Georgia loss send the Tide and St. Joe would love to match wills with the bear. --Here’s our version of College Football’s Super Seven: 1-Penn State, 2-USC, 3-Alabama, 4-Nebraska, 5- Oklahoma, 6-Michigan, 7-Notre Dame. --1 guarantee you ABC-TV will use its influence to come up with some kind of version of a National Championship on New Year’s Day. It’s common knowledge the ABC gang is practically running college football. --Army coach Homer Smith pulled off one of the dum- best coaching moves we've seen in many years Saturday. With Army leading Boston College, 29-24 and 26 seconds on the clock, he had his QB run 26 yards backwards to take a safety. B.C. had no timeouts at the time. Strange. It was a fourth and three situation. B.C. wound up moving the ball into field goal range and just missed a 28-yard at- tempt. We'd judge by the reaction of the Army athletic director, General Ray Murphy, Smith will not be at West Point next season. --Mickey Dudish will close out his regular season career for the Terps Saturday. He’s made a significant contri- bution to the Maryland program in.a combination of ways. He’s a leader and we won't be at all surprised if he’s one of the captains in the coming bowl game. The Garden State Bowl is bending over backwards to have Rutgers as its host team. Pitt and Navy are also being considered as the host team. They've got to come up with a team that’s going to draw fans into the Meadowlands and neither of the three are that caliber. --If football were a game of only three quarters, instead of four, Lake-Lehman would have won seven or eight encounters. --Sources tell us we can anticipate coaching changes at the following colleges at the conclusion of this season: Army, Colorado, Duke, Florida, Iowa, West Virginia, and Tulane. --Based on pre-season potential we'd have to rate Maryland, Houston and Georgia as the surprise teams for 1978. --Which team in college football has the greatest collection of athletes? We feel USC is head and shoulders above the rest. --For you trivia buffs, PSU could be ranked No. 1 this week in the college grid polls and it will make the initial time in its 91 year history. They've never been No. 1 even for a day. --Received call last week from John Vozniak inquiring why we never included Maryland in our Super Seven even though both wire polls listed Terps fifth? We saw Maryland three times this season and just felt they weren’t on par with our Super Seven. At best we thought Terps were 12th or 13th. --We like the way former Redskin boss George Allen analyzes action for CBS. He gives the fans a very technical description on why a team will do certain things in certain situations. He’s excellent. --Take a very close look at our Super Seven and see how many of these teams have knocked each other from ranks of unbeaten. PSU hasn’t played any and will be suspect to voters from South and Big Eight. --Lake-Lehman Coach Rich Gorgone took in PSU-N.C. State game Saturday. --Bob Mugford, one of the many Back Mountain PSU fans, not so sure Chuck Fusina can win Heisman Trophy. We've talked to several N.Y. scribes that will vote and he’s about the fifth or sixth choice. We feel Bruce Clark will have better chance next season. --King’s roundball coach Ed Donohue told us he’s still not settled on his starting five. He believes his guards will be solid, but he’s lacking sufficient help at the forwards to take pressure off Ken Casey. bled the pins for 557 for Labatch tumbled pins for 523 for the funeral home five. Irene’s Bar copped three from Tamagnini’s Market and Fino’s Pharmacy took three from Baltimore Life. R. Bonomo led the pharmacy men with 209 (582). K. Youngblood hit the pins for 212 (568) and C. Williams rolled 535. $9.42 net . $12.15net S. Fielding’s 522 was high for the insurance men. In the Ladies Country League C. Smith’s 182 (501) sparked David Ertley to three points from Fashion Vending. N. Buss hit 186- 191 (489). M. Fondo hit the strike. zone for 479 and P. Culver’s 493 paced G.H. $Q45 29% GUTTER . $3.45 net VISA 675-1107 Harris girls to three points from Grotto Pizza whose L. Cyphers tumbled the pins for 187 (486). A. Pickering’s 181 led the Castlettes in copping three from Daring’s Market whose high bowler was A. Hospodar with 192 (476). Checkerboard shut out Duke Isaacs in the: Bowlerette League with none of the girls able to hit scores. Tom Reese picked up three points from the Hoagie Bar with E. Saraka’s 478 leading the way. T. Langdon aided the hoagie team intaking one game when she tumbled pins for 178. In the Crown Major League Steele’s Restaurant blanked Army Recruiting despite C. Sorber’s 527. Gebhardt Bowling Supplies took all from Dallas Shopping Center. R. Bonomo knocked down pins for 555 and R. Bennett scattered them for 534. C. Williams tumbled pins for 210 (557) and B. Harris hit them for 545 for the shoppers. Hasay Chevrolet shut out Franklin’s Family Restaurant led by J. Ide’s 212 (556) and S. Bonomo’s 533. L. Christensen tum- Franklin's. K. Youngblood walloped the pins and blazed the lanes for 262-203- 213 (678) to lead Wesley's Garage to three points from Shavertown Lumber Co. The lumbermen had G. Harris’ big 576 and K. Bicking’s 562. Dallas Post girls con- tinued in the lead in the Imperialette League by picking up three points from Country’s Best. S. Riegel blasted the pins for 192-179 (533) and L. Thomas scattered them for 179-174 (505) to lead the way. J. Bolinski rolled 184 for the losing five. Dallas Dairy moved to within two games of the league leaders by picking up four on a forfeit by Gino’s Shoe Store. W. Harrington hit the pins for 189, M. Ritts topped them for 180, A. Pickering rolled 176 and J. Bicking tumbled them for 173. C.I. Smith’s 174 (509) paced Goodman Florist to three points from Ralph Fitch and Sons. Lom- bardo’s Bakery picked up three from the Jeans Shop sparked by P. Gordon’s 199 (481). S. Stine knocked down pins for 170-173 (471) for the Jeans Shop. *109°° & Up 129% $199