The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 28, 1978, Image 10

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Citizens of Wyoming Valley: It’s Time To
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ppp. for
Congressman Daniel J. Flood
Dan Flood has fought the good fight for all of us, for many long years.
Whatever this area needed—ijobs, disaster relief, urban redevelopment Is |
—Dan has stood toe to toe with the powers that be, and slugged it out bt Th |
in our behalf. i | : | |
His championship quality has rubbed off on all of us. Under Dan’s lead- |
ership, we're taking a new pride in our community. We've shaken off |
the old defeatism, and we're walking tall. A new Valley has been born
. . . a Valley with not only a heart—but a future. Hat |
Today, Dan finds himself in the toughest scrap of his career. Only this i i PY
time the arena is not Congress, but a courtroom. And he’s taking a 3
lot of low blows without complaining—because that’s the only way a : : LAR
champion knows how to fight. | Su |
We must realize that it isn’t Dan’s fight alone. Dan IS Wyoming Valley,
and his full and complete vindication will be a victory for each and |
every one of us. YOU can help to make this victory possible in two ways: |
first, by giving Dan your moral support—speaking up for him at every . |
opportunity. i i | : | |
Secondly, in recognition of the fact that legal defense calls for great | |
sums of money, you can make a contribution to the trust fund now being |
raised for Dan’s defense. Known as *‘Trust Flood” this fund is a com-
pletely independent, non-political effort involving your fellow-citizens
from every walk of life.
' Contributions can be made at your nearest branch office of Northeastern
Bank. Checks should be made out to “Trust Flood.” Don’t hesitate to Ey
make even a small contribution. Remember, this is our way of telling
Mr. Flood— |
"Keep punching, Dan. We're in your corner."
This space donated by
Friends of Dan Flood |:
William A. Reishtein MD, Chairman