PAGE SIX A i % i i § » i Rev. and Mrs. David iHaines, 117 Pebble Valley iDrive, Doylestown, an- {nounce the engagement of ‘their daughter, Virginia, to tEdward L. Bennett, son of Mrs. M. Elefante and the {late S.C. Bennett of 83 (Pittsford Way, New {Providence, N.J. : Miss Haines is a tgraduate of West York h J f A TR HENS MANE RY = Sage RE Area High School, York. She is employed by W.A. Haberern Inet Doylestown. Her fiance is a student at Delaware Valley College. Miss Haines is the granddaughter of Mrs. Mabel Hoover, Idetown, and the late Elmer Hoover. A June wedding is planned. PECIAL SMALL PONY TAIL PALMS 99° $199 HANGING BASKETS *3.99 .. ZEBRA PLANTS WITH FLOWER BUDS 2.50 PHILODENDRON POTTED WITH BARK *6.99 Lehman 1.0.0.F. Osage Lodge No. 712 and Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge, No. 514 ‘were recently en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers in Lehman. Those copying games, swimming and a cook-out were Mr. and Mrs. Lan- ceford Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Folk, Rebecca Grey, Alan S. Major, T. Bryce Major, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellsworth, Dolores Trumbower, Vera Hoover, Dorothy Baker, Lewis V. Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Coombs, Harry Howell, Thomas Rogers, Jon Rogers, and Dick Mathers. Lloyd Jennings and Ruth Farr, were the host and hostess. On September 16 the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will spend the day at 1846 House in Fairmount Springs, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Major, T. Bryce Major and Dorothy Baker. Members and their spouses are invited to attend. On September 23 the 1.0.0.F. will attend a baseball game in New York City. Lewis V. Ide is in charge of reservations. Recent projects of the Lehman Lodge are the 0 installation of carpeting throughout the entire Leh- man 1.0.0.F. building, complete remodeling of the Rebekahs meeting room, installation of water service, paneling and refurbishing of the kitchen. Jack Tribler is Noble Grand of Osage Lodge No. 712, Mrs. Beulah Sutton is Noble Grand of Toby Rebekah Lodge No. 514. Mrs. Sutton also serves as District Deputy President of the Rebekahs, while Alan S. Major serves as Distriet Deputy Grand Master for the Odd Fellows. The September meeting of the Harvey's Lake Women’s Service Club was held at the Lehman- Jackson Elementary School. The meeting was called to order by President, Mrs. E.M. Stratford and devotions were read. Mrs. Margaret Weiss gave the treasurer’s report and it was approved. Finance chairman, Mrs. Daniel Blaine, Jr., gave a report on the 1978-1979 budget and it was ap- proved. A fashion show will be held at Pomeroy’s at the mall on Sept. 21 and workers are needed to man the ticket booth. A 50-50 ticket raffle will be held at each meeting The proceeds will go the club treasury. On Oct. 6 and 7 a rummage and bake sale will be held at the Idetown Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Faux of Falls, RD 1 celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary Aug. 31. They were married Aug. 31, 1920 in Waverly N.Y. by the Rev. Charles W. Mackenzie, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Waverly, N.Y. Mrs. Faux is the former Blanche Coolbaugh of Pittston, R.D. 1 The Fauxes are the parents of five children; Thelma Firestine, of Somerville, N.J.; Donald and Russell both of Falls, Alice Green of Media, Pa. and Marian, deceased They also have 15 grand- HL Women sponsor fashion show The Harveys Lake Women’s Service Club will sponsor a Pomeroy’s Fall Fashion Show on Thur- sday, Sept. 21 in the Community Room at the Wyoming Valley Mall at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. Tickets are available from members or at the door. ; : The committee is as follows: Honorary chairman, president, Mrs. E. M. Stratford; co- chairman, Mrs. Leo Mohen; refreshments, Mrs. Rodney Sennett; tickets, Mrs. S. Richard Strazdous and publicity, Mrs. Daniel Blaine, Jr. and Mrs. Bradley C. Ide. ay, ; OUR LITTLE COUNTRY STORE JUKI KNITTING MACHINES HANDCRAFTED GIFTS & LEATHER ITEMS Yarn, Spinning, Weaving & Leather Craft Supplies Tues. to Sat. 10to0 5 HUNTSVILLE 675-1556 children and 9 great- grandchildren. Faux is now retired after being a prominent dairy and vegetable farmer for many years. Mrs. Alice Green and sons; Brent and Bruck of Media, recently spent two weeks visiting Mrs. Green’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Faux, Falls RD1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Firestine of Somerville, N.J. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Faux of Falls RD1. PTG to hold The Parent Teacher Guild of Gate of Heaven will hold its first meeting of the school year on Wed- nesday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. The parents of all children enrolled in Gate of Heaven School are invited to attend this meeting. Mrs. Midge Scruitsky is Fire Hall. On Nov. 9 a talent auction will be held. In February a stitchery party will be held by creative: handiwork Tr April a hoagie sale and in May a spring dance. Mrs. S. Richard Sit acuus gave the report on housing and parlimentary. The cheer baskets will be distributed on Dec. 16, any names to add or delete please contact the chairman, Mrs. Dominic DeVeronica. Cookies are needed for the fashion show. Please drop them off at Taft’s Market or Mrs. Rodney Sennett’s, Pole 231 by Sept. 20. The new meeting time will be 7:30 instead of 8 p.m. Guests were introduced to the membership and the entertainment was in- troduced hv Mrs John Hudock. A demonstration on hair care was given bv Cyvndi’s Hair Fashion. 40 Belford St. Shavertown. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Donald Meeker, Mrs. Earl Crispell, Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mrs. Gy Fritz, and Mrs. Elvin Bean. the chairlady of the reception that will be held after the meeting for the faculty. Mrs. Peg Cartier, president of the Guild, has announced that the Blood Drive, sponsored by the PTG, will be held Oct. 24, 1978 The Dallas Area Federated Women’s Club will hold their monthly dinner meeting Thursday, The Back Mountain LeLeche League will meet Thursday, Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Laurence Stearn, Car- verton. The topic for this months meeting will be “Nutrition and Weaning.” Through a series of four monthly meetings, the group discusses different phase of breastfeeding in Sept. 14 at 6:30'p.m. at the Castle Inn Mary Ann Davies handles any cancellations. hopes of promoting ‘‘good mothering through breastfeeding.”’ Pregnant women and nursing mothers along with their babies are welcome. For further information contact Mrs. Jan Davis, Harveys Lake; Mrs. Carol Williams, Shavertown or Mrs. Philip Johnson, Trucksville. The Philharmonic Women’s League will sponsor a luncheon on Wednesday Sept. 27 at Newberry Estates. Dutch treat bar will begin at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at 12:40. Featured speaker will be Dr. Charlotte Lord. Professor Emeritus of Wilkes College Cost of the tickets is $6. Reservations must be made by Sept. 18 by calling the Philharmonic office in Avoca 654-4788. The public is invited to attend. 214 LACKAWANNA AVE. 97-99 LACKAWANNA (AVE. SCRANTON, PA. SCRANTON, PA. 346-6591 961-0360 tries . . . Deferred Payments Liberal Credit Terms % LAY-A-WAYS INVITED 7 RET Lis