The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 27, 1978, Image 20

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The Book Shelf
by Carmella Kennedy
Mother’s, have you ever asked yourself, ‘how can I get
my kids to eat less sugary, salty, junk foods without
sacrificing convenience or good taste?”
Take heart mothers of America ‘‘The Taming of the
CANDY Monster,’ Continuench Advariiced
Nutritionally Deficient yummies can show ) «© how.
Between the pages of this ring-bound cookbook you will
find such delectable delicacies
Egg Sailboats, Aggression Cookies, Polnesian Popsicles,
uUnbirthday Cake and Wise Crax. This new cookbook by
Vicki Lansky comes complete with a contemporary
glossary of kitchen terms such as. “Cookie (last one) an
item that must be eaten in front of a sibling,
Casserloe, a combination of favorite foods that go uneaten
because they are mixed together and Fish, a form of
protien with too many bones.”
Although Ms. Lansky’s book is humorously written, it is
primarily dedicated to the improvement of our children’s
nutritional needs. She covers such areas as, ‘Nutrition is
a Matter of Parenting, Brownbagging It to School, Tasty
Alternatives to Junk-Food Snacks and If Your Child
Can't Drink Milk.”” She also touches on the dangers of
salt and suger in our children’s diet.
Weight Watchers International Cookbook offers an
outstanding collection of recipes for the dieter. It includes
a wide variety of best-loved foods such as veal picata,
chicken cacciatore and beef strogannoff with noodles.
The cookbook is introduced by Jean Nidetch, founder of
Weight Watchers International, Inc.
The Vegetarian Epicure Book One and Two by Anna
Thomas contains hundreds of dishes completely without
meat, fish of fowl. With the interest in vegetarianism on
the rise, these (two books offer an unlimited variety of
Carla Emery’s ‘Old Fashioned Recipe Book, An
Encyclopedia of Country Living”, contains everything the
back-to-nature lover needs to know. It includes such
TORIC as bi ing Toe! ables. sap and candle
making, old fashioned recipes, drying and smoking
canning and freezing and ‘much much’ more.
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MEMORIES LIVE ON--The Old Dallas Borough
School has been razed and in its place is a playground
for elementary students but memories linger on in the
minds of the many local residents who were students in
the school years ago.
by Nancy Kozemchak
It was Thomas Edison who claimed that library books
gave hum the scientific information he needed for his early
experiments. You may not be an Edison, but we know you
want to improve yourself - get ahead.
The Back Mountain Memorial Library has hundreds of
books on virtually every subject, making it possible for
you to improve your knowledge in any field. Take
advantage of this privilage - read books from your public
Elizabeth Cadell has been highly acclaimed for her
richly wrought and delicately spun works and her latest
novel’ “The Round Dozen” is now on the shelves at the
library. This is her thirty-second and most delightful
mystery-romance novel to date. London bachelor,
William Helder, unexpectedly finds himself next in line to
32-35 W. UNJON ST.
ion, D9
Sq. Yd.
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Reg. $6.95
Get ahead
track down a priceless family heirloom - the last antique
silver flagon missing since 1702. William's sleuthing leads
him into the rural countryside and face (v face with a cast
of the author’s most memorablcharacters.
The most recent book to arrive for the memory. shelf in
memory of Alice and Fred Howell is a gift of Mrs. Janet
Smith. “The Collector’s History of Dolls’’ by Constance
Eileen King is the most complete study available of the
historical development of the doll, traced in relation to the
social context of the lives of the child owners. A truly
beautiful book, as are the other Howell Memorial Books,
in this book a pictorial survey is given in the illustrations,
with many previously unphotographed dolls from private
Stock Patterns
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Finar Fashigns. i
‘Sand Dollars” by Robert Terrall is a new novel of the
adventures of an accountant on the run from the Mafia in
a Caribbean paradise. At first glance Benn Barron looks
like a typical accountant - mild-mannered and nervous, A
Clark Kent who never disappears into a phone booth. In his
own way, however, Ben is a superman. How Ben wins
the love of a beautiful Jamaican girl with a mind of her
own, leaves the reader cheering for one of the wildest,
most entertaining and unusual adventure tales to come
along in years.
Denise Sigworth, who has been a page at the library for
several years, has left for a period of travel and then to
continue her education in New York.
The summer reading program in the children’s annex is
reaching the mid-way point and is quite an enthusiastic
There are approximately 100 children
Barb’s Wire
Up in the air
by Barbara T. Evans
Almost everyone has taken a friend or relative to the
bus station. or airport and watched as they boarded for
departure, wishing that it was he or she who was going.
Well, your time comes and it can be an adventure on a
magic carpet or a dull trip. For those who must travel
often boarding a plane or bus can be old hat with all of the
thrill of adventure passed. For those of us who seldom
Air travel seems to be a popular form of travel today.
There are all kinds of people hurrying somewhere with all
kinds of expressions and problems. Many very young
children are seen on planes and they appear to weather
the trips very easily. The most shaking part of the trip is
at the beginning when you are shown the emergency
Somewhere inside a tiny voice says, “Are they trying
to tell me something ?’’ After take-off and when in the air,
the apprehension disappears and you finally relax and
enjoy the journey.
There are so many interesting people. Each passenger
who sits next to you has a story and special personality all
their own, You suddenly realize how small your world is
and how much there is to see and learn. People as a whole
are very friendly and willing to share their little worlds
with you.
Did you know that the wind blows most of the time in
Kansas? A plane leaves O’Hare Airport every four
minutes? Sections of the Rio Grande River are so dry you
can walk across them? You don’t fall over when a plane
banks to the left or right and you do feel very close to God
35,000 feet in the air.
A smile that comes from within can open the door to
many short but meaningful friendships and usually these
friendships produce bits of knowledge that are amazing. It
certainly beats traveling alone on a covered wagon.
Magistrate Earl S. Gregory celebrates his birthday July
29 and we wish him a very happy day and coming year. To
help make the occasion more meaningful, his son Jeff will
be home for a two week vacation from school in
Don Evans, Church Street, Dallas is recuperating at
him home following surgery. Don, a very amiable
gentleman, has the prayers and wishes of all his friends
for a very speedy and thorough recovery.
There are many forms of art but probably the most used
is needlework. Many, many people, men and women use
needlework to express their artistic talents. We are
fortunate to have in our community a very special person
whose artistic talents are unbelieveable considering she is
an arthritic. Gert Pokorny who lives on Rice Stree: in
Trucksville is an artist in every sense of the word
Gert uses an old Scandinavian ‘counted thread’ method
to draw beautiful pictures with her needle. The process is
slow but the results are breathtaking. She has several of
her items framed and they are a credit to her effort.
Although her hands are crippled and sometimes it is
difficult to hold a needle she persists and she can be very
proud of the results. She must use a magnifying glass al
times to count the threads.
There are probably a lot of Back Mountain residents
who have special hobbies which should be shared with
others and be enjoyed. We would love to hear from anyone
who would like to have others enjoy their work.
Thought for the week : Better do a little well than a great
deal badly.
Auto Service Tips
Keeping front wheel
suspensions properly
aligned means longer
tire wear and safer
handling. Alignment
should be checked after
spring driving when
potholes are frequently
encountered in driving.
Check alignment if tires
wear unevenly or if car
pulls to right or left.
will be awarded.
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