i! il i | PAGE SIXTEEN On Sunday, Nov. 6 at the morning worship services the Lehman Charge will work in Africa. Alice Trost of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Mrs. Trost, whose husband Robert is pastor in Saratoga Springs, is the person in charge of Missionary Education for the Northeastern Jurisdiction. All are welcome. Ser- vices are Jackson, 8:45 a.m., Idetown, 10 a.m. and Lehman, 11:15 a.m. At 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6 the first meeting of the Confirmation Class will be held at the Lehman Church for the whole charge. The class is open to grades. The Idetown Choir will resume its regular rehearsal schedule Thursday at 7 p.m. Developing the theme, “Christ for the World,” as found in Matthew 28:18-20, the Dallas Community Church will be sponsoring a five-day missionary conference, Wednesday through Sunday, Nov. 2-6. The conference will feature God’s work in four Small is with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism and is ministry in Brazil, South America. Richard Long is with the Baptist Mid- Missions and is in a ministry of primitive evangelism in Venezuela, South America. Richard Teachout is also with the Baptist Mid- Missions and has a pastoral training ministry in Central = Africa Republic, Africa. Hugh Coombs is with the Berean Mission and has a ministry to missionary children in Kenya, East Africa. Robert West, volunteer chairman of motor service, Wyoming Valley. Chapter, American Red Cross has announced openings for volunteer drivers to serve in the Chapter Motor Volunteer drivers work porting blood to local terminals. The motor corps also assists with trans- SEATS ET ae rE EIN NEY supplies throughout the community. Regular drivers work 9 Progressive Republican € ommunity Endeavors ELECT... EDWARD PRICE .. KINGSTON TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR Dear Voter: Why? Nov. 8, 1977. JACK. through Friday. - Sub-. stitutes work on an oc- casional basis. Anyone who has a few hours a week and retains a current drivers license and would be interested in helping the Red Cross is asked to call the Chapter Volunteer Office. Red Cross vehicles are available to the motor corps. Dallas UM women plan United Methodist Women market and bake sale at the church basement, a.m. to 4 p.m. Light refreshments will be sold. There also will be a booth for children. Persons having articles to donate are asked to Cease, president, or Mrs. Clifford Garris, vice president. The conference schedule is as follows: Wednesday, 7 p.m., Leon Small. Thursday, 7 Richard Long. Friday, 7 p.m., Hugh Coombs; 8 p.m., Question p.m., & Answer Time, Long, Small, Coombs. Saturday, 5:30 p.m. covered dish fellowship; 7 p.m., Richard Teachout. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Leon Small; 11 a.m., Leon Small; 7