_—— agree to Governor Shapp’s request for © ES ER SE ey [ra FERRITE FTE THE- SENATE PASSED an INCLUDED: a tax increase or remained locked \ by the Rev. Charles H. Gilbert We are in the habit of thinking of Columbus Day as the time when foliage in this vicinity is at its most glorious best. Itwas on that date (Oct. 12, not merely the second Monday of the month) in 1930 when we first went over the hills from Binghamton to Forest City. We had heard all kinds of ill reports about the place, and I was the fourth pastor to be appointed that year. One said it wasn’t a fit place to bring up his children. As time goes on'I don’t think it was the worst thing that ever happened to ours, and we all think it - was a valuable experience for us. And the autumn leaves were at their most brilliant, setting off the culm piles as we drove down the last long hill into the town. This morning we made an early trip to Kingston for my 9:30 a.m. appointment with the doctor. The sun was shining at home, but the Valley was nearly blotted out with fog. It was fast clearing as we returned home, and the colors on the mountains we live back of were bright in the sunshine. There is a fall kind of chill in the air that makes us anxious to get the rest of the precious house plants inside. The tuberous begonias under the fir tree are still lovely to look at with they are i beginning to look somewhat ‘past by Howard J. Grossman A recently published book titled In this one book, a compendium of “quality of life changes is outlined by hich the reader can guage and “measure the type of nation the United .States may be by the time the 21st Many of the Cathy just put Fonzie the kitten on my shoulder to help me with my column! He has been staying in the Glass House for a week gaining strength after a bout with the prevailing virus that seems to be “going around’. He was very bony and weak when he came, and crying for his mother and brother and. sister who had not survived. But a trip to the Vet for the TLC and eggnog from a medicine the reason he was given that name in the first place. So he is getting into mischief and threatening to wreak havoc in the ‘‘infirmary’’. the big cats and bigger dog would accept the little visitor. Kynarion, after a few doggy sniffs, ignored the baby’s open-mouthed “ha-a-a-”’, and wanted to play. Fonzie soon realized that she was a friend and happily settled down beside her on the couch. Twinkle-toes was quite stand-offish, but condescended to let the baby approach his majesty with proper respect; we think he’ll unbend after awhile. But Goldenrod, after acting as if she were afraid of the little one, sat on Cathy’s lap and growled at him! For several minutes both cats sat solemnly several feet apart and watched the kitten playing with his tail, then decided that ignoring him reading for those who wish to explore the future. Major technological changes in the fields of transportation, life styles, health, communications, and other specialized functions are outlined in the bodk. For example, high speed ground transportation through tubes across the United States are being considered. In one such scheme, the tube system would flow through Northeastern Pennsylvania. In a communications network using satellites and other new techniques, a system already exisit through the U.S. Depar tment of Defense wherein such Ray Carlsen, Editor and Publisher Mrs. T.M.B. Hicks, Editor Emeritus Blaze Carlsen, Asst. to Publisher Charlot Denmon, Editorial Sandie Forgue, Advertising Virginia Hoover, Circulation Bea LaBar, Circulation Asst. Susan Heller, Office and Production Olga Kostrobala, Office and Production Jane Lutz, Office and Production Eleanor Rende, Office and Production Sally Riegel, Office and Production Patricia Rogers, Office and Production Ray Rinaldi, Production Manager Betty Meeker, Graphics NRASUSTAINING MEMBER—1977 iy BE 3 March 3, 1889. Subscriptions. $7 per yea 366, Dallas, Pa. 18612. was the best policy and walked away. Monday morning we drove up to Meshoppen for the district ministers’ meeting in that church, which I served for three ‘years. We had a delicious dinner of chicken and biscuits and other good things. Then for supper we attended a covered dish dinner of the AGO down in Wilkes- Barre; Cathy had made some delicious noodle pudding, and everyone else had made something special to eat. = No wonder the doctor. found me five pounds heavier this morning! But I'll change that ‘‘alarming” condition by cutting down; after we finish the pumpkin pie. * One of the hymns ‘Sunday morning ‘at church ineluded the line “Take my feet, and“let them “be swift “and beautiful for Thee.” I've sung it many times, but don’t think I ever saw it before. All summer the Allelujah Choir has been practicing Bach’s “Jesu, joy of man’s desiring” with Cathy playing the running triplets on her recorder. This was the Sunday they finally sang and played it in the service, and as they sang, and that joyful music went up and down, our young ballet student Barbie used her swift and beautiful feet to express the joy of the song. My own feet never could have done that kind of thing at all, and now that I'm carrying two canes most of the time, I marvel at it even more. a high speed communications network traverses Northeastern Pennsylvania. These and other ideas are the types which should be explored carefully by the citizens and officials of Northeastern Pennsylvania as a basis for changing the way the region has evolved over the years. Future Facts discusses solar energy, submarine homes, fiber building, laser fusion, wall size television, 3-D TV, and many other significant changes. In this era of rapid obsolescence, Future Facts provides a basic text for those concerned with the future. In Northeastern Pennsylvania, we have an opportunity to be in the vanguard of this futuristic way of doing business. Whether or not the region choadses to go in this direction will be decided in the next several years. The opportunity is there; whether or not the will exists to move toward 21st century thinking remains to be seen. ; _— en. Letters to the Editor must be signed to be considered for publication. Signed names may be ‘withheld on request’ from publication. | 127 lbs. 40 years ago-October 15, 1937 Growth of business section in Kingston Township above Luzerne recalls almost forgotten paper mill which once stood beside toll gate. The large 100-year old mill made paper by the ancient method, using rags placed in a lime solution and allowed to soak. In the year of its greatest activity the mill produced $7,000 of paper in one year. With the announcement that none of the three directors of Dallas Borough School Board whose terms expires this year are seeking another term, research has discovered that for the past 16 years board members have willingly ended their duties at the end of one six-year term. Eight-year-old Fred Warhola, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Warhola, died in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, 10 hours after he was hit by a car near the old Goss homestead on Kunkle Road at noon Wednesday. Mrs. Frank ‘Neyhard, Fernbrook, will succeed her late husband as the Republican nominee for Justice of the Peace in the general election, according "to ‘plans this Week sudden death. Lake-Lehman High School football team will play Shickshinny this Saturday; Dallas Borough will be at Nicholson, and Kingston Township will play at Wyoming. Dallas Township has no game scheduled until its Oct. 30 game with Kingston Township. Dallas Junior Women’s Club makes plans for a card party, Nov. 12, at Irem Temple Country Club. You could get-eggs 29 cents doz.; ketchup 10 cents bot. ; tomatoes, corn, peas or string beans 4 cans 25 cents; spaghetti 5 cents pkg.; lettuce 2 hds., 15 cents; rutabagas 4 lbs. 10 cents; bananas 5 cents Ib. Henry Peterson, general chairman, says the eighth annual Halloween parade, Friday night, Oct. 31, will be the best in eight years with a specialty class for pets and animals included. Daniel C. Roberts and Henry M. Laing Fire Companies battled for an hour and a half Monday afternoon to extinguish stubborn flames at the A. L. Stull, property, Alderson. Seventy-five members of Dallas Township and Lehman Veterans Agricultural Schools and members of their faculties were guests of Col. Dorrance Reynolds at a demonstration of dairy cow judging, and a clinic on the care of hoofs and horns at Goodliegh Farm on Monday. Robert Grose, shortstop with Dallas Legionaires for the past two years, has signed a contract with the Philadelphia Athletics and will be in the spring. Final game in the Susquehanna League will be played this week between Dallas Legionaires, champions of the South Division, against Od’s Cafe, champions of the North Division, at Larksville Sunday afternoon. Bob Smith, son of Col. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Huntsville, is named to second right end position at Annapolis. Shaver Theatre. Engaged-He len Marie Roberts to Everett Hines. and Walter Hough, Jr.; Charlotte H., Hildebrant and Clarence W. Payne. . You could get-Pork chops 69 cents Ib.; hamburg 45 cents lb.; turkeys 59 cents 1b.; bread 11 cents loaf; coffee 39 cents lb. ; Lifebuoy soap 3 cakes 28 cents; pork and beans 2 cans 61 cents; celery 23 cents bch. ; sweet potatoes 4 Ibs. 23 cents; McIntosh apples 3 Ibs. 29 cents; 20 years ago-October 18, 1957 Lehman-Jackson, Ross schools with 271 students absent out of an enrollment of 984 closed yesterday for the weekend to give pupils a chance to recover. John Beagle is suffering from first, second and third degree burns at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, as the result of a gas explosion at his Tastee- Freeze plant on Memorial Highway. The explosion touched off devastating fire destroying the business property onwhich insurance had been allowed to elapse. The Dallas-Exeter football game and the game between Lehman and Avoca have been called this weekend due to illness among the players. Historically, the most successful and most honest form of government is our Democracy under a two party system. Almost every municipality known to us in Northeastern Pennsylvania, whether it be county, city, borough, or township, has enjoyed this check and balance of a two party system. One exception to the two party system is Dallas Township. Here a single party has dominated the power for more than 30 years. The minority correct this situation, but has been defeated over these many years by an overwhelming number of votes who have always voted just one way. The encumbent power has now prohibited the two party system long enough! Evidence of this occurred in the last primary election, their encumbant supervisor was defeated by the popular vote, but now will run What this means is that the party now in power has shown a complete disregard of the preference of the voters. This autonomy of power thereby disenfranchises the basic principle of one person one vote and attempts to usurp the principles of a free election. Now, more than ever before, there is a glaring need for a two party system and we sincerely believe that the voters of Dallas Township are aware of this. Therefore, we encourage all the voters in Dallas township, Democrat and Republican alike, to remove the monopoly of single party power by voting for Jack Dodson and Nelson Wilson and bring honest two party government to Dallas Township. Vote straight Democrat on election day Nov. 8, 1977. signed Jerry Scott Dallas Township Committee for Better Government = Union District is gaining favor among Dallas Borough, Dallas, Franklin, and Kingston Townships as the November election draws near when voters will vote on the Union. Rotary Club presented memorial bookcase to Back Mountain Library in memory of the late Harry Ohlman. Now playing at local theatres-‘‘The River’s Edge,” Ray Millard, Debra Paget, Forty Fort Theatre; ‘“‘Unnatural,’”’ Moonlite Drive-In; “The D.I.,” Jack Webb, Luzerne Theatre; ‘Beau James,” Bob Hope, Vera Miles, Himmler Theatre; ‘The Pajama Game,” Doris Day, Dallas Outdoor Theatre. Ann Peterson, Dallas, who is teaching school to Army children in Germany this year, met the granddaughter of the great opera composer, Richard Wagner. Engaged-Charlotte Michael to Donald Watchulonis; Helen Shook to Chester Goodman. : Married-Elizabeth Mary Stofila and Gerald .T, Doskos; = Margaret Ann Polk and John Smith. » Weintz, 50 years. Steve Nagy “gets surprise as nine- year old Danny Hanson with a 100 pin Dallas Area band to lead the Halloween parade in Dallas on Oct. 31. You could get-Steak 79 cents 1b.; fresh sausage 69 cents lb.; veal chops 79 cents 1b. ; lobster tails 99 cents 1b.; rye bread 17 cents loaf; biack pepper 35 cents 4-oz. can; frozen Hawaiian Punch 2 6-0z. cans 39 cents; egg noodles 2 12-oz. pkgs. 43 cents; frozen asparagus spears 3 9-oz. pkgs. $1; tomatoes 19 cents Ib.; avocado pears 2 lbs. 29 cents; carrots 2 pkgs. 23 cents. 10 years ago-October 19, 1967 Sesqui motorcade heads for Sweet Valley tonight leaving the Dallas Bank lot at7:15 p.m. When they arrive at Adams store there will be dancing and refreshments for everyone. Lehman Township supervisors agreed to follow the recommendations of Weston, Inc., as reguards sewage facilities in that area. Kingston Township will add third police officer and board member, John Funke asks for better lighting on the highway and Carverton Road. Rev. Grove Armstrong, pastor of Park Neighborhood Free Methodist original church edifice across from Kingston Township Fire Hall on Carverton Road. Letters of commendation honoring them for their high performance on the 1967 National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test have been awarded to Dallas students, Ruth Besecker and John Anderson. Anniversaries-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kyttle, 60 years; Mr. and Mrs. Christian Appel, 48 years; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pope, 25 years; Mr. and Mrs. Russel G. Transue, Jr., 25 years; Birthday-Mrs. Daisy Prynn, 82 years. Deaths-C. Fred Terry, Meadowcrest; George S. Seymour, Sweet Valley; Mrs. Louise Foss, Sweet Valley; Scott Lefko’s kick provides the one point margin which gives the. Mountaineers their 7-6 win over Plains. You could get-Sliced bacon 49 cents Ib.; turkey drumsticks 29 cents lb; smoked pork chops 99 cents lb; ketchup 2 bots. 63 cents; sandwich bread 31 cents loaf; frozen niblets corn 3 pkgs. 89 cents; frozen cauliflower 5 pkgs. $1; fruited babka 55 cents lb. ; margarine 2 lbs. 83 cents; velveeta cheese 2 1b. loaf 99 cents; bath size Ivory soap 2 bars 35 cents; spinach 10-oz pkg. 19 cents; cabbage 4 cents lb. ; ripe tomatoes 19 cents cello pkg. » a Lo] oN LI