. » — amma ; eee ———— a —_ — “I said that Hanover is a better team than they showed against Dallas and they are,” said Coach Rich Gorgone of Lake-Lehman after his Knights defeated the Hawkeyes 26-14. “I was surprised in the beginning of the game. I was worried about the defense for a while but toward the end of the first half they straightened out and turned the game around.” “I was pleased to see the kids didn’t quit, they have a lot of spirit. I'm in- terested in seeing them improve and play good football.” “John Coulton played a beautiful game. He’s only a junior and I think you're going to hear a lot about him. Bert Balliet is doing a nice job at quarterback too. I'm pleased with all the kids, even the young ones on the bench who keep the spirit high.” Hanover scored two touchdowns in the second period in Saturday’s game on the Knights field. Rick Pavlick capped drives of 77 yards and 30 yards for two touchdowns. Joe Pacropis failed to kick the extra point after the first touch- down but Blaski completed a pass to Pavlick for a two- point conversion after the second score. The Knights scored their first touchdown at the end of the first half on a 21- yard pass from Balliet to Coulton climaxing a 73 yard drive by the Knights. Greg Bogdon failed to kick the extra point and the half ended 14-6. Bert Balliet ran 52 yards for a Knight touchdown when they first took the ball in the second half but Jack Swire’s run for two points was unsuccessful. Hanover pass and went for the third Lake-Lehman touchdown but again the Knights edge Dallas runners at Dallas The Lake-Lehman Knights edged by Coach Lew Isaac’s cross country runners 26-30 last week in a close contest run over the Mountaineers course. David Moore chalked up the best time with time of 16:59. Second and third places went to Knights Mark Derwin and Gary Tough. The remaining top 10 were John Prater (D); Joe Levi (LL); Paul McCue (D); Joe Parsons (LL); John Davis (D); Paul Wendel and Joe Alies (LL). The Mountaineers meet Valley West on Thursday while the Knights have an open date. Dallas Sept. Sept. Sept. 24-Football, Pittston, Sept. Sept. away, 7:30 p.m. Sept. Sept. Sept. 24-Football, Meyers, home, 2 p.m. “SPIRITUAL TRAVELER” “THE WORD" IF. Budd Schooles. M.D, 675-5910 and Nesbitt College Book Stores, Hospital & Wisericordia 3 | - a En ED ED GD CE TD TD EE EE > > a w= of Dallas + fh, R.D. 1, Dallas, Pa. 3 | | ! | | Bh | | | | | | | | | | ‘ Phone 675- 1546 try for extra points failed. Randy Walsh scored the fourth and final touchdown for the Knights in the fourth quarter and Swire ran the ball over for two points. The Knights meet Meyers at the Back Mountain field this Saturday with the game time at 2 p.m. ‘Meyers has a great team,’”’ said Gorgone. “This Saturday will tell what our team is like. Last year, they beat us by six points and the year before by five. They have a good team this year but I don’t believe it is the typical Meyers team.” “I don’t think that they can have the depth they have had other years. However, they do have DeGraffenreid, Johnes, Moules and Merlie. Big Charlie D is fast and an outstanding athlete but I believe he can be stopped. Saturday will tell. Our kids will be in there to stop him.” dancing, no, Knight Bill SSE pipe Coach Charles Preece’s Dallas golfers made it 3-0 Monday afternoon by defeating GAR 21-0, on the heels of a 1914-11, win over West Side Tech last Thursday. In Monday’s match at Irem Temple Country Club, sophomore Caleb Greismann was medalist with four points. Mark McKane, senior out his first time in team play, had four points. Freshman Jim Smith took four points and fresh- men Paul Jobson and Jeff Balmer each collected three points. John Lehon, sophomore who has been out for the team only four weeks, had three points. In the match with West Side Tech at Happy Valley, Greismann was medalist with four points. Jeff MacDonald and Coyle Smith also had four points each. “Meyers was the home team and it was Coach Mickey Gorham’s decision whether or not he wanted to play in the downpour last Friday night. He wanted to go ahead with the contest so we had no choice. “I did put it to our kids, however, and most of them indicated they wanted to play so I couldn’t see any sense in trying to fight it,” said Mountaineer Coach Jack Jones, commenting on the Meyers-Dallas game won by the Mohawks 14-6. The game was played but it was played before only a handful of spectators who were brave enough to sit through the steady downpour. Jones made no excuses for the Mountaineers loss because of the rain soaked artificial turf, however. “We just didn’t play hard enough to win,’’ he said. “I said earlier in the week that if we played as good or better than we did against Hanover we could probably take Meyers-but we didn’t. Out blocking was terrible, we didn’t have any. “Whether or not they had the advantage, I don’t know. Wouldn’t they have the same advantage on the dry turf.” “Gorham did exactly what we expected him to do. He ran Charlie DeGraffenreid a lot. That was his mistake against Coughlin, he didn’t run Charle D often enough. “We lost the ball game not a dealer. he only to YOU! when we failed to convert the extra points on Whalen’s touchdown and when Bob Murtaugh picked up Falcone’s fumble and went over from the five yard line.” But Jones pointed out the fine defensive per- formance of Jerry Mec- Dowell, Jim Thomas, Bob Whalen and Ray Kern, Ed Stolarick and Bernie Sherin. Dave Gramps and Vince Sodrosky were on big Charlie D throughout the game. Both teams played a fine defensive game and bat- tled each other the whole game with the Mohawks coming out on top. Dallas had a chance to score early in the first quarter when they recovered a Meyers fumble at the 16 yard line but the Mohawk defense held and forced a fourth and 16 yard pass by Dough Smith which went un- completed. At the beginning of the second quarter, it was DeGraffenreid who gave Meyers six points by going over from the one yard line Tom Merlie hit McGuiness for the two point con- version. Just before the end of the first half, dallas quar- terback Doug Smith hit TAN Bob Whalen with a 56 yard pass at the 30 and Whalen went in for a touchdown. His pass for two points went wide. With less than eight minutes on the clock in the third quarter, Dave Moules hit Steve Asby on a handoff from Charles Falcone and knocked the ball loose. Rob Cross of Meyers scooped it up and ran into the end zone for the touchdown. The try for extra points failed. “We made mistakes and it cost us the game” said Jones. But the rain-soaked fans had other ideas. They believed the mistake was fl Jim Smith and Jim Thomas each collected three points and Mark Hughes had one and a half. The Dallas" golfers have two of their toughest matches coming Hanover on Thursday, Sept. 22 and Wyoming Seminary, Sept. 26. a lot” made when the decision was made to play the game. The Mountaineers play Pittston at the Patriots field this Saturday. Game time is 7:30 p.m. “They have a talented ball club,” said Jones. They have Granteed and he is going to be hard to stop. No one has stopped him so far. They are not a fancy team and they don’t do a lot of different things. They almost tell they’re going to do and then they do it. ‘“Ardonine, their quarterback, is a good runner and runs the ball (Continued on P. 13) a ~ tional methods 1 MICROWAVE#OVEN ) Model RR 9 287-9631 Store Hours: ® Saturday Ahk co a eA Scns A