TRUCKSVILLE GIANTS--Kneeling, left to right: Julie Stafila, Ann Deuhn, Christine Kravitz, Jean McHale, Lori Wallace, Sue Ridall and Sue Chamberlain. Standing: Coach Lori English, Corinne Chiogna, Corinne Martin, Pam Kohansky, Barb Wallace, Lori Williamseon, Meredith Billman, Rene Young, Frank Hemingway, coach; and Rolet Williamson. (Photo by Fay L. Broody Studio.) DALLAS CUBS--Kneeling, from left to right: Ramona Goble, Karen Dombeck, Mary Gray, Louise Hicks, Mary Lou Harris, Susan L. Dreher, Liza DeWitt and Elise Rose. Standing: Coach Janice Phillips, Molly Elston, Katie Michael, Karen Michael, Marcia Davis, Susan Dreher, Leslie Wolfe, Peggy Elston, Michele Grossman and Gayle Kirk. (Photo: Fay L. Broody Studio) DALLAS CARDINALS--Kneeling, from left to right: Connie Miller, Lorraine Davis, Carol Patton, Nancy Shaw, Linda Susnowski, Mary Ann Judge, Karen Brace, and Jackie Bergenin. Standing: Ann Hozempa, Sandy Calkins, Eileen Judge, Maureen Judge, Carole Kwasnik, Nancy Frantz, Lori Lutsey, Gloria Hazeltine, Michelle Thomas, Grace Wilson and J. Sherwood Wilson. “Serving Home & Industry” 273 UNION STREET, LUZERNE Steam —— Hot water —— Warm air — Complete package units — —— Conversion units — 288-3636 696-1808 TO THE E