The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 19, 1976, Image 12

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Tall, slender, brunette
Janice Fitzgerald will
make her bid for first place
in the state figure skating
competition in May. If she
places in the state compe-
tition, she will qualify for
regionals and - then, if
successful, make a bid for
the national championship
in figure roller skating.
Janice, who started skat-
ing when she was five, is
not new to competitive
skating. Recently she com-
missed the finals by one
point. She derived satis-
will play Commonwealth
Telehpne Co., Wednesday,
8 p.m. at Dallas Township
Sylvia. Wills, Hillcrest Elementary School.
Ave., Shavertown, has
returned home from G. Reimer, Bangor, has
Nesbitt Memorial Hospital,
several weeks.
St. Paul’s’ Lutheran
Church basketball team
returned home after
spending the weekend with
his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
George Voorhees, and
. <P fC
faction from the fact that
although missing the finals
she defeated the New York
State champ who’ had
placed first at Blue Ridge,
outside of Montrose.
The Back Mountain
homemaker also entered
the Blue Ridge competition
and captured third place.
Prior to that, she skated at
South Amboy, N.J. in
November and came in
17th among competitors
from seven states, one of
them the New Jersey
regional champion.
The daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Burczyk of
Nanticoke, Janice came
from a skating family al-
though her parents,
brother and sister skated
only for the sport.
Janice enjoyed it so
much that at the age of 14
she started taking private
lessons at Hazleton. She
continued her skating,
working for proficiency,
going before judges for
evaluation on merit.
Warren Fitzgerald then
came into Janice’s life and
following her graduation
from Nanticoke High
School they were married.
Warren was a native of
Dallas and he met his wife
through his sister who was
married to Janice’'s
Soon after their mar-
riage in 1962, Janice and
Warren moved to Connect-
icut where he was em-
ployed by Fafner Ball
Bearing Co. The Fitz-
geralds then moved to
Canada where Warren at-
tended Bible School for two
years after which they
family, East Center Street,
The Dorcas Society of St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church
held a meeting on Feb. 20
in the social rooms of the
church. Hostesses were
Ruth Ide, Sally Cartwright,
and Alicia Shrey.
Plans were made for.a
rummage sale in the spring
settled in Seattle where
they spent two years in
church work before return-
ing to the Back Mountain
eight years ago.
Janice discontinued
skating when she married
Warren and stayed at
home to raise their three
children, Susan, 12, a
student at Dallas Junior
High; David, 10, a student
at Dallas Intermediate;
and Kenny, age seven,
student at Dallas Township
Elementary School.
When they first returned
from the West Coast, the
Fitzgeralds lived in
Shavertown but later pur-
chased their home in
Kunkle where they now re-
side. For the past six
years, Warren has been an
employe of Dallas Dairy.
Now that the children are
older, Janice is back on her
roller skates. She did not
find it difficult to pick up
her skating where she left
off more than 10 years ago
but she did discover that
the procedures for compe-
titive skating are entirely
different. Techniques used
to be American styled-
today they are inter-
In earlier years, Janice
did more skating with a
partner but now she has
concentrated on figure
roller skating, working
alone rather than with
someone. The Lithe, at-
tractive skater is looking
forward to the next few
years when roller skating
will become one of the
accepted athletic events of
the Olympics.
She has taught Warren
Practice for Fastnacht
will be held Feb. 24.
The Big Kids of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church are
planning a sleigh riding
party for Saturday night.
how to skate although he
does not perform compe-
titively and the three child-
ren are also good on skates.
Kenny's specializes .in
speed skating, David is
concentrating on dance,
and Susan is working with
figure skating.
Janice practices on the
average of three full days
each week at the Skateway
in Wilkes-Barre. She
skates for at least two
hours Wednesday morn-
ings, Wednesday after-
noon, all day Saturday, and
For the past three weeks,
families living on Pine
Street and Hemlock Drive,
have been experiencing
low water pressure; foul
tasting water; or no water
at all.
After speaking with The
Lomma Water Company
on and off for three weeks,
I've come to the conclusion
they do not know what the
problem is. One day they
told me there's a break in
the line somewhere and
they have to wait for the
temperature to rise in
order to begin repairs.
Another call, they said the
electrical timer in the
pump house was giving
them trouble.
One of the many an-
noying factors in this
problem is that neighbors
who have called to com-
plain are all given different
reasons for this problem. A
letter from the water
company stated that repair
work will begin Monday,
Feb. 16 through Feb. 18.
The Batka’s, Charlie,
Eileen, Karen and Chuck
have returned from their
winter vacation in Florida.
Congratulations to Stan
and Isabelle Chilson who
will celebrate their wed-
ding anniversary this
Happy birthday Uncle
potato, vegetable
at least one afternoon and
one evening other days of
the week. Her instructor is
Jack Britland of Allen-
town, who works three
days each week with her.
His hope is that Janice will
make it to the nationals
this year in Texas.
‘Busy people are the
busiest,” is often heard
said and that is true with
Janice. She works four
nights each week as a wait-
ress at Mark II restaurant.
She is also involved in
Harry Marquis.
Sorry to report that
Marge Angelicola is a
medical patient at
Geissinger Medical Center
in Danville.
Another lovely from Oak
Hill, Pam Phillips was
selected as Miss Senior at
Lake-Lehman High School.
Happy birthday to
Martha Hession who will
be blowing out birthday
candles Feb. 27 and to
Johanna Schleich, Feb. 21.
Tom and Jane Yoniski
will honor their 13th
by Virginia Hoover
Sincere sympathy to the
family of the late Jesse W.
Rogers of Lehman Heights,
who died Sunday morning.
Survivors are his widow,
Martha Lamoreaux, and
daughter, Vera Hoover,
and Mrs. William Weaver.
Also sympathy to the
relatives of the late Clif-
ford Ide of Dallas. Mrs. Ide
and son Dean, a great car
lover, had passed away a
few years ago.
Mrs. Gaile Ales is home
from the hospital. Morton
Connelly was a surgical
patient at Nesbitt Hospital
but is now home.
church work and has
taught Sunday School and
been a member of the
choir. Janice also plays the
piano which she learned
without taking lessons.
The young homemaker
likes the out-of-doors and
thoroughly enjoyed work-
ing in their large garden
last summer. She likes liv-
ing in the Back Mountain
especially out where they
are, because of the open
space and plenty of fresh
Her busy schedule does
only were the
Rees, all of the Back
and to his widow Betty and
children, we extend our
deepest sympathy.
Birthday greetings to
Greg Gieson, who
celebrated his seventh
birthday, Feb. 14, with a
party for friends and
Wish to welcome the
Mulligans, new residents to
our little corner of the
world. The family has
recently moved into the
Saturday night at 6:30
the Idetown Couples Club
will meet at the church
There will be a rummage
sale at the Idetown United
Methodist Church on April
29th and 30th. Items for this
sale can be received now at
the church house.
Fred Webber has
completed his basic
training at Lackland Air
Force Base.
Happy birthday to Don
Boice, formerly of
Idetown, who is
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Long
and daughters, Tricia,
not give her time to be-
come active in many
organizations but she is a
member of Skateway
Skating Club and the In-
dependent Bible Church at
She attributes much of
her success in roller skat-
ing to the understanding
and cooperation of her hus-
band and children who go
with her as often gas
possible. They are a
encouragement to Janice -
“my moral support’, she
Senick’s former home on
Hilltop Drive.
Seldom do I view TV but
these past two weeks, I've
been glued to the tube
enjoying the Olympic
Games. Through the
courtesy of ABC millions of
Americans were able to
feel the joy, anxiety,
nervousness and the
heartbreak of the com-
petitions. With all the ‘R
rated programs that are
being shown on television
nowadays. I’m happy to
rate this = American
Broadcasting Company
coverage as A plus ex-
Trayce and Terianne were
weekend visitors of Pat’s
mother and father, Mr. and
Mrs. Flloyd Hoover.
Elmer Hoover is im-
proving very good. He has
been spending his time
lately cleaning ice off of
sidewalks, which there has
been a lot of.
Several children who
have celebrated their
birthdays this month have
been Gail Heller, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Skip
Heller, Idetown, and also
their twe grandchildren
Sandy and Ck ®lie
Honeywell of Lake 'silk-
worth. of
sauce, choice of
S. Mt. Boulevard
7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days a
week: i
Sans Souci Pkwy.