i J p THE WINNERS--Members of the Athletic Marie The Ragukonis; Rocky Knorr, Leo Pall, by Mike Edwards Jr. High basketball team lost to G.A.R. 55-34. The well-balanced G.AR. team took a 30-10 wr A young and inex- perienced = Lake-Lehman OF KINGSTON WITH TRADE IN EY LOTTI SS IMAI LEY Nl” You Save Zt 100 0. 800 10005, Choose any model * NOVA MONZA ® CAMARO % ESTATE WAGON * CAPRICE * IMPALA % MONTE CARLO ® CHEVELLE + 1/2 TOR TRUCKS 0 LARGER 7e7:3 CHEVROLETS & TRUCKS Get The No.1 Deal On An Automobile From Your 100% DISCOUNT DEALER actos AINED SERVICE DEPARTMENT SAME DAY DELIVERY Moke your selection You've got it! SAME DAY BIG-8/G FINANCING SELECTION NOW 694 Wyoming Pve., a : Kingston 1 lo ) PHONE OF KINGSTON 287-21 8 half-time lead with Dave Griffith and Bobby Went leading the way. The Knight's offense was stalemated due to the illness of Gregg Bodgon playmaker. In the second half John Coulton, Lake- Lehman exploded with 17 points, but it was not enough to contain G.A.R. High scorer for G.A.R. was Griffith with 18 and for the Knights Coulton, with 21 points. Coulton is one of the leading scorers in the junior high basketball division. Jan. Jan. p.m. ™ Jan. Varsity 7:30p.m.\ © \ \ p.m.; Varsity 8 p.m. 2) 7:30 p.m. Varsity 8 p.m. \ Varsity 7:30 p.m. p.m. p.m.; Varsity 7:30 p.m. Dallas girls\ basketball team defeated the Lake- Lehman Lady Knights, 65- 27, on the Mounts floor last Friday, The Lady Mounts ‘played a strong offensive game and their sharp shooting put them in the lead 21-4 at the end of the first period. Sally Galka was the key playmaker for the Lady Knights in the first period and made the first shot. «Michelle Kravitsky tossed” in 13 points in the first quarter and Kandi Karuza dumped in eight to give the Dallas girls their 21-4 lead. \ Kravitsky continued her sharp shooting during the second quarter with help from Donna Richardson, Lorraine Davis and Ann Hawk. Pam Phillips did the shooting for the Lady Knights in the second quarter and the half ended 33-13, Dallas.. The Lady Mounts held the Knights to six points in the: opening period of the second ‘half while Lori English, Michelle Kravitsky and Liza DeWitt led their five in scoring 18 points. Mary Sue Rish/did the scoring for the Lake- Lehman girls. Kandi Karuza came back into the game in the final quarter and paced the Dallas team with four with DeWitt; English, Barb Johnson, Richardson adding their share. Both teams played hard throughout but the Dallas girls put the final score at 65-27. Kravitsky was high scorer with 24 points and Kandi Karuza put in 11. Rish was high for Lake- Lehman with 12 points, 10 from the court and two from the foul line. The Dallas girls are scheduled to play Wyoming Seminary and Crestwood this week. The Lady Knights will go against St. Johns, Crestwood and Wyoming Seminary. by Mike Edwards The jayvee Knights of Lake-Lehman lost their first game of the season to G.AR., 59-58, on a last second free throw last week. Both teams started the first half with a well- balanced offenses. The Grenadiers took a 24-20 half-time lead due to outstanding defensive play. The third quarter was filled with bucket-for- bucket scoring with neither team dominating. The Knights soared with emotion as the fourth quarter started and they tried tied the game at 42-42. 58 Later the Grenadiers took a 47-42 lead on some ball stealing, but the Knights regained their momentum and took a 48-47 lead. The game stayed tight and the Knights tied the game at 58-58 with a 10 foot jumper by Coombs and 12 seconds left. However, a foul gave Shaw of G.A.R. a one and one chance to win the game. Shaw sank the first and missed the second. The Knights time ran out leaving a G.A.R. victory 59-58. Jim Spencer led the Knights with 15 points while Coombs and Ray Spencer had 13 each. Bill Shaw led the Grenediers with 21. health. The approach to health prior to that time had been a chemical ap- proach -- putting into the body chemicals that were supposed to alter the che- mistry of disease to the chemistry of health, which is normal chemistry. " Then chiropractic came along and said that the body receives all of the chemicals needed for he- alth through the food we \ i: eat, the oxygen we inhale, and the water we drink. Chiropractic emphasizes that when disease occurs it is because somehow the body is failing to digest. properly, or to properly eliminate the wastes from metabolism. Chiropractic gave the world a different approa- ch to the problems of he- alth. It stressed the fact that the cause of disease is within the body. It sought for that cause with in the body. It had a way to correct that within the body cause and permit nature to handle 1nature’s chemicals in the normal manner that constitutes health. If chiropractic had not been different it would not have had any good reason for existence. It is its difference that permits chiropractic to restore health to millions where other methods fail. It is: its difference which makes} chiropractic valuable to society. It is its differe-. nce that makes it a sep- arate and distinct profes- sion. And, a separate and distinct professionassu- res society of the perpe- tuation of that difference which sick people need SO much. SEAL ord { vee = NY: “tiny st 690 Memorial Hwy. (nextto_ PHONE 675-3833 RICHARDS by Lee L. Richards Now that the Super Bowl is over, we can get our attention on the roundball and wrestling scene. Just a couple of observations on the Super Bowl. It was the best Super Bowl played and was filled with excitement. Steelers were the better team, but the Cowboys did perform in a gutsy manner. Some of the stories we read prior to game, were ridiculous. Dick Young of the Daily News wrote how Cowboys called all of the plays for Roger Staubach and how all the defensive alignments were signaled to the defensive team. Shows just how much Young knows about football. They’ve been doing that in pro and college football for at least 10 years. Reports of Lynn Swan’s condition was over-played, too. Most of stories were . just.a bunch of baloney. Our pal Randy White played exceptionally well. He was in on a couple of sacks and demonstrated his quickness when he chased Terry Bradshaw down late in game. Speaking of Bradshaw, whom we have a heap of respect for as quarterback, we re a bit, tired of hearing about his IQ. Some of the Pitt grid coaches have a lot of respect for Terry, as he helps recruit for the Panthers, and they've told me he’s a real sharp individual and the IQ rap is hog-wash. One significant note concerning game was lack of an offensive holding call against either team. We'd like to know when last time an NFL game was played and this penalty wasn’t ‘Bradshaw was my pick for MVP. Steelers’ cornerbacks are cheapshot artist. MLB Jack Lambert is a solid and aggressive football player, but he’s not a cheapshot like the cornerbacks. Hope all the experts who wrote off the Steelers in beginning of season and boasted how it was going to be the Dolphins or Raiders in Super Bowl have to eat their words. Coach Tom Landry of Cowboys showed plenty of class as usual. Pre-game show by CBS was nothing to put up for any awards. I got a little sick of seeing Stram, Namath and Colts in previous Super Bowls. We'd of much rather seen some interviews with the Dallas Junior High wrestlers hold a record of 2-0 in the Wyoming Valley Junior High Wrestling League by taking their second consecutive win 38- 34 over Plains. Mark Carter put the young Mounts on the board 3-0 by taking a 5-2 decision from 75 lb. Joe Petaurzai. The Plains team tied the meet at 3-3 when Chuck Beid held 80 lb. Dave Rogers scoreless to take his bout by a 4-0 score. Jack Robinson moved Plains out in front 9-3 by turning over 85 lb: Dave. Hartman in 2:25. The score moved to 11-5 on a tie bout between 90 1b. Mark Walko (D) and John Drayer (P). 95 lb. Steve Bittenbender lost 4-0 to Plains grappler Larry Shields. With the score 14-5, Simon Pazuchanics (D) and Bob Machle wrestled to a draw in the 100 lb. bout. Joe Buline outwrestled the Mounts 105 Ib. Live Wires take three in UGI league The Live Wires shut out the Terminators in the UGI Mixed Bowling League to move out in front by two and a half games ahead of the Electrodes. The Electrodes dropped two points to the Kilowatts. The Terminators are in third place one game behind the Electrodes. The Lightning Rods picked up Pots and/ the ' Jumpers| | copped two points from the/ Hot Sticks. : / Bob Vandermark leads the men keglers with 529 and Shel Hoover/ is close with 509. | Lois Leeds 403 is top series for the women in the league. | Williams in an exciting and close 2-0 bout. The Mounts moved the score to 19-13 when their 110 Ib. Sean Cavenaugh turned over Lou Brocca in 2:11. They fell further behind when Brian Muldoon, 115 lb. was outwrestled by Scott Jenkins, and 120:1lb. Ron Sorber was pinned by Scott Bonham in :45 seconds. The next five bouts went to the young Mountaineers to put them out in front 34- 28. 125 lb. Bob Mesiatus decisioned John Sara (P) 4- 0; 130 1b. Andy Pinter took a 5-0 bout with little dif- ficulty from Andy Yankovid (P); and Scott Asby, 135 1b., flattened Andy Hiedix in 1:37. 145 lb. Fred Templin picked up six points for the Mounts on a forfeit and 155 lb. Brian Thomas (D) took a 2-0 decision from Brian Sharn. The Plains grapplers tied the score at 34 each on Dave Kenny's fast :54 second pin of 167 1b. Tom Shulke. Ken Kuderka, 180 lb., put the game on ice for the Junior High Mounts when he picked up an easy 10-0 major decision over Vin Praglia. people playing in this year’s game and what their feelings were. Well \Robin\ Frey has garnered a first-team berth on Pitt’s varsity women’s cage team. Her pop, that snow last week to see Robin help Panthers to a 56-50 victory over Ohio State. Game was played in Pittsburgh’ s Civic Arena. They played before Pitps men played Notre Dard Robin is averaging 8.6 per- game. Pitt has 6-1 log. She had six against the Buckeyes. She’s playing forward. : We think it’s marvelous for a young lady of Robin’s stature to be doing the things she’s doing. . Jack Hannigan and Dan Evans seemed to have a great time attending the recent Sugar Bowl, even though Penn State bowed to Alabama. Hannigan also holds the distinction of being the first guy to “drive” the 14th trap at Irem this year. ) Dallas High grid coach, Jack Jones, has until this Friday to let the board know of his intent for the next year and they've requested it in writing. According to Jack, he plans on returning as head football coach. He's currently conducting an » season weight program for some of the gridders after school. Here's the way recent collegiate wrestling poll went: 1-Penn State 108; 2- Lehigh 89; 3-Clarion St. 82; 4-Pitt 72; 5-Navy 58; 6- Slippery . Rock 52; 7- Syracuse 46; 8-Lock Haven 18; 9-Montclair St. 17; 10- East Stroudsburg 11. On strength of its recent win over Montclair, Wilkes should challenge for berth in top 10 in next week’s poll which will be third of season. Howard Jones picked the Super Bowl score right on the nose with his 21. choice of Steelers. Buz? Edwards was next with/ga 21-10 count. We ran list of selections in last week’s column on how local fans felt the Super Bowl was going to turnout. Couple of 'roundball coaches we talked with last week still feel Dallas could make bid for Division 2 honors, although Hanover will be tough to stop. You've got to feel a little for Lake-Lehman Coach Tim Lukachick as his cagers take it on the chin. Tim is not accustomed to losing. Hope he’s got the patience to hang in there until he gets things turned around. OF PARTS Sat. 8 to noon 696-1020 announces VIDEO Kingston, Pa.