transitional programs for primary ~ learning needs. A $824,700 grant from EPA helped the Harveys Lake Sewer Authority pay debts amounting to $372,038. The Dallas-Shavertown Water Co. increased water pressure in certain area localities to improve service. Kingston Township supervisors voted to close the Rose Hill Trap Club. Contracts totaling $27,000 were awarded to three area milk suppliers by the Lake Lehman School Board. The Harveys Lake Beach Association announced that it will hold its annual fireworks display on Sunday evening. The Department of environmental Re@@urces refused to help Dallas Borough clean our Toby’s Creek claiming that channelization and levy construction were not feasible. Lake Lehman School District announced that the new Lake Lehman-Jackson Township Elementary School will open on Sept. 3:5 ~The Luzerne County Fair an- nounced complete schedule of events to take place on Sept. 5, 6, and 7 at Lehman Horse Show Grounds. ‘The Dallas School District received -a federal grant of $63,800 in September. The Dallas School Board announced that no bids had been received for the Shavertown Elementary School. The deteriorating conditions of Carverton Road prompted school bus owner Leon Emanuel to state that continued deterioration may force him to discontinue bus: service to students in that area. Harveys Lake Sewer Authority begin legal action against the Glace an@Glace engineering firm claiming that the firm put the sewer authority and the taxpayers into financial difficulty. The Back Mountain Firemen’s Association announced plans to sponsor a children’s poster contest which would coincide with the Oct. 5- 11 observance of National Fire - Prevention Week. Also in September, Jack Glace, president of the Glace and Glace Engineering firm, stated that he hopes the ‘‘sewer work will be completed as soon as possible so his firm can get out.” Dr. Les Jordan received the highest Rotary International Honor, the Paul Harris Fellowship Award, during a district meeting of Rotarians at the Irem Temple Country Club. In October, the Ronox Manufacturing Co. in Noxen was ruined when high waters from Bowman's Creek, which had followed Hurricane Eloise, washed out the ground from underneath one wall of the building causing the wall to collapse. Luzerne County Civil Defense stated that Hurricane Gladys was posing no threat to the area. In October, the Back Mountain Protective Association announced that U.S. Representative Dan Flood will be the recipient of the prestigious Back Mountain Service Award during banquet ceremonies at the Irem Temple Country Club Oct. 31. Lake Lehman High School Band walked away with top honors at the third annual Coughlin Red and Blue Band competition. The Back Mountain Library celebrated its 30th anniversary. The Glace and Glace engineering firm filed a long awaited updated fiscal report for the Harvey’s Lake sewer project in October and Back Mountain School Board candidates were preparing final campaign strategy. An area survey showed that Back Mountain parents felt that the area is “not a bad place to raise kids’’. Also in October, candidates for supervisor’s postitions in Lehman, Jackson, and Kingston Townships prepared for the Nov. 4 election. Republican candidates generally prevailed in the Back Mountain area in the Nov. 4 election. Gloria Brennan, who had previously announced as the Republican candidate for the Dallas School Board, found out that she had won the nominations of both parties in the primary. Dallas taxpayers were concerned . ’ Tr - IE 3D, NI 1 4 — dl a _— SS DD Cont. from over the $140,000 surplus in the school budget which resulted from incorrect computation on the part of business personnel. Also in November, concerned Kingston Township residents organized a protest on Carverton Road to complain about the lack of safety during road construction. No decision was reached on the appeal of ‘‘furloughed’ Dallas Township Police Officers James Gruver and Russell Banta. It was learned Nov. 20 that Glace and Glace, the engineering firm handling the Harvey’s Lake sewer project, filed only one change of order with the Environmental Protection Agency despite a number of other charges which resulted in large cost overruns on the project. A meeting concerning the safety of Carverton Road, chaired by Rep. Frank O’Connell, discussed the safety of the thoroughfare. Ar increase in false alarms and inadequate location information from phone-linked home security systems gave local fire departments considerable trouble, as noted in November. A review of administrative salaries by the Lake Lehman school directors was discussed at the monthly meeting of the school board on Noy. 11. For the Back Mountain Bicentennial Celebration, a community-wide dinner which was held at College Misercordia on Nov. 29. The Dallas Borough Bicentennial Commission discussed memorial to the bicentennial by the borough. Rep. Frank O’Connell joined in a law suit to keep: the Retreat State Hospital open. In December, PennDOT forecasted poor winter driving conditions due to too many budget cuts. An estimated 730 deer were killed in Luzerne County on the opening day of deer season. Arnold Garringer elected president of the Lake Lehman School Board and Ernest Ashbridge re-elected president of the Dallas School Board. Commonwealth Telephone and the Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, met with a mediator behind closed doors in order to discuss a contract extension and thus avoid a strike. Harveys Lake voted into law an anti-pornography ordinance. New chairmen of the Dallas School Board standing committees were named. Dallas Borough Council presented a 1976 budget which amounted to $180,207 during their December meeting. Commonwealth Telephone PAGE SEVEN auction grounds. Wyoming Seminary has developed a speakers’ bureau. Organizations interested in offering a speaker or a musical program can now make arrangements for either through the Kingston college prep school. The school offers 12 speakers from their faculty and administration. Topics offered include SA Bicentennial Look: Wyoming Valley 1776°, “College Is a Waste of Time-Why Bother’’, ‘College Placement and College Counseling 76’, “Do Gifted Students Have Learning Difficulties?’ “Focus on Athletics’, “Focus on Arts’, ‘The Future: of Liberal Arts Education’ and ‘The Transcendent Spirit’’, a unique slide presentation of Wyoming Seminary. There are many other topics to choose from and arrangements can be made for topics other than those on the standing speakers bureau list. Wyoming Seminary’s 30- voice chorale and smaller, madrigal singers group will also be available for several programs throughout the year. Both groups offer a program of varied musical styles, under the direction of John Vaida, Wyoming Seminary music department chairman. Interested organizations can take advantage of the seminary speakers bureau by calling 288-7541. Subscribe to the Post = 25 JE A Lud » bad : Richard H. Disque & Son Af I~ A) DN N 42 Memorial Highway Dallas Parading By with ) Bright Wishes for a Happy New Year aN NATIONWIDE INSURANCE | : Vern & Jack Pritchard o* 24 Carverton Road, Trucksville workers strike. No negotiating talks were scheduled. A six-inch water main was installed on East Center, Ridge, and the James St. section of Shavertown and area municipalities prepared to ratify the 1976 budgets. Newly elected Lake Lehman School Board president Arnold Garringer invited the public to all school board meetings. P.6 HEARTHSTONE PUB (Brothers Four Catering) MAIN ST., DALLAS m HR ; . Stull. Bros. Inc. Q Wholesale Distributors Wyoming Avenue and Union Street Kingston Kr e wish you many sunny hours in the New Year! TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 31 Lake St., Dallas The Oldest Toy Store in the Valley / Hope yours is a record year! Bells peal, welcoming the New Year. We fervently hope it will bring you peace and happiness Native Textile Memorial . ‘Highway Dallas BRYANT The Bike King 338 Wyoming Ave. Kingston [e's chat cme again * time tor us to wish you all of lites treasures and pleasures in the New Year Music fills the air as we ring in the New Year. Best wishes. YALICK’S FARM MARKET PIZZA PERFECT Carverton Road Trucksville Memorial Highway Dallas We come together in prayer for renewed faith in the New Year. NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Ernest Gay New horizons open . . . new vistas beckon! We wish you a New Year bright with promise! Dresden Catering Service 269 So. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre NEW YEAR GREETINGS GC! ELECTRONICS Dallas- Trucksville Highway Dallas Trucksville P.acea over the world in the New Year. CASTLE INN Harveys Lake Highway Dallas } Lo 2