PAGE EIGHT by Bridgette Correale Yes, Mrs. Spaziano, there really is a Bridgette Correale. All 150 pounds, give or take many pounds. This dear woman approached me and asked, “Do the things you write about really happen or do you make them up?’ My husband and friends will swear under oath, influence of liquor and so on, that I really am a srew ball. Belated birthday greetings to one of Gate of Heaven’s most dedicated teachers, Mrs. Betty Rees who celebrated her birthday Dec. 20. Sorry to learn that Ed Belasco is a little under the weather, but hope he will be up and about soon. by Virginia Hoover Mrs. George Thomas was the hostess for the United Methodist Women’s Society which was held recently in the church house. Mrs. Elmer Hoover led the devotions and Mrs. Thomas presided at the business meeting. The following officers were elected, president, Mrs. George Thomas; vice president, Charlotte Calkins; secretary, Ruth Walters; treasurer, Mrs. George May; Christian mission person, Mrs. Elmer Hoover; supportive committee, Mrs. Lewis Anesi; Christian social evolvment, Mrs. William James; committee on membership, Vivian Rinken; and Claire MeKenna, Christian globel concern; Thelma Lamoreux, committee on supplies, Mrs. Alfred Hadsel; nominating committee for 1976 are Mrs. Alfred Hadsel, and Maude Old River Co 5 Sold ne DINNER ROLLS Congratulations to Marianne and Jack Cleary who will honor a wedding anniversary Dec. 23. One of the highlights of the Christmas season is the Christmas play presented by Gate of Heaven’s first graders. There are angels, toy soldiers, elves, dolls, kings, frosty the snowman and of course Santa and Mrs. Clause. I'm sure I'm speaking for all the proud parents and relatives of these beautiful children when I say, ‘‘A very special thank you to Sister Evangelist and Mrs. Rees for their patience and love.” I'll bet my last dollar, which incidentally will be coming up shortly with this Christmas shopping, that in Binghamton, N.Y. The womens society of the Idetown Methodist Church was host for the choir Christmas party held at the church house last Sunday afternoon. The cantata was given in the evening. A very successful Christmas party was held on Sunday afternoon at the Idetown J.R. Davis fire hall for the children of the community. Santa was present to distribute gifts and a lunch was served after a kiddie film was enjoyed by all. The women of the Lehman Charge enjoyed a very lovely Christmas party last Thursday night at the Lehman Church social room. The M.Y.F. of the Idetown U.M. Church enjoyed an old fashioned Christmas caroling on Sat. night. Refreshments were served late in the church house while caroling they delivered cans of cookies to the elderly shutins. The childrens program of the United Methodist Church was held Sunday night. The children did very well. one of Lake-Lehman’s fifth grade class is as sad as I am to know that their terrific teacher Julie Iwanowski is a medical patient = at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Elaine Mattioli enjoyed her birthday with a party for several of her friends, Dec. 20. When I first met Mr. Donachie, I knew at once what a bright star he is. Little did I realize that some 40 years ago, Mr. Donachie was already shining. Last week’s edition of the Post, ‘Only Yesterday,’ I read that Mr. Donachie was a member of the football all stars. P.S. I bet he can still tackle a few anythings and anybodies. A reminder...Although the Catholic Youth Center, Wilkes-Barre will be in session the Gate of Heaven bus will not be operating, Saturday Dec. 27. Birthday greetings to Paige Belasco who will be opening birthday presents this week. Not only does the Lake- Lehman Christmas Queen Laurie Dockeray reside in our neighborhood, so does Diane Godleski a runner- up. I keep telling you what beautiful people live in Oak Hill. Another beauty, Kathy Schleich will combine Christmas and her birthday, Dec. 25. Happy birthday. To the Mrs. Spazianos’, The Donachies’, The Jean Marie Ashes’, The Ronny Ritts’, The Ray Iwanowskis’, The Tom Smiths’, The Walter Weirs’, The charming lady in the grey hat and the many other readers who said in one way or another, ‘‘thank you for this column,” I wish you, my friends, neighbors, commares e’ compares and all our readers a Merry Christmas a very Happy and Holy New Year...with love Bridgette. CELEBRATING OUR 25TH ANNIVERSARY ty ) 67 7-inch :#% 2-0 mm ss / NAVAriow — I Carmen’s Pizza moved into the lead in the Imperialette League by shutting out Goodman Florist. Lahr’s Arco dropped to second by half game by taking only three points from Fairview Shoe Store. Ralph Fitch & Sons divided evenly with Lombardo Bakery and Joe & Joe’s blanked Dallas Dairy. Joni Bolinski set the pace by slamming the pins for 180-171 (508). Jean Agnew knocked down wood for 193 (499) and E. Shaffer put up 179 (471). M. Ritts rolled a big 492 series and G. Pomrinke rolled 179. M. Fondo registered 177. In the George Shupp League, Stanton TV men copped everything from Fino’s led by B. Downs’ 216-236-219 (671). Ww. Michaels aided with 563. L. Christensen’s 213 (591) was high for the druggist. Iren’s Bar earned three points from F.T.A. Corp. and Harris Associates blanked Dallas Nursery despite J. Strazdus’ 574 series and B. Weaver's big 221 (563). George’s Auto took three points from Daring’s Market. Orange B shut out Orange A sparked by A. Back Mountain Church League. Trucksville C blanked Maple Grove and Shavertown C took all from Carverton B. Carverton A picked up three points from Shavertown A. B. Roberts’ 213 helped the Shavertown team take the second match. R. Bher’s 217 (577) an Dallas AXING Laurie Kittle, freshman at George Washington University will spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kittle, Chase-Huntsville Road. Mr. and Mrs. John Pregler and family, Wallingford, Conn., were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pregler, Overbrook Avenue. Steve Harman, mayor of Dallas, remains in serious condition: in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. was wasted as Trucksville A dropped three points to the Lutherans. Trucksville B tapped East Dallas for three points and D. Eddy’s 215 led Mt. Zion in taking three points from Shavertown B. Dallas A copped three points from Dallas B with F. Price rolling 566. The losing five had W. Lozo’s 217. In the Bowlerette League, John Connolly’s girls shut out Duke Isaacs with K. Kalafsky hitting 189 (489). Tom Reese maids blanked the Checkerboard five headed by M. Reese’s 189 and L. Cyphers’ 176. Disque’s Funeral Home five blanked Offset Paperback in the Neighborhood League. Club Lee dropped four points to Roth Novelty whose J. Strazdus rolled a Kazokas assisted with 223. The club’s T. Jones hit 233. o DIAMONDS o WATCHES o BIRTH STONES o NECKLACES eo BRACELETS RE] 10 Carat Gold! o WALLETS o TIE PINS o CUFF LINKS eo BELTS o PLAQUES IH Wilkes-Barre and self- Wyoming Berwick » SIDING © ROOFING PATIOS © SHUTTERS ALGAN paced Treat Drive Inn to a three point win over Castle Inn by hitting 212 (567). Automatic Cigarette | Fairview Shoe Store. Dallas Shopping Center Warm Christings Wishes from all of us at’ WEPCO, INC. W. E. PAULSEN COMPANY P.O. Box 310 ¢ Dallas, PA 18612 Phone (717) 675-3970 in A SAM PECKINPAH Fim Ww SHOWTIMES Wed. 7 - 9 Thurs. & Fri. 2-4-6-8-10 Sat. & Sun. 4-6-8-10 Kiddee Matinee SAT. & SUN. - 2 P.M. ONLY “The World of Abbott and Costello” a plus 2 cartoons All seats $1.00 AGI PIXE =ERIE= INSURANCE EXCHANGE Ask About GATEWAY HEE Business — GENERAL INSURANCE — FARL L. SAMUEL Call 675-5778 '— OR 477-5890 890 MEMORIAL HWAY DALLAS, PA