= Dear Santa Claus, Each Christmas you have brought me everything I asked for. I. like that so much, that I am going to do something for you, because you are so special and so good to me. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!! Your friend, Lori Falcone Grade 3 Mrs. Nulton Dear Santa Claus, Have a Merry Christ- mas. How are you doing? Are your reindeer fed? Then go!! I hope you bring 1,000 baseball and football cards, a fishing pole, and reindeer 0.k.? I hope so. Sincerly, Kan-Wen Shao Grade 3 Dear Santa Claus, I want some slides for my snoopy movies. I try to be good. I hope you and your reindeer are feeling good for that long ride. I Love, Stanley David Grade 3 Dear Santa, I am not so good, but I am not so bad either. But I ask you this, will you bring these things: I want a new watch for Christmas, a new box of crayons, a new set of cars, a new set of books, a tool set, and a new set of lego building bricks. I try to do my best. : Your friend, Donny Menig Grade 3 Dear Santa Claus, of the holidays because it’s our Savior’s - day-My friend. And I like the things that Santa gives me. Your friend Vince Karalumas Grade 3 Dear Santa Claus, I was trying my best in school and I am trying my best right now on this note. Santa * Claus, I've been waiting for you a long, long time! I like Christmas it is my favorite. Love, Michael Casterline Grade 3 | ix (= Highway Santa's making his route to specially deliver bundles of holiday cheer to you! Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing at the North Pole? I am fine in Dallas Pennsylvania. I hope you bring me the to do my best in school, but I will try harder to be even better. You will find some cookies and tea or cookies and milk. T hope you enjoy my letter. God bless you. Your friend, Elizabeth Morgan Grade 3 Dear Santa, good. What I want is Barbie’s van and a puppy dog and a lot of candy and money, a new swing set, paints and paint brush and a puppet. But what I what most is to be your friend. Kisses from, Judy Fitch Grade 3 Dear Santa Claus, I’ve been waiting for you a long time. December is one of the best seasons of all, the best season in the world because of winter and Santa. I like Christmas because its the jolliest time of the year. I like Christ- mas because we sing songs CCA A A = + PLR Len called Christmas carols. I like Christmas because it is the best of the holidays. And also because ‘its our own Savior’s birthday. Your friend, Sean McCall Grade 3 How Santa’s reindeer came to fly Once upon a time Kris Kingle was delivering toys. When he was going over the mountain the winter Warlock saw him. He got over the mountain safely. The winter Warlock said, “I will get him when he comes back.” When Kris Kringle came back the tree got him and Kris Kringle gave him a toy : train. The winter Warlock was Kris Kringles friend. When he took more toys to town he got caught by Berger Mister Mister, Berger (the mean mayor, and got put in jail all the elfs and the winter Warlock went to jail with him. The reinders came to the jail and the winter Warlock gave them some magic feed corn, which would make them fly. That is how Santa’s reindeer learned how to fly. Gary Radzinski 4th Grade Dear Santa Claus, I love Christmas very, very, much, and I love you too. I would like to have a Baby Dalmation, a little puppy. I have a big dog and it is a Dalmation too. But if you get me a dalmation, get me a boy because my other dog is a girl and I do not want them to fight. Laura Mature Grade 3 Christmas tree Most trees on the hillside Were dressed in bright red. The poor little pine tree Just stayed green instead She looked at her neighbors Each gaudely dressed And wished that she could be As gay as the rest. Months later some children In search of a tree Looked at the green pine And pointed with glee. She now wears bright tinsel and many a ball She’s brighter than any Red tree of the Fall. Bedecked and bespangled On each needle bough, She wishes the other trees Could see her now. Susan Shone 6th Grade {$n 2 nd] (Puli AP GA Fond er le rl rele Lr Fr {Be er Gr Fr