The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 06, 1975, Image 10

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7 1]
Back Moun Er
national Fashion Show is
tonight at the Dallas
meets tonight...Cantata
rehearsal at Mt. Zion
Methodist Church is
Borough Council meets at
the Fire Hall, 8 p.m.
Mountain Churches. A club dance is tonight at
special service is set at the Jonathon R. Davis
Trinity Presbyterian at Fire Hall 7 p.m.. Today is |
1:30 p.m... The Shaver- Homecoming-Parents
town Auxiliary to Nesbitt Day at Sem...The Back
Memorial Hospital meets Mountain Cultural Center
1 p.m. Lutheran Parlor, will tour furniture galler-
Shavertown...Regular ies today...Variety shop
monthly meeting J.R. at Lehman Methodist
United Methodist Women |
Christmas party... Wor-
ship this morning at the
church of your
choice...Take mom for
Sunday dinner at one of .
the restaurants adver-’
tised in the Post...
— \ — . \ N(
6 7 R= 9 10 11
The Dallas Junio Today is World Commun- The Back Mountain] §Reservations are HO Welcome Wagon meets] Jaycees meet
Woman's Club Inter. ity Day for the Back} } snowmobile and Cycle§ today for the Kunkle UGI Building. Kingston. § | tonight... Dallas Auxiliary
7:45 p.m...The Elders
Council at the Senior
Citizen's Center meets 1
is still taking orders for
vigil candles call 675-
0661...Need help? Check
the Trading Post...Post
tomorrow, for home
delivery call 675-5211...
Davis firemen. Church... Authority meets tonight
tonight... Variety shop at } Kat 8 at the Lake Elemen-
Lehman Methodist tary School...
“Church... What's news? |
Channel 7, 7 p.m... | : 4 : )
A J \ J : J J \ JL ct
‘The Dallas soit}
sary dinner is at 6 p.m. at
the Trem Temple Country
Club...Free Health
screening at the Senior
Citizen's Center 1-4.
p.m...Misericordia 1
Cadette Scout troop!
meets tonight...The
Harveys Lake Municipal
The Kenneth Hunter
home, 21 Davenport St.,
Dallas, was saved from
possible disaster Hallow-
Trudy Connor
on PSU list
Frudy.: «R. i Connor,
Mountainview Drive,
Dallas, was one of nearly
1,100 undergraduates
qualified for the dean’s list
at the Pennsylvania State
University for the summer
term. which ended in
Miss Connor attained 36 of
a possible 40 cumulative
are ignored
treaters, hobo Joe Noon
and his sister Debbie.
A Halloween display on
their front porch caught
fire unknown to the Hun-
ters. The two Noon young-
sters spotted the fire and
warned Mrs. Hunter.
Through the alertness and
thoughtfulness of the Noon
voungsters, Ken Hunter
and Andy Glowach, a
guest, were able to put out
the fire with a fire extin-
guisher limiting the
damage to charred siding
and a damaged rug.
Mrs. Hunter expressed
her appreciation to the
Noon children and stated
that she felt much worse
damage would have oc-
curred before the fire
would have been dis-
covered by the Hunters.
School Menus
Nov. 10-14
Monday - Veal parmesian (Jr. Sr.), Veal patty with sauce
(Inter. Elem.), Mashed potatoes. Parker House roll -
butter. green beans. fruit. chilled milk.
TUESDAY - Hamburg patty on roll, onions - ketchup -
relish, baked beans. lettuce - tomato slice, pudding,
chilled milk.
WEDNESDAY - Chili con carne, tossed salad - dressing,
Italian roll - butter, strawberry fruit cup, chilled milk.
butter. buttered corn. apple sauce. chilled milk.
All Other Schools - Soup - crackers, hot dog - roll, pickle
chips. ice cream sandwich, chilled milk.
FRIDAY - Thursday's menu reversed.
Lake Lehman Schools
Nov. 10-11
MONDAY--Cheeseburger on bun, vegetable soup.
saltines. pudding and milk.
TUESDAY--Ravioli. green beans,
butter. jello with topping and milk.
WEDNESDAY --lHloagie (jr. and sr. high), flying saucer
(el) potato chips. applesauce. cookies and milk.
THURSDAY --Salisbury steak. parsley potatoes. buttered
peas, roll'and butter, ice cream and milk.
FRIDAY--Pizza or peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
potato chips. stuffed celery. fruit and milk.
wheat bread and
«Bicentennial booklet ==
Can you name two of the NMisericordia aso making
nine Pennsylvanians who available a small booklet
signed the Declaration of that provides interesting
Independence? What state details on the signers of one
did John Hancock of America’s most im-
Who, was portant documents. Fach
Button Gwinnett? signer is listed by State:
The answers to these and birthdates and dates of
many mores questions. death are noted: and the
about the signers of the figure's involvement in the
Declaration ol In- revolution is explained
dependence can be found in
a booklet available free of
charge trom College
Misericordia an official
bicentennial college.
The booklet is available,
without charge. by writing
to Public Relations Office.
College Misericordia.
Dallas, Pa 18612
Hunting course offered
Airman. William Kk
Hules, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred: Lf Hules.: RD. 2.
Dallas. has graduated at
Chanute AFB. TL. from the
US. Air Force special
vehicle repairman course
conducted by the Air
Training Command.
The placing of corner
stone, containing a metal
box of timely items, will be
one of the highlights of the
13th annual Parents’ Day
to be held on Saturday,
Nov. 1, at Wilkes College.
A full day’s program has
been planned by the
committee comprised
mostly of the students
Ely GU STR Sv]
N epee
county con
CAE iy
servation districts. can
vrovide technical help in
vianning tor surface water
control and oll erosion
Vecording fo
District Conservationist O
Gene Thrasher. the Sail
issisted 21 eunicipalities
im luzerne County during
‘he past year in resolving
robles of wroper land
Auch renains to be done
mopreperly eoanaging our
oil and cater resources
'eque~ts for technical aid
hould te directed to the
Voir] Gol SEN EIS HC an
crvation Service office
located a
Ballas cu
It Pays to Advertise
It pays to advertise
It Pays To Advertise
Christmas is
know how to recognize them. And back PP
problems, like all health troubles, are most Stay
easily handled early. Here's a simple check
you can make with your children: examine ef lealthy
them carefully to see if one shoulder is higher WN :
than the other; or look closely at the hem of Naturally
your daughter's skirt to see if it hangs .
crooked. Either one calls for a professional {
examination from your chiropractor. If there's ge a
any doubt, have the condition examined. A few chiropractic
minutes now can mean a lot to your child's
health in years to come. check up
“Safe and
Hunting *° a
from The
Pennsylvania State
University, stresses hunter
safety tor both new and
experienced hunters.
Developed cooperatively
by the Pennsylvania Game
Commission and Penn
State, the course discusses
hunting ethics. respect for
land and wildlife. the
hunter's responsibility,
The course is intended
for hunters who want to
themselves for
practices. Hunter
safety instructors will find
the course valuable
because of its treatment of
hunting eT cls
To get a
copy of the
seven-lesson course, send
£1 to Safe and Responsible
Hunting, Box 2000,
Christmas is coming!
Whether you want a trifle or a treasure. we have a
heautiful selection of Antiques for gifts -- or just to keep.
You may find a lovely flower print. a pretty vase. an
unusual bit of brass - or a fine piece of 18th century furni-
ture. Everything is personally selected by us.
Come in and browse...
President Robert S.
Capin will preside over the
corner stone ceremonies,
which will be held at 11
a.m. at the recently dedi-
cated $7-million Stark
Learning Center.
Registration will be held
at the College Dining Hall
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. All
campus buildings will be
open and guided tours will
be available. Field hockey
and cross-country events
will be held in the morning.
A luncheon will be held in
the College Dining Hall at
11:30 with President Capin
welcoming the guets.
Wilkes’ football team will
play Susquehanna at 1:30.
Another feature of the
day will be the gPost-
Game Huddle” all
parents, students, faculty
and guests at the Hotel
Sterling immediately
following the game. Re-
freshments will be avail-
Saturday evening in the
Center for the Performing
Arts, the Concert and Lec-
ture Series will present
“An Evening with Mark
Twain and the Good Old
Days’, a two-hour theater
presentation featuring
Hollywood performer Will
survival, knowledge of 1 niversity Park, Pa 16802 Knapp Road. Clarks Summit. Pa Tu n khan nock Middle School
6 7 5-3833 1 sporting “arms and: am oo Make check or money A Il un, Ta Py v
ition. and a "guide to order pavable ony
a, 1 guide to ho payable fo. Penn fro 586-8351 Shop hours Wed. thru Sat. 1-5 i Auditorium
i re TT {
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