RTD SR a FTA Pe as TEN EE ew aad NER RRR ERR A TEENS chairman, and Mrs. President of Program. The Wilkes-Barre chapter of Hadassah will hold its 14th annual art exhibition and sale this Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 18 and 19 at the Jewish Community Center. The exhibition and sale will open with a gala patron preview cocktail party Oct. 18 beginning at 8 p.m. Mrs. Trudy Harris and Mrs. Muriel Klein are chairmen of the evening affair. The public is invited to attend the Sunday event which will feature paintings, graphics, and African sculpture. Among the noted artists whose paintings will be for sale are those of Baskin, Calder. Dali, Dufy, Levier, Matisse, Neiman, Picasso, Renoir, Rubin, Soyer, and Vasareli. These may be purchased at the premier as well as on Sunday. The collection will be on display from noon until 7 p.m. All proceeds from this art exhibition and sale will benefit the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. These rebuilt facilities on Mt. Scopus are due to reopen this month. Mrs. Charlotte Paul and Mrs. Margery Ufberg are chairmen of the Art Show. The president of Wilkes- Barre Chapter of Hadassah is Mrs. Syvia Klein. Thomas G. “Tim” Brown, Jr., has been notified by the Com- monwealth of Penn- sylvania Department of State Board Examiners Public Accountants, Harrisburg, that he has successfully completed last Srping's exam and is now a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). High School, Brown graduated’ from King's College in 1972 receiving a Bachelors of Science Degree with majors in accounting and data processing. While attending King’s he was a member of the College's Club Football 3 Here Is ‘THE MAN Save your vote for JOE O’KARMA COUNTY TREASURER YOTE THE REPUBLICAN SLATE YANOSHAK & LEONARD! County Commissioners STEPHEN KUNEC Sheriff RUSSELL DUBINSKI Clerk of Courts EDWARD KONOPKI Recorder of Deeds BR. CHESTER SZMAL Coroner Pd. Pol. Adv. team and has kept up his sports interest by serving as a football official. He is also a member of the Century Club and the Lake-Lehman® Booster Association. Brown, who is employed by Parente Randolph and Co., Wilkes-Barre, is married to the former Mary Ruth Hannagan. The Brown's reside at Mt. View Drive, Lehman, Pa. Photo by Alex Rebar Thomas G. Brown Poetry contest A $1,500 grand prize will be awarded in the current poetry contest sponsored by the World of Poetry, a monthly newsletter for poets. Poems of all styles and on any subject are eligible to compete for the grand prize or for 49 other cash or merchandise awards. Second place is $500. Rules and official entry forms are available by writing to: World of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., Dept. 211, San Francisco, Calif. 94127. Nov. 30. ‘|s. Limit One. ‘Fresh 33 The home %f Ray Hall, West Center "Hill Road, Dallas, was saved from total destruction by fire .last week through the efforts of Peter Hughes, morning news carrier, and a next door neighbor, Mrs. James McGuire. Peter, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes, Highland Avenue, discovered the fire on his way home after delivering papers. He ran to his home and his mother called Mrs. McGuire. Mrs. McGuire called the Dallas Fire Company at 7:15 a.m., who responded immediately with two pumpers and the ambulance. On his arrival, 1st assistant Jim Davies was notified that someone was inside the house but five minutes after the firemen were on the scene they were notified he was at The fire company used the new ' Highland Boulevard fire hydrant which provided sufficient water supply to put the fire under control. The fire damage was held to the basement and the livingroom floor. The remainder of the house sustained heat and smoke damage including the newly remodeled kitchen. Firemen believe the fire started in an old coal bin in the corner of the basement which was used for . SUGGESTED RETAIL 391 va. SALE *180 SALE *240 | SALE *300 PHONE 288-6536 ~