The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 05, 1975, Image 3

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Photo by Fay Broody
The Lake Elementary
PTA was officially organ-
ized last Wednesday even-
ing with the election of the
executive commeittee. The
officers elected were:
Jeannine H. Wood,
president; Joyce Youren,
vice president; Maggie
Rambus, recording secre-
tary; Debbie
and Joyce
Mrs. Wood introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs.
George Ritchie of Wilkes-
Barre, present secretary of
the state PTA. Mrs. Ritchie
spoke on the benefits and
Kiwanis Club of Dallas,
at a regent meeting, held
an IW@lallation Night
program. © During the
program, a group of
club this year were in-’
ducted formally.
Those inducted were
Robert R. Malpass, Dallas,
Shavertown RD 5; James
C. Thomas, Peartree Lane,
Dallas; Robert K. Lawhorn
Shavertown RD 7;
Raymond J. Washicosky,
Terrace Ave., Trucksville;
Edmund J. Yudiski, Sunset
Ave., Dallas; and Leonard
Harvey, 21 Woodlawn Ave.,
President Leo Nauroth
Lt. Governor and club
member, who presented
the charge and objectives
to the inductees.
Present for the ceremony
was present Lt. Governor
Char)@@ Charles of
list oN
from 1927 to the present. He
also introduced the
following who were in
attendance: Edward V.
Hartman, Howard Isaacs,
Robert Maturi, William E.
Guyette, Dr. John A. Blase,
Leo A. Corbett Jr., George
A. McCutcheon, Donald S.
Anthony, Bernard C.
Banks, Jr., and Martin E.
purpose of having a PTA
and pointed out that the
mutual co-operation of the
parents and teachers for
the betterment of the
students is the primary
At the initial meeting
were members of the
faculty of the Lake building
and Charles James, the
elementary principal.
The members voted to
have the annual dues at
$1.50 per person. It was
also determined that the
officers shall be elected by
ballot annually in the
month of May, assuming
their official duties follow-
ing the close of the annual
The executive committee
met this week to appoint
committee chairmen.
Harmeny Club held their
47 anniversary May 29 at
the Pink Apple,
New officers included
President, Nora Dymond;
Vice President, Mae Race;
Secretary Fannie Berlew,
and Treasurer, Ruth Derr.
Present were Rose
Llewellyn, Ruth Bowen,
Ruth E. Nerr, Mimmie
Frantz, Mrs. Gerald W.
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Hoover, Mrs. Kenneth
‘Hoover, Mrs. °° Otto
Skovronsky, Emma
Hoover, Nora Dymond,
Grace ‘Moore, ' ‘Fannie
Berléw, Mrs. Mildred
Love, Mrs. Mabel Bell,
Mrs. Gertrude Perry, Mrs.
Louis Bedford, Mrs. Edith
Shupp, Mrs. May. Phillips,
Barbara Prebola, Mae
Race and Alice Austin.
Club met recently to hear
Thomas Schmidle speak on
the spring psuedo airplane
crash in Kingston Town-
ship which proved such a
top news story.
Schmidle, who heads
Kingston Twp. Ambulance
Assn., is a C.P.R. and has
saved many lives with the
Schmidle was asked to
return again to speak and
demonstrate life-saving
procedures. He was in-
troduced by program
chairman, Mrs.
A birthday gift given by
Mrs Fred Anderson, Sr.,
was won by Mrs. James
Mrs. Walter Roberts
presided and asked for
participation in a number
of community projects.
Invocation was given by
Mrs. Vincent Roman.
Tables were arranged by
Mrs. W. Anthony Fulton
and Mrs. Robert Dolbeor.
Vietnamese war.
Photo by Fay Broody
College Misericordia has
been designated a bicen-
tennial college by the
American Revolution
Bicentennial Ad-
ministration in
Washington, D.C.
D.B. Strasburger,
regional director of the
Bicentennial Ad-
ministration, confirmed
Misericordia’s designation
by letter last week in-
dicating that area U.S.
tatives have already been
Bicentennial Cimmission.
A certificate of official
recognition will follow,
according to Strasburger.
The certificate and a
bicentennial flag will be
presented to the college in
special ceremonies, he
American Legion Post
672, Dallas, will hold elect-
ion of officers, June 13,
voting will be from 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m. The judge of
election will be John Mul-
hern. He will be assisted by
Charles DiGiosa and
Stanley Tomchak.
The following members
are nominees for legion
offices running with no
Edward Lyons, com-
William Bell, Sr. vice
Kermit Sickler, Jr. vice
Edward Buckley,
Richard Staub, chaplin;
Jerry Machell, Historian
John George and Leonard
Harvey, Sergeants at
There are openings for
four directors of the home
association. Eight mem-
bers running are:
Edward Buckley; John
George, Leonard Harvey,
Tom Kane, Jerry Machell,
Sweet Adelines meeting
place has been changed to
Good Shepard Lutheran
Church, Wilkes Barre, at
the corner of Beaumont
and North Washington
Streets on Sunday, June 8
at 3 p.m.
Parking is available in
the rear of the church.
Further details may be
obtained from Lois Leeds,
Plymouth; Nancy Patsko,
Wilkes-Barre; and Mar-
jorie Tuhy, Kingston.
Rte. 6
2 Lf ~~
Price *5%
under 12
Ted Popielarz, Gus
Shuleski and Richard
Election of board
members will be certified
at the June 16, meeting of
the home association.
The designation as a
bicentennial college also
means that Misericordia
may now use the official
printed materials referring
to the college's planned
bicentennial program.
Rules governing the use of
the symbol are outlined in
a specific public law.
College Misericodia
applied for the designation
in April after forming a
Bicentennial Committee on
campus and creating
several activities and
programs for local par-
According to Dr. Louis
Maganzin, chairman of the
history department at
Misericordia and
by Charlet Denmon
Mr. and Mrs. Vitaly
Sawyna were graduated
June 1 from Muhlenburg
College, Allentown.
Sawyna received his B.S.
degree in physics and Mrs.
Sawyna received her B.S.
degree in biology. Mrs.
Sawyna is the former
Catherine Jule Wilson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tex Wilson, Lake Teja,
Dallas. Mr. Sawyna is the
son of Bishop and Mrs.
Wasyl Sawyna, Allentown.
The couple will reside in
Allentown where they plan
to major in medicine, Mr.
Sawyna at Philadelphia
College of Medicine, and
Mrs. Sawyna at the
Philadelphia College of
Following the com-
mencement exercises, a
dinner in honor of the
couple was held at the
Lehigh Valley Club. Back
Mountain guests were
Irene C. Monk, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Wilson, Mabel
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Morris, Melvin
Morris Jr., Kenneth
Morris, Gary Morris,
Sharon Morris, Debbie
Pillets, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew R. Denmon Sr.,
Mr. and Mrs. John
Allabaugh, Susan Alla-
baugh, Jack Nutche, Doris
Mallin, Jack Mallin,
Valerie Andrews, Mr. and
Mrs. Tex Wilson, Tex
Wilson Jr., Ted Wilson, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Monk,
Earl Monk, Daniel Monk,
Gary Zumchak, Candy
Karuza, ‘Maureen Nolan,
Miss Jennie Hill, Miss
Mabel Jenkins. i
Florence Austin, Leh-
man, is a patient in Maple
Don ‘Evans, Church
Street, Dallas, is a surgical
patient in Nesbitt
Memorial Hospital.
Steve Hartman, mayor
of Dallas Borough, has
returned home from
Wilkes-Barre General
Russell Honeywell, Lake
Street, has returned home
from Nesbitt Memorial
Wayne Elston Jr. will be
in charge of the service at
the Kunkle United
Methodist Church, June 8,
/ & &
) FRIDAY, 6-10 p.m.
! SATURDAY, 6-10 p.m.
Sunday 1-6 p.m. A
Menu for June 6,7,8 8
corn on cob)
$7 00 )
W-Drawn Butter
$200 8
June 27-28
spokesman for the com-
outlined three programs
corresponding to the
nationals bicentennial
guidelines of heritage,
(present), and
horizons (future).
Under Heritage ‘76, the
college will create a lec-
ture-excursion series that
will explore the
Revolutionary history of
Wyoming Valley.
A continuing education
course dealing with the
same subject will also be
Under . Festival U.S.A.
the college will sponsor a
fine arts workshop and will
create a replica of the
7:30 p.m. Elston is a grad-
uate of the Northeast Bible
Institute, Green Lane, Pa.
and is spiritual leader of
the Gospel Truth Singing
Group of Mooretown.
Mrs. Anna Weaver has
returned home after a ten
day visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry C. Kraft,
Bel Air, Md. While there
she attended the wedding
of her granddaughter,
Roxanne, to John M. Evans
Happy birthday wishes
to Laura Poynton, who
American ~ Revolutionary
war flag through special
plantings on campus.
For Horizons ‘76, a
cursion series on the entire
history of the'valley will be
implemented, featuring
such topics as ‘Frontier in
Flames: Wyoming Valley
During the Revolution,”
“The Ethnic Legacy of
Wyoming Valley,”" ‘‘The
Wyoming Valley: A case
Study of a Northern Society
in pre-Civil War America,”
King Coal and the Rise of
the Coal Barons in
Wyoming Valley,’ and
“The Role of Wyoming
Valley in the Industrial
mer are requested to con-
tact the Crown Imperial
Lanes. Summer mixed
bowling started June 3.
Bowling begins at 8 p.m.
There are still several
openings for those who
wish to bowl.
Nancy E.
daughter of Atty. and Mrs.
Robert Fleming, 63 Main
St., Dallas, has been
elected” president of the
Student Organization at
Goucher College, Towson,
Md., where she is majoring
in psychology. Nancy'is a
graduate of Dallas Senior
High School.
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