The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 20, 1975, Image 5

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    Ro EC RRS ES
Letter to the Editor™
Resident blasts
business ‘robbery’
Dear Sirs:
Robbery is a criminal offense.... except when performed
by a big business conglomerate! If a man pointed a gun at
you and took any sum of money, you could have him
arrested! ‘However, when we have businessmen stealing
money from you there are no arrests involved. To wit: the
1974-1975 rip-offs... first meat, then potatoes, then gasoline
and oil, and lately the sugar and the food rip-offs.
There are policemen involved where the person uses a gun,
but when big-business performs the rip-off without a gun
fhobody really cares... not even the Congressman, the State
Senator, or, the local mayor, who are paid by we citizens. to
“protect 7g:
There is no sugar shortage: the warehouses are busting at
the seams! Walk across the Mexican border with 50 lbs. and
it costs you about $5. Prices are predicted to go up another 11
" percent before the end of the year; yet unemployment is
rising; so where is the increased cost to the producer!
Somebody should be asking some very important
questions... but who? We have no one to protect or intercede
for us!
A Helpless Citizen
Walter A. Zell
Lehman Twp.
Letter to the Editor
Game protector
The Dallas Mother’s Club
is having a bake sale
Saturday at the Dallas Ac-
The newly-founded club is
organized to see that all
Dallas students, both boys
and girls, are recognized in
their senior year with a
blazer or jacket.
Barbara Frey and Marie
Naperkoski, co-chairmen of
the bake sale.
A hoagie sale is planned for
Mrs. Walter Roberts was
installed recently as
Mrs. Audrea Fulton,
corresponding secretary.
‘The ninth annual Easter
Egg Hunt sponsored by the
Dallas Junior Woman’s Club
will be held on March 22
between 1 and 3 in the
gymnasium of the Dallas
Senior High School.
The event is for all children
Dallas Chapter 396, O.E.S.
will celebrate its fiftieth
anniversary with a dinner at
Irem Temple Country Club
on April 5.
Mrs. Edythe E. Bonning,
Worthy Matron, and Dennis
Clark Turner
to speak
to Girl Scouts
Girl Scout Troop 930 of
Dallas has completed
arrangements for speaker,
Clark Turner of Malabar
Inc., Wilkes Barre, to ad-
dress the young people of the
Back Mountain Area this
Friday night at 7:30 p.m. in
the Dallas Junior High
School Auditorium.
The program is free and
open to all Girl Scout Troops,
any guests, they bring with
from the Back Mountain
Area, between the ages of
three and eight years old.
This year the children will
be greeted by Mr. Bunny,
Elby’s Big Boy, and a clown.
The event will award 275
first, second. and third
Bonning, Jr. Worthy Patron,
will be honored guests. |
Mrs. Lois Owens, chair-
man, and Mrs. Helen Traver,
co-chairman, have an-
nounced the following
committee chairmen:
decorations - Mrs. Margaret
Johnson, P.M, en-
Bonning, escorts - Mrs.
Annjane Cochran, favors -
Mrs. Oce Beryl, P.M.
flowers - Mrs. Thelma
Lamoreux, P.M. , program -
Mrs. Eleanor Jones,
reservations - Mrs. Gertrude
Davies, P.M. and seating -
Mrs. Elsie Jolley, P.M.
prizes. Refreshments will be
Fliers will be distributed to
all elementary and nursery
schools in the Back Mountain
Area with full details.
Chairman of this years
hunt is Mrs. Jerry Paxton.
She will be assisted by Mrs.
James Horn and Mrs.
Dwight Nunemacher.
Farley to speak
at TM lecture
next Wednesday
An introductory lecture on
transcendental ~~ meditation
will be presented Wednesday
evening, Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m.
at the Dallas Senior High
School by John Farley.
Farley recently returned
from a six-week advance
training and research
program at the Academy for
the science of creative in-
telligence in New York.
hearing coverage |
Tr their troops, and any with the former publishers, a company
Dear Sir,
A he; ring was held at
Magist@@s Harvey’s office
in Dallas on Jan. 30 at 7 p.m.
Arlene Karalunas, 310 Grove
St., Kingston, was charged
with attempting to take a
deer in closed season. The
prosecutor was Game
Protector Edward R. Gdosky
of the Pennsylvania Game
The following testimony
was given by the Com-
monwealth’s witnesses:
Allen Roche testified at
12:45 a.m. while pulling into
his driveway he noticed a car
spotlighting the fields near
the Stefanwicz home. He
heard a shot and heard two
car doors slam and the car
chief’s home. He got back
into his car and saw the other
car heading toward Sorber
Chief of Police Stefanwicz
testified’ at 12:45 he came
home patrol and his son
came I¥% few minutes later.
They heard a shot, looked out
the window and saw a car
Carnin a spotlight and
coming toward their home,
New clinical tests completed at a
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ODRINEX Plan will help you lose
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ODRINEX contains an amazing
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: AT
which was approximately 100
yardsirom the shooting. The
which brightened .the road
and yard in front of it.
Stefanwicz noticed a small
light green and black
foreign-made car go by his
Adam Stefanwicz stated he
came outside with his father
and ran to the dege of the
road and yelled for the car to
stop. Instead, the car kept
going, heading for Route 29.
He had kept his keys in his
pocket so he jumped into his
car and pursued the suspects
on Route 29 and over Sorber
Mt. where he was able to
the car. ‘He then returned
home to find a crippled doe,
shot ‘in’ heriback 75 yards
from’ thé ’area where the
suspect’s ‘car ‘was parked
during the shooting.
The car registration
checked out to belong to
Arlene Karalunas = of
Kingston. I contacted her the
morning of 11-20-74 at about 1
p.m. and told her about the
violation. She stated that she
did not know that her car was
missing and whoever stole it
parked it in the exact same
spot she left it the night
before. Also she stated that
she has a habit of leaving her
keys in the car and probably
somebody stole it and
brought it back, but she did
not report it to the police.
At the hearing the defense
counsel tried to have the case
dismissed because he felt I
should have charged the
defendant on a Section 702
which he stated as night
hunting.” The Section 702
refers to hunting after hours
and Sunday hunting, which
h un
A reliable low-cost ionization fire
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could have been charged
Finally he pleaded with the
magistrate that he felt the
defendant suffered enough
by having attorney fees,
damage to the under
carriage if her car had
newspaper publicity prior to
the ‘case obtained from the
magistrate’s office.
The magistrate agreed
with the defense counsel that
the defendant had paid
fine and found her not guilty.
One of the Back Mountain
papers stated that the
magistrate found: her in-
nocent due to ‘lack ‘of
evidence, which was not
what my witnesses, or
myself heard at the hearing.
I feel that enough evidence
was presented at the hearing
to find the defendant guilty of
a Section 730 which states if
an auto registration is
secured at a violation, the
person owning the auto is
responsible until a sworn
affidavit is given by the
owner stating person or
persons driving the auto at
the time of the violation were
other than himself. Also, at
the hearing, the defendant
never took the witness stand,
nor was any testimony given
by her.
Edward R. Gdosky
Game Protector
Subscribe to the Post
up your home. F
Bath and Vanity
president of Dallas Kiwanis
Women’s Club. She succeeds
Mrs. Donald Anthony.
The ceremony was held at
Irem Temple Country Club,
Dallas, with Mrs. Ernest
Thomas serving as installing
Other new officers were
Mrs. Andrew Roon first vice
president; Mrs. Walter
Kozenchak, second vice
president; Mrs. Adolph
Grahenstetter, recording
secretary; Mrs. Leo
Nawroth, Tresaurer and
Wolensky lead
Marjorie Wolensky, a
senior at Lake-Lehman High
School, will assume the role
of Roland in the annual Lake-
Lehman musical. Margie,
daughter of Anna Wolensky,
Chase, is active in
cheerleading, hockey, GAA,
Student Council, and chorus.
She had a leading role in last
year’s junior play and took
part in previous musicals.
Lights . . . to Outdoor Post
. The committee heads for
the coming year will be
service - Mrs. Robert
Matrui; membership - Mrs.
Bernard Bauks; publicity,
Mrs. Fred .Anderson;
program, Mrs. A. Roan;
cards and flowers - Mrs.
Martin Moore; telephone -
Mrs. James Brokenshire;
housing Mrs. William
Guyette; budget - Mrs.
Walter Kozewchak and
worship - Mrs. Vincent
terested students who are
accor:panied by a parent.
A question and answer
period will follow Turner’s
4-H wildlife
On Saturday, Feb. 8th the
4+H Wildlife Club met for a
hike at the Trucksville Fire
Hall. The club went to
was examined on the way.
At Ricket’s Glen the club
hiked on the Waterfall Trail.
by Mr.
Ray Carlsen, in-
inc., a
1975. All others
Please remember, the law requires that a
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