The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 19, 1974, Image 14

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    Mrs. Ray Kelly
: 298-2149
and Mrs. William Haugh,
ck, and Ruth Haugh,
edia, and Stella Shook
ended the funeral of Stella’s
ter at Niagara Falls.
d Mrs. James Berger,
and Kurt, Kenmore,
e bY Phe. et oe
d the winter with her
er, Mrs. James Byrnes,
ose, Calif.
of Brewster, Ohio, spent
i week at the home of
Lutheran Church at 4 p.m., Dec.
22. There will be an ‘open
house’ at the Parish Hall im-
‘mediately after the program.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
There also will be a Christmas
Eve service at 7:30 p.m.
Visitors at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Hackling, Sunday, were
Mr. and Mrs. Hackling, Read-
ing; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Patton,
Charles and Carl, Columbia
Crossroads, N.Y.; and Edna
Wandell, Benton.
George Rauch, Lewiston,
Idaho, and Richard Rauch,
Macungie, were dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert May, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fowler,
Clark Summit, and Dr. and
Mrs. Clarence Parks, Noxen,
Anne Neyhard
elated happy birthday to
haron Mihalchik, Sixth Street,
/ho was 13 years old recently
nd the Rev. John Masakowski,
astor of St. John’s Church,
esbitt Street.
arksville Cub Scout Pack 254
‘held a meeting recently at the
merican Legion Post Home,
ite Street. Inducted into the
ck and receiving their bobcat
ches were Bruce Murat,
ert Kocher, Ronald Re-
i, Wayne Rosencrans, Carl
rline, Richard Neely,
‘William Petriga, Ronald Gran-
skas, James Milliner,
aymond Garney and Rudolf
Boys receiving pins for parti
pating in all summer ac-
ities were: John Kocher,
Petriga, Joseph
ackiewicz, Daniel Kon,
rtin Kon, Michael Vasciak,
‘Robert Symons, Frank Kocher,
phael Kon, John Kennedy
and Bruce Murat.
: Awards were presented by
cu master Harold Smith, as-
ant cubmaster Ray Kon, and
assistant Webelo leader Chick
Davis to James Goulstone,
Martin Kon, Bruce Murat,
obert Zoi; er, Raphael Kon,
Frank ocher, David
rohaska, John Kennedy,
seph Moran, Michael
iak, Paul Chaska, Robert
Symons, John Carey, : Joseph
Mackiewicz, Daniel Sweeney,
Douglas Obitz, Bernard Morris,
Raymond _Gimble, Phillip
Yeager, Michael Petriga,
aniel Kon, John Kocher,
Raym( nd Garney, Ronnie
Grantuskas, Carl Kava, Carl
sterline and Michael Kon.
Service stars were presented
o the following leaders: Audrey
reet, was a Se hunter this
3 bagging a 125 pound
Wallace, Howard Street,
out of her body cast and
r walking cast. Judy has
1’seen up and around and
took in a movie at the local
Fourteen members of the
arksville Lions Club were in
by Barbar Evans
675- 2050
othy Dodson, Dec. 11 at 8
.m. Eunice Mitchell was co-
hostess and Arline Updyke pre-
sided at the business meeting.
Lana Birnstock read, “The
i The following officers were
“elected to serve for the ensuing
: president, Dorothy
501 vice president,
thea Heinen; treasurer,
Elston; secretary,
rothy Henney ; financial
retary, Naomi Ashburner;
rresponding secretary, Syvia
ace; publicity, Ann Weaver.
fter the business meeting,
ch was served to the follow-
Anna Landon, Jeannie Hil-
t, Arline Updyke, Agnes El-
Jo Carol Birnstock, Lana
stock, Sylvia Brace,
~ Dorothy Henney, Wilifred
ympler, Naomi Ashburner,
ennie Miers, Doris Harrison,
n Weaver, Sally Dodson,
Dodie Dodson, Karri Dodson,
nd the hostesses, Mrs. Fred
Ihe Kunkle Silver Leaf Club
hold their annual Christmas
1all. © Members are
pested to bring a covered
, their own place setting and
dollar gift.
I le FS 2 2 2 SR 3
Bank Meeting held at Konefal’s
Restaurant recently. The
Larksville and Edwardsville
Lions were the hosts for the
Larksville’s Junior Football
League held a meeting Tuesday
to discuss the past season. The
club wishes to thank everyone
who contributed to make the
last season a success.
Happy first birthday to Joey
Petrikonis, son of Joe and Mary
Ann Petrikonis, Howard Street.
Joey was one year old, Dec. 4.
He was feted at a birthday
party, Dec. 8.
Attending his party were his
maternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Baloh Sr., his
paternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Petrikonis, John
and Kathy Baloh, Paul, Nancy
and Paul Petrikonis, Wally and
Marian Sherin, Carol and
Michael Petrikonis, the guest of
honor and his parents.
10% Off
Fisher Price
parker: Brothers
Fireplace Logs
rm 3
attended the New York State
Morgan Horse Society meeting,
in Syracuse, N.Y., over the
week. Dr. Parks was given an
award in recognition of his
dedication to the society. He
was a speaker at the meeting
and was made an honorary
member of the society.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Field,
Michelle and Denise, James-
town, N.Y., spent the weekend
‘with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Shalata.
Mrs. Alton Field, Jamestown,
N.Y., spent the weekend with
Christine and Marie Blizzard.
at the Edgar Engelmans were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McGovern, Robert and Cindy
Lou, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson,
John Jr., Debbie and Steven,
Canandagua, N.Y., Mr. and
Mrs. Revford Swire, Harris-
burg, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sig-
mund and Bill and Elizabeth,
Grace Keiper, Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Keiper, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Keiper and baby, spent the holi-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Williams, Mannheim.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patton,
Sheri and Luann, Kettering,
Ohio, spent Thursday with his
parents, the Franklin Pattons.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hess and
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hess,
Rochester, N.Y, called on their
mother, Mrs. Leroy Hess during
the holiday.
Dorothy French spent several
days with her daughter, Mrs.
Philip Shafer and family at
Philadelphia and they brought
her home Friday. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Schwartz and family,
Holmes, also spent the holiday
with her.
Holiday guests at the Thomas
Lanes were Captain and Mrs.
James Lane, Mark and Karen,
Washington D.C., and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cuthbertson, Gary,
Kelly Ann and Leo,
Glasborough, N.J.
ER 19, 1974
Christmas Party sponsored b
y the club at the United Trinity
freshments were served to the
children by the mothers.The Club
Crest Dec. 16.
by Charlot M. Denmon
Mrs. Stanley Katacinski,
Summit Street, Shavertown, is
recovering slowly and is now
able to be out among friends.
William Weigel, Cliffside
Avenue, has returned home
from Nesbitt Memorial Hospital
where he was a surgical patient
for nine days.
‘Mrs. Gertrude Malkemes has
been admitted to Valley Crest
where she is a patient.
home from Nesbitt Memorial
Hospital where he has been a
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
will hold its church school
Christmas Program, Dec. 22, at
7 p.m.
and Holy Communion will be
offered at St. Paul’s Lutheran
~Church, Christmas Eve, at 7:30
p.m., followed by a Birthday
Party for Jesus. Holy Commun-
ion will be offered at 10:30 p.m.,
Christmas Eve.
Lauren Wills, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Wills,
Hillcrest Avenue, Shavertown,
and a graduate of Franklin
School of Medical Sciences and
Art, resides with her parents
and ‘is an employee of the
United Penn Bank, Wilkes-
Barre. Her brother, Lance, is
Holiday Gifts
Uy PRB at
Tree Light
Milton Bradley
Dec. 21
2 gond® Foi
with Leeds Northrup, Lansdale
and resides in Hatfield. Last
week it was reported in error in
this column that théy had
‘returned ‘to. college - after:
Mr. and Mrs. John Senchak,
Overbrook Avenue, Shaver-
town, spent a weekend at Mt.
Airy Lodge, in. the Poconos.
Mrs. Senchak won the weekend
vacation through WARM Radio
Mrs. Gordon Austin of Main
Street, Shavertown, returned
home after visiting with her son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gord-
on J. Austin Jr, Linden, N.J,
for two weeks.
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