Photo by Ace Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reimil- ler, 35 N. Lehigh St., Shaver- town, have announced the com- Deborah Kay, to Walter G. Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Adams, College Manor, Dallas. The wedding will take place at the Shavertown United Methodist Church July 6 at 4 p.m. The Rev. Dr. John Henry Strock, Parkersburg, Va., Mr. Adams’ uncle, will officiate assisted by the Rev. Andrew Pillarella of Trinity United Presbyterian Church. ~ Miss Reimiller ‘has an- nounced that her attendants will Junior Women Schedule Sale p.m. Saturday. cery size bag. Anyone having rummage can Mrs. John Oravitz is chair- poster chairman and Mrs. My- ron Pitcavage is in charge of publicity. The president of the Dallas Junior Woman’s Club is Mrs. Charles Hibbard. Pregnancy Sometimes Desired Sometimes NOT Women’s Medical Center Provides confidential services ..Birth Control Counseling ...Out Patient Abortion Facility ...Menstrual Regulation ...Free Pregnancy Testing Women’s Medical Center Of Valley Forge, Inc. Call Collect (215) 265-1880 And we are here to serve its moving population. If you have just moved into a new home, call the Welcome Wagon host- BSS. Mrs. William Haller 287-3730 J PHONE ton, Dallas, matron of honor; Dale Williams, Dallas, Leslie Evans, Shavertown, and Mrs. David Roberts, Forty Fort, bridesmaids; Holly Barrow, King of Prussia, will be flower girl, and David Barrow, King of Prussia, will be ring bearer, both cousins of Mr. Adams. "Mr. Adams’ brothers, Travis, will be best man. Ushers will be David Lieberman, Allentown; Horace MacMaster, Philadel- phia; and Paul Adams, brother of the groom. - An evening reception follow- ing the ceremony will be held at the Irem Temple Country Club, Dallas. Phone (717) 822-7604 sat. 11 a.m.—7 p.m. 582 S. MAIN STREET Gail Marie Doughton Plans May Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dough- ton, Dallas, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Gail Marie Doughton of War- minster, to Matthew Joseph Szeliga Jr., Feasterville. Mr. Szeliga is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Szelgia Sr., of 119 Hill Ave., Endicott. ~~ Miss Doughton graduated from Dallas High School and Slippery Rock State College. She is an elementary school li- pbrarian for the Central Bucks School District, Doylestown. Mr. Szeliga graduated from Union-Endicott High School, Broome Community College and Rochester Institute of Technology. He is a safety en- gineer for General Accident As- surance Co., Philadelphia. May 25 is set for the wedding. Board Meeting Held By Valley Women An executive board meeting of the Woman's Club was held recently at the American Legion Home, North River Street, Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. David Hettinger, president, presided. Mrs. William Stiff and Mrs. Fred Super, arts chairmen, expressed their pleasure in the excellent response of the club members to the art classes and to the members who con- tributed in making the club’s “Art Fiesta’’ a success. They also reported that the Monday morning art classes held at the First United Methodist Church are now ended for the season. Mrs. Ralph Trax, first vice- president and chairman of the program committee, an- nounced that Joe Bousard, artist and composer, will present ‘Three Generations of Music’ at the April 9 tea at the YM-YWCA auditorium, at 1:30 p.m. WILKES-BARRE, PA. i PLENTY OF FREE PARKING | { ~ ONE STOP. | SHOPPING = Hi Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foy, RD 7, Midway Manor, Shaver- town, celebrated their 15th wed- ding anniversary April 4. They were married in 1959 in St. Vincent’s Church, Ply- mouth, by the Rev. Joseph Gal- lagher. Their attendants were Mrs. Robert Fisher, Feeding Hills, Mass., sister of Mrs. Foy, and Francis Mikalanis, East Chicago, Ind.. Mrs. Foy is the former The Foys have two children, Richard III, an eighth grade student at Dallas Junior High School, and Christopher, three years. Mr. Foy is an agency rela- tions supervisor for Mgtors In- surance Insurance Corporation, a division of General Motors. There is a correspondent in your area if you live in Oak Hill. Call Bridgette Correale 639-5759 M13] FOR DYE WW) 675-5289 Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat Thurs. Fri ane). The Harveys Lake Women’s Service Club have honored eight girls of the month for their achievements in home, school, church and community. In the absence of Mrs. Joseph Rauch, literature and education chair- man, Mrs. Howard Jones intro- duced the girls, and Mrs. C. Wesley Boyle, president, pre- sented the awards. Recipients are Susan Brown, daughter of Alice Daniels, RD 4, Dallas; Holly Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris, RD 5, Shavertown; Jean John- son, RD 2, Dallas, daughter of Lehman Schedules A Sunrise Service The annual Easter Sunrise Service at the Lehman United Methodist Church will be held April 14 at 6 a.m. Mrs. William Dawe will pre- sent an organ meditation begin- ning at 6 a.m. There will be: a trumpet duet by Dale and Sae’ Jon Ehret. The Idetown and Le ran choirs will sing spiritual music. The Rev. George Dickinson, pastor of tke First United Methodist Church, Wilkes- Barre, will be the guest speaker. z Coffee and rolls will be served by the Friendship Class follow- ing the service. LILLE AZALEAS GLOXINIAS 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Johnson; Sally King, RD 2, Dallas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest King; Harriet Kocher, RD 2, Dallas, daughter of Mrs. Avis Kocher; Cheryl Robey, RD 5, Shavertown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robey; Sandra L. Smith, RD 1, Noxen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Absent from the presen- tation was Maribeth Taylor, RD 4, Dallas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mrs. Taft Truska Jr., finance chairman, thanked the com- mittee of Mrs. John Honeywell, chairman; Fern Smith and Mrs. Edward Knapp for the success of the ham raffle. Win- ners of the ham were: first, E. Bambrick; second, Carol White; third, George Wheeler. The club will also sponsor a rummage sale April 25 and 26 at the Lutheran Church at Sandy Bottom. Hours will be from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Members are asked to bring their items to the church April 22, 23 and 24. Mrs. Charles Austin, first vice president, announced that the program for the dinner meeting May 2 will be the ‘‘Sha- lom Singers” of Gate of Heaven Church, with the Rev. Stephen D. McGough as coordinator. Borrowed thoughts, like bor- rowed money, only show the poverty of the borrower. —Lady Blessington &Re 3 x Ton » MUMS TULIPS HYACINTHS The club gave a cash donation to the Roland Ide family of Leh- man, whose home recently burned. Esther Grey, Mrs. Richard Williams Sr., Mrs. Charles Wil- liams, Mrs. Howard Jones, and Mrs. Carl T. Swanson an- nounced their nominations for 1974-76 officers are: president, Mrs. Taft Truska Jr.; vice pre- sident, Mrs. Melvin Congdon; second vice president, Mrs. Carl Montross; recording sec- retary, Mrs. Howard Grey; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. Richard Willi corresponding secretly, Mrs. S. Richard Strazdus; assistant corresponding secretary, Esther Grey; treasurer, Mrs. John Barbose; assistant trea- surer, Ferne Smith. Installation of officers will be held at the May dinner meeting at the Cas- tle Inn, Dallas. Mrs. Melvin Congdon and Mrs. S. Richard Strazdus gave reports on the recent Luzerne County meeting. Two members of the Harveys Lake club were installed as county officers— Mrs. Allen Sorchik, president, and Mrs. Carl T. Swanson, re- cording secretary. The next board meeting will be held April 15 at the home of Mrs. Carl T. Swanson. Pauline Davis, Mrs. Joseph Niezgoda, and Mrs. Louis Lanning will be co-hostesses. This will be'a joint board meeting of the outgoing and incoming boards. custom floral areations 675-1717 OPEN EVERY DAY UNTIL EASTER 10 AM. TO 6 P.M.— FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. Voz =D Py 7 =, a % * *] I NST ATERrE ANNOUNCING... The Freshest Scoop in town! THE “HUGLIEST”® Oe Croan PANTY HOGE ¢ ONE SIZE Fits ALL * # PANTY Hose &- 90 ¥ BS EVANS REXALL STORE | Harvey's Lake Highway Shavertown Fast Service 675-5121 Easy Parking 675-3366 TD TM a I ET EE 0 CT TT SP a Se CR SS