2 3) gts G.AR. tuned the tables on Lake-Lehman in the second half of the Wyoming Valley Basketbay League and defeated™hem 59-48 for a 2-0 record. The Knights led the first half but fell behind in the final period after the score was tied 38 each at the end of the third quarter. The Knights were leading 25-20 at the end of the first half. F. Bogdon and A. Brown were high scorers for Lake-Lehman, each throwing in six baskets from the playing court and one fram the foul line. Zipko led the charge for the Grenadiers with 23 points, and Flynn hit the double column with 19. The G.A.R. cagers piled up fouls, making good 13 out of 27. The Lake-Lehman Knights were charged with only six and hit four of the tosses from the free line. V. Stryjewski hit for two of ‘them. The officials were Young and Gregaris. The loss put the Knights at 0- 2; * Larry Schuler’s'Dallas grap- plers topped Nanticoke Area 47- 8 at the Trojans’ gym last Tues- day nighfio remain tied for se- cond plai®with the Meyers Mo- hawks. The win put the Moun- taineers at 6-1, one meet behind the first place Hanover Hawk- eyes. ; D. Dif (95) gave the Mounts a 6-0 lead on a 37 second .fall over T. Korch. S. Pinter (105) wrestled 2 tough 5-5 draw with the Trojans’ S. Markiewicz to move the score to 8-2. Senior D. Konnick (112) came back in the Dallas lineup to pick up a superior 12-1 decision over R. Snyder. With the score 12-2, M. Cook (119) turned over F. Weiss in 2:38. J. Kasper (126) flattened N. Sando (N) in 3:52, and F. Hazel- tine 152). Butseor “A. Berlot 13-8 to run Dallas’ lead to 27-2: The Trojans added 3 points to their ‘Side of the scoreboard when B. McDonald (138) drop- ped a 4-1 bout to J. Davis. T. Kirshner (145) decisioned T. Bienkowski 12-1 to give the Mountaineers another super win and put the score at 31-5. D. Puchalsky continued un- defeated at 155 by dropping J. Tucker in 5:49, and R. Thrasher (167) put S. Michalek to the mat in 5:44 to give Dallas a 43-5 lead. S. Shook (185) dropped a heartbreaking 12-11 bout to the Trojans’ M. Rudawski for Nan- ticoke’s final points. Hwt. A . Gramps chalked up a 19-0 superior win over B. Figlerski to run the final score to 47-8. Referee: was Tony Quadro. Coach Bob Cicon’s Mountain- eers received an unexpected setback last Tuesday night when theg were outscored 62-55 by Wyori®hg Seminary’s Blue Knights. The Blue Knights jumped into an early lead in the first period and led throughout the game. They outscored the Back Moun- tain cagers 10-4 in the first quarter and went on to lead 27- 16 at halftime. The Mountaineers rallied to score 16 in the third period, but fell four short of the Wyoming ~ Seminary squad's 20 points. The Dallas Boys came to life in the fourth to outscore the Blue Knights, 23-15, but it was too late to ovgrcome their lead. Stettleid@hd Suchoski led the Seminary scoring with 16 each, both. collecting seven baskets from the floor and two each from the free line. Grosek hit the double figures with 11 points. S. Meskers, with 18, was lead- ing scorer for the Mounts. He tossed in 8 from the playing court and picked up 2 points from the foul line. T. Wallace came up with 14, 2 of them from the charity stripe. T. Considine and D. Fritzges were hitting from the foul line, Considine picking up 5 and Fritzges 4. The Dallas boys made good 13 of 20 fouls, the Blue Knights hit 6 out of 12. ’ Officials were Pat Denoy and John Rokosz. The loss put the Mounts at 1-1 in the second half race. Lake-Lehman jayvee grap- plers tied Wyoming Area mat- match with the young Coughlin Crusaders, 12-0, Feb. 9. In the meet preceding the varsity match at Wyoming Area, the final team score was 12-all. T. Shaw, 119, put the young Knights out in front 6-0 by turn- ing over the Warriors’ Farrell in 3:18. The Warriors came right back to tie it up at 6-6 when Nardone, 132, flattened E. Un- gvarsky in 4:09. J. Fox, 145, put the score at 12-6 for the Knights by pinning Petro in 3:23. The Warriors picked up 3 points on Nichol- son’s, 167, 8-5 decision over A. Sutton. With the score 12-9, Skesla- vage, 185, tied it up at 12-12 by outscoring E. Weber 7-2. In the preliminary meet with the young Coughlin Crusaders, the Knight jayvees found only three opponents. Z E. Ungvarsky, 126, dropped an ‘8-1 bout to Coughlin’s Thomas to put the score at 3-0. C. Diddlebock, 132, was out- wrestled 4-2 by Sedon to move the Crusaders to 6-0. The final score resulted when Supko, 145, flattened C. Allen (LL) in 2:40. The College Misericordia Highlanders retained their even record last week, dropping a game to Luzerne County Com- munity College, 50-37, and edg- ing out Wilkes College, 45-43, Saturday afternoon. The win and a loss give the Highlanders a season record of 2-2 to date. Meeting Luzerne County Community College at home Tuesday night, the Highlanders found themselves outgunned in three of the four periods. In the first period, the Minutewomen of LCCC built up a commanding 16-6 lead and added to it up to the half. As the buzzer ended the first half, LCCC led 28-16. Coach Sara Gregory’s High- landers made a brief comeback bid in the third period, scoring 12 points and holding the Minutewomen to 10. The final period saw the scoring edge turn back to LCCC, as they sunk 12 against Misericordia’s 9 to wrap it up at 50-37. Dawn Wolfe, high scorer for the Minutewomen last year, led the scoring Tuesday night with 15 points. High scorer * for Misericordia was junior Debbie Smith with 11. Against Wilkes on Saturday afternoon, the Highlanders nearly saw their victory sneak away in the third period. At the half, the Misericordia cagers barely led, 24-20. but saw an in- spired Wilkes team rack up 17 points in the third period, to take the lead at 37-30. Fighting from behind, the Highlanders closed the gap, saw the lead seesaw back and forth for most of the fourth per- iod, and finally grasped victory in the closing seconds of the game as freshman Debbie Brady scored from the foul line to make it 45-43. Debbie Smith was high scorer again for the Highlanders with 15, giving her a total of 59 to date. High scorer for Wilkes was Dottie Martin with 14. Dallas jayvees added two wins to their record last week by overcoming the young Tro- jans of Nanticoke and the Bishop O'Reilly jayvees. In’ their match with Nanticoke preceding the varisty meet, the young Mounts defeated the Trojan jayvees, 27-4. Manganello (105) outscored Suchoski (N) 7-0 to give Dallas the lead. D. Parrish (112) bat- tled to a 4-4 draw with the Tro- jans’ Siko to put up a score of 5- 2, Dallas. Dal Santo (126) gave the Mounts 4 points with a superior 10-0 win over Yandrowski, and B. Hislop (132) earned a super- jor 13-0 win over Houk (N): With the score 13-2, D. Kir- shner (138) took Cease (N) in a close 2-0 bout. Dallas’ R. Harri- son (145) decisioned Koslowski 4-0 to put a 19-2 score in lights. G. Ostrum (155) wrestled a 2- 2 draw with Whittaker to give each team two points, and the team score went to 21-4. Williams (167), turned over Nanticoke’s Pizant in 2:30 to post a final team score of 27-4. In the Feb. 9 meet at home, the young Mounts overcame Bishop O'Reilly 31-3. J. Hannigan (95) gave the Mounts a quick lead by out- scoring Laton 14-2. Manganello (105) added 6 points by winning on a default over Tobias. D. Parrish (119) ran the team score to 13-0 by decisioning Rhienart 7-2, and C. Riegel (126) added 3 by outwrestling Schutz 4-2. B. Hislop (132) moved the team score to 19-0 by taking Kalana 5-0. B. McDonald (138) made it 22-0 by decisioning Kop- icki 10-3. H. Evans (145) put the young Mounts in front 25-0 by taking Mundy 4-2. G. Ostrum (155) Jost an exciting and close 4-2 bout to Michaels (BO) P. Levitsky (hwt.) ran the final score to 31-3 by turning over Serhan in the final period after leading 4-0. The jayvees will meet Han- over Wednesday night, and Abington Heights Saturday, prior to the varsity meets. of the contest. Coach M. Sharok’s Lake- Lehman cagers won their first game of the season in the Wyoming Valley Basketball League last Saturday by out- scoring West Side Tech 71-65 at the Pringle school’s gym. The victory gave the Knights a 1-2 record for the second half, while the Titans stand at 0-3. The Titans led 17-14 at the end of the first period and pulled ahead to 35-30 at the half. The Knights appeared to be a different team as they came on the floor for the third period and forged ahead to tie the score at Coach Chip Sorber’s Knights defeated Wyoming Area last Wednesday night at the War- riors’ gym, 32-24. The Warrior matmen took an early lead by taking two of the Dallas Township Chief of Police Carl Miers was anxious to let people know that honest people have not entirely disap- peared and there are still some good samaritans in this world. John Michlo, RD 2, Harveys Lake, picked up a serviceman Sunday and gave him a ride. When Mr. Michlo returned home, he found the young man’s wallet on the car seat. He im- mediately took it to the Dallas turned it over to them. Included in the wallet among various papers was $82 in cash. The state police and township police are trying to locate the owner. Chief Miers noted that it is seldom that a good deed such as this is made known to the public, and he felt it worth telling. first three bouts. G. Kiwak, 95 (W), collected six points by flat- tening M. Galka in 1:47. The when S. Klemunes (105) turned over J. Giocometti in 1:30. D. Miller, 112 (W), put his Warriors in front 12-6 by putting W. Miller on his back in 1:49. E. Nixon, 119 (L), took a superior 14-1 decision from T. Quadro to put the Knights at 10. H. Jones (126) moved the Knights in front by outscoring C. Karcutski 12-6. D. Agnew (132) took E. Champi 8-4 to move the Knights to 16-12. J. Haczewski (138) moved the score to 19-12 by outwrestling A. Hreha 14-8. R. Case (145) picked up a 4-2 bout from H. Schmaltz to post a 22-12 score on the board. M. Kelly, 155 (W), turned over M. Dragon in 5:28 to move the Warriors to 18. With the score at 22-18, P. Rushefski, 167 (W), flattened G. Nemetz in 5:40 to put the team score at 22- 24 for’the Warriors. , M. Wallo (185) put his Knights ‘hack in the lead by pinning K. Sickler in 4:55. Hwt. Tom Wil- liams flattened the Warriors’ J. Kropp in 4:28 to give the Knights a finul score of 34-24. quarter. V. Stryjewski led the charge in the second half, scoring 16 of his 22 points. The Knights outscored the Titans in the final quarter 26-20. A. Brown finished with 16 points for the Knights and F. Bogdon had 13. John Wincek with 25 points was high scorer of the game. The Titan varsity man hit his 1,000th career point during the third quarter. Lake-Lehman made good nine of 20 fouls and the Titans scored 13 of 23. Bogdon was tops for the Knights with 5 points from the free line; Wincek was high for Tech, with 11 free throws from the foul line. The win was the Knights’ first in 24 league games over a two- year period. Officials were Kruchinski and Miskin. Crestwood is scheduled to play Lake-Lehman at the Back Mountain school’s gym Feb. 12, and Hanover will meet the Knights at the Lake-Lehman gym Feb. 15. West Side Tech Sets Donkey Game A donkey basketball game will be featured at the West Side Tech gymnasium, at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 23, between the faculty and the lettermen. There will be an earlier con- test at 6:30 p.m. between the girl's varsity and the alumni. The show is for the benefit of the Tech Booster Club. Advance tickets are available from the high school’s main of- fice. A Photo by Dave Kozemchak The Lake-Lehman Knights upset the Coughlin Crusaders last Saturday night, 25-24, at the Lake-Lehman gym. Coach Sorber’s grapplers took the first five bouts to take a big 19-0 lead against the strong Crusaders. : S. Klemunes (95) decisioned D. Pape 6-3, and D. Barbacei (105) outscored D. Walsh, 5-3 to put the Knights in front, 6-0. J. Higgins (112) made it 9-0 by taking B. Lipfert, 12-9. £. Nixon (119) added another 6 points by flattening F. Monahan in 1:04. D. Agnew (126) ran the score to 19-0 by outwrestling D. Brokenshire in a superior 19-6 decision. Coughlin picked up 3 points in the next bout when 132 M. Calla- han decisioned H. Jones 4-2, but J. Haczewski collected 3 for the Knights by taking S. Kopcha 4- 0 With the score 22-3, 145 1b. W. Traver outscored D. Benedetti 6-4 to give the Knights 25. The rest of the bouts went to the Crusaders with 155 lb. D. Coleman flattening R. Case in 3:23 and S. Sallitt (167) pinning M. Dragon in 2:45. With the score 25-15, J. Lip- fert (185) turned over M. Wallo in 24 seconds, and T. Williams (hwt.) fell victim to a 10-2 decision by B. Pfeffer for a final score of 25-24. Pfeffer needed a pin to bring the Crusaders the victory, but T. Williams did a fine job o staying off his back. Mark Dragon displayed a fine gesture of sportsmanship on his part when he and Coach Sorber agreed to continue his bout after he was illegally slammed by Sallitt in the first seconds of the bout. Following a doctor’s examination, the Dragon boy conferred with the coach and agreed to go on. The Knights will meet the Hanover Hawkeyes at home, Feb. 16. Grappling = Mountaineers overpowered” Bishop ‘O'Reilly 41-14 at the Dallas matmen’s gym Saturday night. The win ran their league record to 7-1 to remain tied with the Meyers Mohawks. Bishop O'Reilly is now 3-5. Dave Puchalsky, Steve Pinter and Art Gramps won on for- feits. The Mountaineers jumped to a fast lead when 95 1b. D. Dierolf flattened J. Evans in 4:53. The score went to 12-0 when SS. Pinter (105) won by forfeit. D. Konnick (112) decisioned J. Baloh 8-0 to put the Moun- taineers in front 15-0. Bishop O'Reilly picked, up 2° points when 119 1b. M. Cook and J. photo by Dave Kozemchak Reinert battled to a 4-4 draw. J. Kasper (126) dropped a 9-4 bout to O’Reilly’s D. Burkhardt before Dallas’ F. Hazeltine (132) outwrestled M. Santayana 10-7 and the Mountaineers went in front 20-5. J. Asher (138) brought home 6 points by overturning D. Kirsh- ner (D) in 3:39. With the score 20-11, D. Puchalsky picked up the next forfeit. J. Lawrence (155) one of Bishop O’'Reilly’s top wrestlers, outscored T. Kirshner in a close 2-1 bout for his team’s last score of the night. R. Thrasher (167) decisioned B. Zaleskas 10-3 to move the Mountaineers to 29-14. S. Shook (185) was leading 14- 0 when he turned over J. Resetar in 4:26 for 6 points, and A. Gramps picked 'up 6 on the heavyweight forfeit to give Dallas a final 41-14 score. The Mountaineers will meet Hanover Feb. 13 at Dallas. The Hawkeyes are in first place, one game ahead of the Mountain- eers and the Mohawks. The Dallas grapplers need the win to ‘stay in the race for league honors. The Back Mountain team will meet the Comets at Abington Heights Saturday night. Plans are being made for a bus to leave from the high school for those adult fans who prefer mass travel, due to the pas shortage. For further details call the Dallas Senior High School. over his opponent. Dallas cagers upset a strong St. John’s team last Saturday night as they won by a 62-55 score on the Pittston court. The win put the Mounts’ record at 2- 1 with: G.A.R. and Seminary. Crestwood is in first place with a 3-0 record. S. Meskers set the pace for Dallas with 30 points, picking up 5in the first, 8 in the second and third, and 9 in the fourth quar- / ters. T. Considine hit the double column with 12. The Mountaineers went ahead early in the first period, scoring 15 points to the John- nies’ 6, but cooled off in the second and third to let St. John’s pull ahead 41-36. Then the Mounts rallied in the final period to score 26 to the losing squad’s 14. ‘J. Finnerty was high scorer J. Gilhooley hit 14. Close behind was M. Finnerty with 13. : The Mountaineers made good 12 of 20 fouls while St. John’s hit for nine of 20. 7 Officials were Denoy and Hill. Games scheduled for this week are Dallas and West Side Tech, Feb. 12, at home; Dallas and G.A.R., Feb. 15, away. !