EE Ln Ly a A Se er Sm 0 ' A Greenstreet News Co. Publication DALLAS Jan. 1—C. W. Price, 5 S. Pioneer Ave., Trucksville, to General hospital. Crew: Ted Wright, Jim Davies and Mike McFadden. Jan. 1—Call to Forty Fort Dairy, possible heart attack, not need- ed. Crew: Jim Davies, Don Shaffer and Bill Ward. Jan. 2—Josephine Vonbinski, Shrine Acres to Nesbitt Hospital. Jan. 3—Call to 139 Davenport St., Dallas, not needed. Crew: Ted Wright, Jerry Torr and Del Besecker. Jan. 3—John Piepon, Windsor Drive, Dallas to General Hospital. Crew: Ted Wright, Del Besecker and Jim Davies. Jan. 5—Bessie MacMillan, Brandywyne Apartments, Dallas to General Hospital. Crew: Lynn Sheehan, Ted Wright and Dave Carey. Jan. 5—Auto accident, Route 118, Lehman-Idetown Road to assist. Dan Mieland, 105 Willow St., Plymouth and Jack Wanyo, 15 Gerard St., Plymouth to Nesbitt Hospital. Crew: Lynn Sheehan, Dave Carey and Ted Wright. r NOXEN Dec: 17—Mary Hubbel, to General Hospital. Crew: Earl Crispell, Howard Keller and Jerry Tallent. Dec. 18—Frank Mickolo, to General Hospital. Crew: Roger Bos- ton, Earl Crispell, Dale Clark and James Hettes. Frank Mickolo, second trip, from General Hospital, to horne. Crew: Al Goble, Roger Boston and James Hettes. Dec. 22—Perry Patton, to Tyler Memorial Hospital. Crew: Dale Clark, Ralph McCormack, Al Goble and Elmer Boice. Dec. 26—Carol Harris, to Mercy Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. Crew: Jerry Tallent and Earl Crispell. Dec. 27—Chet Davis, Harveys Lake, to Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. Crew: Rael Crispell, Jerry Tallent and Howard Keller. HARVEYS LAKE Dec. 22—Mable Ackerman, Murphy Road, to General Hospital. Crew: Myron Williams and Jim Faerber. Dec. 23—Accident, Pole 233, Point Breeze: not needed. Crew: Paul Wheat, Jim Faerber and Myron Williams. Anna Stenger, from General Hospital, to residence on West Ross Street, Wilkes-Barre. Crew: Jay Stenger, Pat Stenger and Art Wagner. Dec. 24—Jack Lamoreaux, Kitchen Avenue, Warden Place, to Nesbitt Hospital. Crew: Paul Wheat, Art Wagner and Jim Faerber. Chet Davis, from the Veterans Administration Hospital to Lake- view Terrace. Crew: Paul Wheat, Art Wagner and Jim Faerber. Dec. 25—Nickolas Demko, from General Hospital to Carpenter Convalescent Home. Crew: Pat Stenger and Jim Faerber. Ver@h Pickle, Carpenter Road, to Nesbitt Hospital. Crew: Pat Stenger, Myron Williams and Gene Tilghman. Dec. 27—George Hillibush, Pole 228, to General Hospital. Crew: Art Wagner, Bob Wintersteen aad Gene Tilghman. Jan. 2—Judy Lamoreaux, Carpenter Convalescent Home, to Mercy Hospital. Crew: Art Wagner and Gene Tilghman. Jan. 3—Jane English, Morgus Convalescent Home, to Leader Nursing Home. Crew: Art Wagner and Gene Tilghman. Jan. 4—George Hillibush, General Hospital to Pole 228. Crew: Bob Wintersteen, Art Wagner and Gary Kocher. by Millie Hogoboom 696-2603 Somehow I know Mom Hogo- boom is having herself a good chuckle up there in her heaven- ly home. She used to tell me how wasteful I was. “Turn off those lights,” she would say. “Use your head and not your heels”. Now this energy crisis has made me realize how smart she was. After all, she survived the depression on the prairie of North Dakota, and experience is a great teacher. Well Mom, if they were passing out merit badges for saving energy, I would have earned a few. Not only do we turn out lights, we are even ex- changing high watt bulbs for lower watt bulbs. When I dis- covered cold “air blowing in through my kitchen exhaust fan, I covered the filters with plastic bags when it’s not being used. Latest on my list is cook- ing frozen vegetables in the oven with the meat. Marie Rimple gave me (ne time table for it, and they actually have a better flavor. A package of frozen vegetables can be wrap- ped in foil or placed in a baking dish and covered with foil. Add two tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of butter and salt and pepper to taste to each package. Then bake at 375 de- grees. Peas for 35 minutes, French style green beans, wax beans or succotash for 45 minutes, asparagus, cut corn, green beans, and small lima beans for 50 minutes. At lower temperatures, cook a few minutes longer. It not only saves heat, but it also saves washing pots and pans. Mr. and Mrs. John Barney, Sutton Road, invited a group of their friends to their home for dinner and a party to welcome in the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Miller, Chase Manor, had as their guests over the New Year's weekend, Mr. and Mrs. C. tended. The oldest resident of Jackson Township, Mrs. Charles Behee, passed away on the first day of the New Year. Our sympathy is extended to her daughter, Helen Balliet, Chase Road, with whom she resided. The former Ger- trude Ransom, she lived her en- tire 94 years within a stone’s- throw of her birthplace. It may be a little late to men- tion it, but one of the most beautifully decorated homes at Christmastime is that of Fritz and Marian Sallada of Elmcrest Drive. Marian has made a hobby of collecting interesting and unusual Christmas de- corations. So the many hours she spends arranging them is truly a labor of love for her. Last Friday evening when the Salladas entertained a small group of friends, much of the conversation concerned their unique Christmas displays. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pregler, Overbrook Road, had as their guests during the holidays, Mr. Connecticut. ston, Overbrook Road, had as Mrs. Wyrsch of Binghamton, N.Y. We want to wish a special “Happy Birthday’ to two neighbors, Ed Schechter and Douglas Maslow, who share the ninth day of January for their birthdate. Of course, we don’t want to forget to send best wishes to Tom Weggel and Peter Sharp, who also had birthdays recently. Our sympathy is extended to ter Rose Levitt died recently in Dover, N.J. These popular sizes: 7.75-14, 8.25-14, 7.75-15, 8.25-15 plus Fed. Ex. 8 of $2.09 to $2.30 and trade. Whitewalls $2.50 more. $5 less for size 700-13 plus Fed. Ex. tax of $1.88 and trade. Whitewalls $2.50 more. $3 less for sizes 5.60-15 and 7.35-14 plus Fed. Ex, tax of $1.64 to $1.96 and trade. Whitewalls & $2.50 more. Mil an retreads SIZES ...A78-13/6.00-13, B78-13/ 6.50-13, D78-13/7.00-13, B78-14/ 6.45-14, C78-14/6.95-14, E78-14/ 7.35-14, F78-14/775-14, E78-15/ 7.35-15, F78-15/7.75-15, G78-14/ 8.25-14, H78-14/ 8.55-14, G78-15/ 8.25-15, H78-15/ 8.55-15 plus 45¢ Fed. Ex. tax and 00 $ 95 : retreadable trade- $ reg. price in. Whitewails $20.95 $1.50 more. i ers full four-ply nylon excellent choice for light 12 volt—Mode!l No. E. sizes for most U.S. Autos and popular imports ELECTRONIC HI-SPEED WHEEL BALANCING 2% le asso ——— SCHOOL MENU GATE OF HEAVEN MONDAY—Hot dog, baked beans, potato chips, orange juice, cat- sup and mustard, milk. TUESDAY —Beef stew with vegetables, buttered biscuit, pickled beets, white cake, milk. WEDNESDAY—Pizza, peanut butter sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, cookies, milk. THURSDAY—Baked macaroni with meat sauce, buttered beans, applesauce, bread and butter, milk. FRIDAY—Fish sticks, potato chips, buttered corn, homemade doughnuts, milk. DALLAS MONDAY—Salisbury steak with sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll and butter, fruit, milk. TUESDAY—Chili con carne, Vienna bread and butter, cabbage slaw, fruit, milk. WEDNESDAY—Braised beef and vegetables over noodles, Parker House roll and butter, lettuce with dressing, ice cream sandwich, milk. THURSDAY—Dallas whopper sandwich, potato chips, applesauce, cookies, milk. FRIDAY—Fish-in-the-round, (Jr. and Sr. H.S.) potato puffs and toss salad; (Elem. and Inter.) parsley potatoes and corn, banana, milk. Subscribe To The Post PUBLIC Page 15 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Bron- son, funeral directors, announ- ced their retirement recently, after more than 44 years service as the Bronson Funeral Home in Sweet Valley. Mrs. Bronson, a former school teacher, and Mr. Bron- son received their degrees from Eckel’s College of Embalming, Philadelphia. Longtime residents of Sweet Valley, the couple has showed much interest in community service. Mr. Bronson intro- duced the first complete am- bulance service in the Back Mountain, and operated it for over 28 years. He was one of a group of men who organized the Sweet Valley Volunteer Fire Company. He and other area residents who saw a need for industry in Sweet Valley worked toward the erection of the building that presently houses the Karen Manufacturing Company. He was president of the Sweet Val- ley Improvement Company for over 20 years. He also served as school director on the Lake- Lehman area board for 12 years. NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Bronson con- ceived the idea of a Sweet Val- ley parade to aid the newly- formed fire company. With the help of the late Sherman Kunkle they planned the first Sweet Valley Memorial Day parade, which became an annual event community. Mr. Bronson was named a “Man of the Year” by the local Lions’ Club. of the Shavertown Branch of the Wyoming National Bank of National and Luzerne County Funeral Directors Association, a member of the Irem Temple Country Club, Bloomsburg Con- sistery, and Sylvania Lodge F&AM. The Bronsons will maintain their residence at their present address. ' ihere is a backlog of mail in sore of the local post offices. Dot take a chance on your news being left out of the paper. the office. Ti: BANKRUPTCIES DISTRESS MERCHANDISE TRIE (172) z E E : (1800) (2500) (100) Z Inside Doors | Pairs Shop Vac’s. Cases = £ Men's Slacks Ketchup E (400) (3000) E Cases (2500) Metal Ee es £ Chewing Gum Lrg. Comforters Waste Baskets — z (48) £ (500) (496) (600) Sets £ Cases Cases Cases Mattress & E Asst. Food Items Health Foods Dishwashing Liquid Box Springs gE g E E (78) £ 2) oy Cases (5000) E . Electric Adding 8 Track Tapes = 8 F't. Pool Tables Spray Paint Machines E : (15) s Cases oo J (114) £ Stainless Steel Flatware ages eases Cases Peanuts Men’s Hair Spray 8-Track Car Units (Former Singer Plant). DAILY 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. EE —— 0