i SO DSC RT 2 D. Purvin scorched the lanes for a big 247 (623) as he paced his Harris Associates to 3 points over Willis Hearing five in the George Shupp League. A. Wendell assisted with 205-202 (596). B. Weaver's 204 (581) was best for the hearing men. F. Miller’s 200-210 (605) was high for Whitesell Bros. as they picked up everything from Yenchas. J. Kelnick scattered pins for 206-200 (578). D. Zim- merman managed 201 for the losing five. ‘Sundra tumbled the woods for an outstanding 232-206 (601) for Fino’s to lead the way for 3 points” from Stanton TV. L. Christensen helped the cause with 226-210 (593) and R. Bonomo fired a 573 series. The television men had T. Hazinki’s 211, J. Masilus’ 203, and T. Appel’s 234. Despite D. Musick’s 206, the Ranch Wagoneers dropped 3 points to Daring’s Market, whose best was T. Heness’ 202. Castle Inn managed 3-1» points from the American Legion boys with J. Yenalevitch finding the rangé for 221 and K. Young- blood picking up 203. The Legionnaires had B. Pratt's walloping 225 (592), C: Glasser’s 209, and F. Smith’s 203. In the Offset Paperback League, the Leopards copped 3 from the Mavericks headed by Howard B.’s 205. The Mustangs shut out the Pintos and the Cubs proved too much for the Bears by taking all. The Cougars blanked the Wolves while the Panthers were grabbing 3 points from the Bucks. The Camels picked up 3 points from the Lions and the Colts dropped all 4 points to the Beavers. Hitting in the high 200’s and Bicking 204-223 (582), R. Mociun 206, George S. 210, Fran C. 219, and Jack K. 206. Scoring respectable high for the distaff J. Lerch 195 (497). H. Bonomo scattered: the woods for 170 (479) as she and Grotto Pizza girls blanked G. H. Harris in the Ladies Country League. R. Gula knocked them down for 199. L. Cyphers’ 183 (475) was wasted as Fashion Vending girls dropped 4 points to the Luzerne National Bank quintet. It was the night for 4-0 as Daring’s Market copped all Industrial League records show that Mahaffey No. 2 shut out Daring’s Market and Boston Supplies in spite of the Hurst boys’ Tom rolling 200 (598). Gallagher Homes and Mahaffey No. 1 divided evenly in their match. The battle for top place Church League, with the Lutherans Carverton A, who were paced by W. Heck’s 200 (577). T. Wilson’s 202 and T. Cross’ 201 were not enough to give the Lutherans points. H. Long the course for Trucksville C’s shutout over. Trucksville A. S. Lord gave him 204, and F. Price 209 (578) to lead Dallas Bin blanking Orange B, whose best was H. Shupp’s 202. W. Jones hit Zion, but Jones’ teammates gave him stronger support, and the B team copped 3 points. Shavertown C, and P. Labar’s 224 and B., Shoemaker’s 223 were enough to help East Dallas take 3 points from Orange A. Trucksville B took everything from Carverton B, paced by D. Ide’s 203 (589). In the Back Mountain Neigh- borhood - League, M. Sharock Jr.’s 235-213 (640) was high series for the night as his Cappy teammates backed him up in taking 3 points from Roth Novelty five. Offset Paperback dropped 4 points to Automatic Vending in spite of their Bob’s 210. Villa Nichola boys were (590) and F. Fondo’s 202 as they earned 3 points from Henry Jewelry five. L. Coolbaugh put 213 on the score sheet and D. Williams came up with a nice 205 for Konefals, who were forced to forfeit 4 points to Disque Funeral Home. The girls had difficulty fin- ding the strike pocket in the Commonwealth Telephone Girls League with no one able to score above 150. Memory Phone maids took 3 points from the Tel-Butlers and the Starlites earned 3 points from Magicall. Joe counted out a big 220 for the Chiefs as they dropped 3 points to the Rams in Konefals’ Restaurant League and M. Konefal’s 203 helped the Indians Cyphers’ 172 was high for both teams as she and her Tom Reese girls copped 3 points from Trucksville Pharmacy. T. Langdon’s 189 (514) was high for the night as she led Duke Isaacs’ girls in winning all from the Boyd R. White maids. Anne Whiting gave her help with 174. In the Crown Majors, Dallas Post men shut out Shavertown Lumber while Elby’s Restaurant five picked off ‘3 points from Wesley Gulf divided evenly as did Vanguard Security and Gebhardts. In the came out on top with 215-259 (612) for the news team, and B. Prutzman hit a big 203-227 (606). Other high scores were L. Christensen 210, M. Gorey 209, Kitchen 221, K. Youngblood 200, and R. Bonomo Jr. 201, Second place Apex Used Auto Parts cut Goodman Florist lead in the Imperi ette League to four games by. taking 3 points from them: JZ Meyers had the biggest night of Hier league play with a 170-190 (525) and J. Lerch had 174. J. Agnew came through (489). 474 series for the dairy girls and L. Wheeler tumbled wood for 179 as Lahr’s Arco and Dallas 175 (469) up in lights as she point win over Lombardo Bakery. and 1. Cyphers rolled 199-194 (522) to lead the way in the 2-2 split between Fairview Shoes ‘and O’Malia Laundry. The laundry girls had R. Radzinski’s 170-177 (504), M. Fondo’s:176, and M. Shepherd's 201-to help their cause. Sincere wishes from all the girls to" Sally Riegel, Nancy Buss, Marie Ritts, and Ruth Bennett for a fast and success- ful recovery from their illnesses and a quick return to the lanes.- The Bonomos and the Imperial- ettes miss ‘them. Any man may make a mis- take, but none but a fool will continue in it. —Cicero There is a correspondent in your: area if. you live in Noxen. Call Mrs. Ray Kelly 298-2149 When the King’s College basketball team opens the season in Wilkes-Barre, Dec. 1, against Le Moyne College of Syracuse, the Quantico Marine Band will present a halftime concert in the King’s gym. Athletic director and basketball coach Ed Donohue announced the Quantico Marines will spend the night in one of the college dorms before returning to their base in Virginia by helicopter. ‘This is the first time the Quantico Marines have played at a college basketball game in our part of the nation,” Mr. Donohue stated. ‘King’s outstanding aggregation to help us launch our 1973-1974 basketball season in style, he added. The . Marines will: land in Wyoming Valley earlier in the day and will present a concert at a local high school and will have members of regional high school bands as their guests. Since 1969, the Marine Band has annually performed before more than 100,000 spectators. Directed by Capt. Sidney Snellings, ‘it represents more than 400 years of combined musical experience among its members ‘and is noted for its Creative Cuts Our Specialty We shape your hair to suit your face, ‘your taste “and your life: style. Try us} £ 7 ogi JOE DONNINI 'S MEN’S HAIR STUDIO Penn Plaza Wilkes-Barre 825-7569 30-30 Shells Reg. $5.15 30-06 Shells 270 Caliber Reg. $6.55 Simulated TV picture Model $700 wlan styling Whichever style you select . loses nothing in translation. All include a solid-state stereo FM /AM radio, a built-in 8-Track Tape Player, the Micromatic | SAVE $50 Your Choice of six styles $399.95 Shown ponents, Radios for anyone! signals locked in . reduce variations in of flesh tones . . RECORDS . each with an 8” musical talent and marching ability. From Sousa to Shubert. Bach to ‘boogie,’ S$" Quan- tico’s ‘musical Marines” carry on the traditions established by John Philip Sousa more than 75 years ago. Like all Marines, the band- smen are riflemen first. Members of the Quantico Marine ‘Band have repeatedly proven themselves to be as proficient at ‘‘playing a tune” on a M14 rifle as they are on their individual instruments. Each year the bandsmen turn in a record score of more than 95 percent average of qualified rifle marksmen, a large share of them earning the ‘Expert Rifleman’ badge. Priscilla Circle The Priscilla: Circle of the Shavertown United Methodist Church will meet Nov. 12 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Granville Miller. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Kenneth Kirk. Mrs. Harvey Odell will lead devotions. Members are reminded that a white elephant sale will be held at this meeting. Guests are cordially invited to attend. Serdice After and ALL FOR ONLY $1569.%° 675-1181 STORE HOURS Monday thru Saturday 9:30 to 8 Saturday, 9:30 to 5 Seen rer IA A TE