spokkakskcoksoRRoRookkokooksokoRskok kok sak oko ok fe kof Kk by The Rev. Charles H. Gilbert lographic reproduction of a famous manuscript of the holy scripture. It is taken from the “Codex Siniaticus,”’ which I have become somewhat reading about Bible manu- scripts. My recollection is that the manuscript by this name has long been acknowledged as very . valuable as one of the sources of material for transla- tion. This fascimile of a famous manuseript in Greek is printed on the jacket of (his particular Bible: because of the interest which people have in its lan- guage-Modern Greek such as is. spoken. in Athens and else- where in Greece loday. But the special interest awakened in me from seeing this picture of a piec e of an ancient Bible manu- interes! . in prayer -and For it suddenly occurred to me how difficult it must be to try to read 'such a manuscript. It might be of the extremely fra- gile variely, such as those made of reeds from the river, parch- ment otherwise poorly pre- served. Su even in the case of some ihese photographs in which i photographer’s art has been able to make more easily dis- cernable the lines of the letters, ihe reading would be much, much more difficult than the clean, clear letters which be- come the printer’s skill, which do not hinder reading the Greek language. What I am wanting to say is that 1 had never thought far enough away to bring these skills up before that mind of God who inspires writers and readers of all languages and dialects, of all lands and cli- males and peoples. But it just came over me in the midst of my slow and ponderous study of Greek, how much worse my lot would have been if I found my- self presented with such an an- cient and faded manuscript lo by Nelson Woolbert Phone 696-1689 members of Boy 155 will attend the first week Moraine Slate Several Troop Jamboree-EKast’ in August, al anied byztheir leaders. TrucksviltezUnited Methodist Church will. hold their annual vacation church school « from July 30 through Aug. 3. Classes will begin al 6:30 p.m. Jay Martin, Highland Avenue is recuperaiing at his home after being a surgical patient in Sacred Heart Hospital at Norris:own. “Jay: is the son of and Mrs. Charles Hoff- ecker. Pioneer Avenue, recent- ly celebrated: their silver wedding anniversary. Mrs; Mr Burke of Scranton. Mr. Hof- fecker is district manager of Met ‘ropolitan Life Insurance The Rev. pastor of St. Joseph Sammons, Therese’s Church, property on the corner of Pioneer Avenue and Davis Sireei, Trueksville, has been purchased and will be made into a parking lot for the con- venience of parishioners. Faiher Sammons stated that ihe only lot. they have now is located on Davis Street and il is not adequate lo accommodate those who attend Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses. ' He hopes the new parking area will help eliminate some of the” congestion on Pioneer Avenue during busy hours. Bids for preparing and paving ihe area have not yet been re- the Rev. Sammons and Company in Nanticoke. Mrs. Charles W. Palmer, 24 Orchard St., has returned from a visit with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice and family, Jersey Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Allen, Sweet Water, Tenn., have returned after spending several days with ‘area friends. The Allens have been away from the area for over 20 years. Jennifer Lynn Engler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Engler. South Memorial High- way. was baptised at the Sunday morning worship service in Trucksville United Me: hodist Church. A family dinner followed the ceremony. Mrs. = William Nichols, Warden Avenue, celebrated her birthday yesterday. A dinner party marked the occasion. Mrs. David Rosnick Sr., will celebraie her birthday tomorr- ow. A family dinner will mark he occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Marty Federi- cia. Willard Street. Luzerne, announce the birth of a son born in Nesbiit Hospital. July 7. Mrs. Federicia © is © the former Maureen Rosnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Rosnick Sr.. Staub Road. Christofer Bligh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bligh. Easton, is spending the week with his grandparenis. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bennett, Orchard Sireei. Daniel Slagle, Highland Avenue. has returned from Surrey. England, where he spent a month with his aunt Elaine Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. John Brady and family. Holly Street, have reiurned from Norwich, N.Y., where they spent a week with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Anderson Sr. Samuel Lawson. Carverton Road. was honor guest at a surprise party held at his home Saiurday. The occasion marked his birthday. PAINT, TOOLS BUILDING SUPPLIES decipher. Just ordinary hand- writing has often been a chal- lenge to me, to make out what ithe dear writer is trying to tell me. And for those who sometimes have to read, not my hammered oul lypewriling, but the slow and unsteady scrawl of my longhand script, I should offer a prayer. I thought perhaps I would try to phrase such a pray- er as I am (rying to offer be- iween myself and God, on behalf of those whose research iakes them through almost un- readable material and yet with the know-how to present their results to scholars, school and library people, and finally even down to me, who late in life, but with all eternity to live in, can have the Greek with all its tiny curly-kews and iota subscripts clearly spaced and spelled, and sel out to be read. And enjoyed! So I have something more (o pray about! Know something? The more people and things and situations you have to pray for and about, the more times you go 10 God in prayer. And here is something I discovered long ago. the more occasions I have io meet God in prayer, the rich- er I feel in my soul! Even the daily mail can sometimes star- ile you with a new occasion, or even perhaps a new answered prayer one discovers. I would not invite you to look over my shoulder when I happen to get one of those answer-to-prayer kind of letters, for it might even come from one of you, my read- ers, for whom I had prayed for a long time, and only just getting around to see the prayer ans- wered. Some times I am just {oo dumb to notice how the dear Lord manages to answer some of my prayers. No apologies for this disserta- tion on prayer! Bui I should not omit telling you that another prayer is be- ginning to come through. Yes- ierday morning il came about just right for Catherine and me io reach the same conclusion, each with a special part to play, when we together set about at- taching wood panels (othe siudy walls. It only takes one panel ai a time. And sometimes it lakes some individually learned and learning lessons on how best to handle this panel- ling situation. Anyway we got the first panel on and it looks beautiful. She is working on preparing the place for the next panel. And in the meantime, I may make up my mind whether or not to change my desk around from the position it has always had since we lived here. Bui it could be the other way around! And it might just be hai other way around! Another point of delight in our life just now is the heavy per- fume emanating from 30 clus- iers of Hoya blossoms hanging from the ceiling in our Glass House. That extravagant per- fume drifts through the open window of our living room and makes one wonder for awhile just what castle he is visiting! These Hoya vines are relatives of the Milkweed. Comparing the blossoms of one with the other makes it easy to believe they may be closer than second cou- sins! HD Bw INCLUDES TIME OF SALE! DOMESTIC (OVER 8-Ib.) CANNED HAMS SLICED VEAL LIVER VEAL STEAKS MRS. SMITH'S CREAM 4] 2 FROZEN ASST. 50 COUNT BRANDYWINE MUSHROOMS ANN PAGE MATINEE TEA BAGS GOOD HUMOR WHAMMIES ASST. VAR. FOR DISHES $98 12-01. cans Pkg. 8-0z. & Can PIECES 18-0z. bot. ONE 24-02. 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