TRA _— 2 VE — & ~ RE ie Re ZT 7 mi A RT Page 20 Charles W. Gordon Jr., agent for Nationwide Insurance at Dallas, has earned membership in President’s Club, the com- pany’s elite sales recognition organization. Nationwide honored Mr. Gordon with President’s Club membership for his outstanding performance in customer sales and service last year. Only 120 of the company’s 4,200 agents qualified for the designation. Mr. Gordon will receive achievement at the company’s 15th annual President’s. Club conference next summer. He'll get a member's plaque and honor * pin, and personal congratulations =~ from top Nationwide executives. Mr. Gordon who resides at Pikes Creek, has been a Nation- years. This is the fourth time he has gained President’s Club membership. Training Program Mrs. Edward Richards, Planned Parenthood of Luzerne County, has been in Baltimore, training at Family Planning Training Institute, funded by the Department of Health, Edu- Parenthood Association = of Maryland. At present, Mrs. Richards’ duties as Clinic Director of the Nursing Staff include inter- viewing patients, lecturing them on modern methods of birth = control, performing urinalyses, taking height, weight, and blood pressures, preparing patients for exami- nations and ‘standing by’’ physical examination. On non- clinic'days, she is at work an- swering the phone, making refilling prescriptions, and working to keep all clinic records up to date. She is presently studying the procedures of female internal examination, and when she returns from Baltimore at the end of the, month, she will be qualified to ‘perform pelvic examinations, do pap smears and six-month check-ups. She will thus be able to lighten the load of the clinic physicians, who will still see all new patients. - Mrs. Richards has heen af- filiated with Planned Parent- hood Association of Luzerne County for the past five years. She is a resident of Trucksville, where she lives with her husband, Edward, and three of their four children. It Pays To Advertise Intermediate School children were visited recently by Apple- vale Sentinel, owned by Emily Hosey, elementary librarian for the Dallas School District. Known to all his friends as Charles W. Gordon Jr. Fourth Seminar on Woman to Be Held “Woman,” an Ecumenical Series of Seminars, will be held Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Dallas = United Methodist Church. The fourth lecture of the series will feature Anita Ambrose, administrator of the Wyoming Valley Council of Churches and Sister ‘Barbara Craig, chairman of the Foreign. Language Department, College Misericordia, speaking on, “How the Christian Woman Relates to Her Church.” A nursery will be available for preschool children. of America’s oldest breed of horse - the Morgan. The first Morgan horse was owned by a frail singing teacher from Vermont named Justin Morgan. Foaled in 1789, the horse became widely known for his endurance, versatility, beauty, spirit, and willing disposition. His descendants all carried these same characteris- tics - even today. The Morgans of long ago were used for farm Work, as carriage horses, and as race horses. Those of today no longer plow fields, but res and show horses. The Intermediate children also heard a lecture on. the ‘care of a horse and saw a demon- stration of the saddle-seat style of riding. John ‘Greenall, Thorny Hills Farms, New Tripoli, showed the students an antique side-saddle used by ladies a century ago. Since flowing skirts prohibited riding astride, the side-saddle was in- vented to allow. ladies to join their male gompanions for a ride. Many of the students were already familiar with the his- " Erupting = overnight like a giant mushroom, a huge steel water tank reaches 123 feet from the ground at the Wilkes- Barre Campus of the Penn State University in Lehman. Constructed under the speci- fications of the American Water Works Association and = The Pennsylvania State University engineers, the 300,000 gallon tank will store water to provide _ Increased pressure for fire pro- services for all campus facil- 560 PIERCE ST. Phone 288-8477 MARKET & WRIGHT ST. Phone 288-7551 Mike Angley John Dukes John Brill Jim Angley @ 1969 Chevy Ys ton , Pickup "1971 Dodge 5 ton Pickup 1971 Ford 3 ton 4 speed 1971 Chevy 5 ton Pickup 71 Volkeswagen Bus 1972 Datsun 510 Wagon 1972 Jeep Pickup 4-wheel Drive $2995 1971 Ford LTD Wagon, fully equipped ities, including the new class- room-laboratory building near- ing completion. The tank, which has been in- stalled by C.B.I. under agree- ment with the General State Authority, is constructed of steel ranging from one inch steel plates at the bottom to one- quarter inch plates at the top. It is constructed in such a manner to withstand a wind velocity of 120 knots when empty and an in- creased velocity when filled. tory of the Morgan breed. The Dallas Intermediate School library is well-stocked with books about many of the breeds. Marguerite Henry's book, “Justin Morgan Had a Horse”, which Walt Disney adapted for a television program, is avail- able to them, and has been read and enjoyed by many children. When Applevale Sentinel vis- ited the kindergarten, he examine, pet and ride him. The kindergarten children observed the way a horse eats, how he sees and hears, and why he must wear iron shoes. For horse. Timid at first, they quickly overcame their fears when affectionately nuzzled by a friendly nose. After seeing and touching “the real thing”, the children drew pictures and related their experiences to their teachers, who developed each into a story. At the conclusion of the after- noon, the students returned to their. classrooms, and Apple- stable in Lehman - none the worse for wear after being introduced to 600 eager Dallas students. Pictured is the afternoon kindergarten of Kathy Reiss, tary librarian, and John Green- all, of New Tripoli, Pa. Saturday 8:30 to 7 ZETA TIRES FREE . Exide life Time Batteries . Racing Jackets . Wheel Alignment OPEN DAILY 8-6 — W-B STORE WILLIAMS BAST Rt. 315 W-B 829-1991 125 S. Wyo. WILLIAMS SOUTH 214 E. Front Berwick . 759-0376 Ave. King. USE YOUR CREDIT Jack 5 Williams a8 Acct. l NKAMERICARD BE ‘Texaco American Express Photo. by Alex Rebar eri 5 aw ZH] CITY | "FROST-FREE 17" | REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER ® 17.1 cu. ft. capacity e Only 30’ wide ~ © Big 163-1b. capacity freezer ® Completely Frost-Free FREE PARTS AMD LABOR FOR ONE YEAR