The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 02, 1972, Image 5

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    Steve Polte of Harveys Lake,
German at
Polte will appear in
a playlet by Israel
and ‘‘A Perfect
comedy written by Tennessee
Williams. He has appeared in
several other productions
presented by the Players, in-
cluding ‘The American Dame’’
and ‘Three of a Kind.” Mr.
several University of Virginia
thespian productions.
act plays ranging in subject
from comedy to mystery to
eight Misericordia students.
One other faculty member also
theology instructor
The production will be held at
College Misericordia Nov. 16,
17, and 18 under the direction of
Walter C.J. Andersen. The play
will © be held in Walsh
Auditorium with curtain going
up at 8.
department at the college.
by Charlot Denmon
Mrs. Gordon Wolverton, 126
School St., Shavertown, suf-
fered a sprained ankle in a
recent accident at home.
Frederick J. Eck, Lehigh
Street, Shavertown, was hon-
ored recently at a retirement
dinner 8 Aldino’s Manor by
employes of Northeastern
National Bank. Mr. Eck, who is
married to the former Evelyn
Templin, will retire Dec. 1. A
graduate of the Wharton School
of th@niversity of Pennsyl-
vania‘and the Graduate School
of Banking of the University of
Wisconsin, he joined the former
Bank after having been affili-
ated with the First National
Bank of Dallas, subsequently
merged with the now United
Penn Bank.
Mrs. William Barber, 146
Woodbine Road, Shavertown, is
a surgical patient in Geisinger
Medical Center, Danville.
Mrs. William T. Fetterman,
117 Mt. Airy Road, Shavertown,
was awarded the Commiss-
ioner’s Citation at the Social
Security’s Administration 21st
Annual Honor Awards cere-
mony. She received her citation
for ‘‘sustained exemplary
performance of her duties as a
card funch operator for a
numb of years during which
she has accomplished far more
than required or expected of
Kingston Township ambu-
lance crew for this week are
Walter Davis Sr., captain; Jack
Stephenson, Joe Menko, Hugh
It Pays to Advertise
| The Welcome Wagon
hostess will help!
Mrs. Ives
Gallagher, Pete Williams, and
Larry Hourigan.
Kingston Township Recre-
ation Commission recently hon-
ored principals in the first
annual soap box derby at a
dinner. Among the Kingston
Township residents honored
were Nicholas Taddei, Rudy
Taddei, Helen Taddei, Jim
Zambo, Phyllis Zambo, Ned
Hartman, Lois Hartman,
George Gilbert, Mary Gilbert,
Dale Prynn, Bonnie Prynn; Ned
Bessmer, Tony Fannick; Martin
Karchnar, Harry Owens’ Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bretz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kloeber,
244 Ferguson Ave., Shavertown,
attended Parents Day at Get-
tysburg College where their
daughter, Priscilla is a fresh-
man, and a second Parents Day
at Dickinson College, where
their “daughter, Gwen is a
junior. Returning home from
the recent weekend, they visited
with Mrs. Kloeber’s brother-in-
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Addison and family of
Glen Falls, who were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Daven-
port, Orange.
Mrs. William Austin has
announced that Mrs. William
Brown, Mrs. Fred Daley, and
Pearle Gilroy, will serve as hos-
tesses at the Nov. 3 meeting of
the Shavertown Branch of the
Nesbitt Hospital Auxiliary to be
held in St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church social rooms. Mrs.
William James will speak on
bird watching.
The Shavertown United
Methodist Church Women will
meet Nov. 6 at 1 p.m. in the
church social room. Members
are asked to bring their World
thank offerings to this meeting.
A program ‘‘Time Bomb in
Middle East” will be presented
by Dr. Leslie Delaney, history
department, King’s College.
Hostesses are Mrs. Jonathan
Jones, Mrs. Percy Hart,
chairmen; Blanche Keller,
Mary Ellen Howe, Mrs. Richard
Hammond, Mrs. Donald Rome
and Mrs. Fred Ostrum
Mrs. Robert Maturi, Sutton
Road, Shavertown, and Mrs.
Guy Llewellyn, North Pioneer
Avenue, Shavertown, are
members of the board for the
Sinfonia deCamera.
Photo by Jim Kozemchak
Boehme, Harold Shappelle, W.
Shortz. Standing: Mesdames A
Thomas, Abram Nesbitt II, C
nch committee met recently to
H. Dierolf, Vincent McGuire,
William Brown, and Bryon
bram Nesbitt III, William A.
harles Perkins, Lyman Lull,
Tropical storm Agnes has not
dampened the enthusiasm of
members of the Shavertown
Branch of the Nesbitt Memorial
Hospital Auxiliary as they
prepare for their 10th annual
oliday Fair. The event will be
held Nov. 15 and 16 in the
auditorium of the nurses’ home
from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day.
Other branches of the auxiliary
will also participate. Proceeds
will be used to help the
“hospital with a big heart”
come back better than ever.
The decorating theme will be
“The Hospital With A Big Heart
Coming Back Better Than
Ever.” Lighted Christmas trees
trimmed with red hearts on
booth tables and stage, and
manger scenes on tables in
front of the stage will provide a
festive atmosphere.
The Rural Branch, with Mary
Emmanuel as president, will
have a “Country Store” booth,
featuring homemade jams,
Harvest Dinner
Lehman Church
The women of the Lehman
United Methodist Church will
hold their annual Harvest Home
Dinner Nov. 11 from 5 p.m. in
the Lehman church. A bake sale
and mini bazaar will aec-
company the dinner.
Tickets may be obtained at
the door.
Ruth Wright is chairman of
the affair.
P.O. Box 849
Phones: (AC717)
I Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18701
822-6108 735-0730
jellies, and soap.
A snack bar, in charge of
Anna Goldman, manager of the
Hospitality Shop, will be located
in the first floor lounge this
Special features, with Mrs.
Harold Shappelle in charge; will
include a live money tree and a
beautiful afghan, which will be
awarded at the close of the Fair.
Members of the Shavertown
Branch committee recently met
for a planning session at the
home of Mrs. Abram Nesbitt II,
where they displayed some of
the handmade articles to be
offered for sale.
Members heading various
committees are: Elsa Boehme,
knitwear and aprons; Mrs.
Harold Shappelle, special
features; Mrs. W. H. Derolf, co-
chairman and knitwear; Mrs.
Vincent McGuire, chairman;
Mrs. William A. Austin,
president of Shavertown
Branch and knitted articles;
Mrs. Leon Beisel, clothespin
bags, door knockers, and turkey
heads; Mrs. William Brown,
Christmas tree skirts; Mrs.
Byron Shortz, Christmas or-
Mrs. Abram Nesbitt III,
candy wreaths and ‘‘Boutique’’;
Mrs. William A. Thomas,
novelties; Mrs. Abram Nesbitt
II, ‘“‘Boutique’’; Mrs. Charles
Perkins, decorations, baby bibs
and switchplate covers; Mrs.
Lyman Lull, Christmas money
socks; Mrs. Elmer Daley,
baked goods; Mrs. Robert
Kleiner, aprons; Mrs. Charles
Maxwell, publicity; Mrs. Ed-
ward Baker, paper bag holders;
Mrs. Fred Eck, baked goods;
Mrs. J. Wendell Jones, candy;
Mrs. Ralph Lutes and Mrs.
Austin Line, Christmas tree
skirts; Mrs. Richard Crompton,
painted antique shingles; Mrs.
Albert Armitage, pot holders;
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, nylon
scrubbers; Mrs. Leslie Carter,
stuffed monkeys; Mrs. Alan
Wilkinson, lingerie bags; Mrs.
Walter Shaver, aprons; Mrs.
David Emmanuel, pillows;
Mrs. John Kistler, delinter
Mrs. Fred Hughey, and Mrs.
tray covers; Mrs.
Mathers, Raggedy Ann dolls
Shotwell, ceramics; Marian
Young, yarn dusters; Mrs.
William Clewell, sewing kits
and Christmas boots; Mrs.
Palmer Updyke, hostess skirts
and aprons; Mrs. R.D.
Shepherd, magnetic felt car-
dinals; and Mrs. C. E. James,
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Page 7
The Parent and Teacher
Guild of Gate of Heaven School
met Oct. 23 to reactivate. The
following officers were selec-
ted, representing all adjoining
parishes: President, Phillip
Cummings; first vice president,
John Schray; Second vice
president, William J. Connally;
secretary, Kay Kale; treasurer,
Lorretta Bryan. These will also
act as members of the school
board, assisting Father Jordan
in decision making.
Coast Guard
Has Openings
~Chief Michael Sowden, officer
in charge of Coast Guard
recruiting for Northeastern
Pennsylvania, announced that
there are immediate openings
available to young men between
17 and 26 years of age as well as
men with prior military service
for a variety of enlistment
programs. High school seniors
are invited to check on the
delayed enlistment program.
Further information can be
obtained at the recruiting of-
fice, second floor VA Building,
19 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, or
by calling Chief Sowden at 825-
6811, ext. 355, during the day or
at 868-5803 during the evening.
Sister M. Melonie, principal,
introduced the faculty. She
spoke of the importance of a
dynamic relationship between
parents and teachers, to aid the
religious and scholastic educa-
tion of the children.
Sister M. Doris, upper grade
co-ordinator, and Susan Hand,
intermediate grade co-
ordinator, were called upon to
inform the parents of their
sincere interest in the children
and to explain the newest teach-
ing methods presently in use.
Father Jordan discussed the
necessity of tuition. Three plans
of payment were introduced
and voted upon, with the inter-
est of all families considered.
Reports were given by Peg
Cartier, blood bank chairman,
and Mary Weir, cafeteria chair-
man. Refreshments were
served and a social hour
Next meeting will be Nov. 28.
Noxen Women
Slate Bazaar
Noxen United Methodist
Women will sponsor their an-
nual bazaar and turkey supper
at the church Nov. 11.
Serving starts at 5:30 p.m.
Tickets are available from the
youth of the church or may be
purchased at the door.
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