by Charlot Denmon 675-0419 Annual meeting of the parish of Prince of Peace Episcopal Church will be held Jan. 18 be- ginning with celebration of Holy Communion at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish House. The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Gressle will be guests at the meeting. The Bishop will celebrate the Holy Communion service and later speak at the meeting. Vestrymen will be elected to replace those retiring from the vestry this year. There will be an organization- al meeting Jan. 13 for those who wish to become confirmed members of Prince of Peace Church. The congregation of Trinity United Presbyterian Church welcomed new members, Mr. and Mrs. William Augsburger, Mrs. Anees B. Barakat Sr., and Mrs. Albert Williams. Arlene Troup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Troup, Shrine View, Dallas, has been elected president of the Kappa Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority at Arizona State Uni- versity. She is a sophomore at the university majoring in fine arts. Miss Troup is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary. Meetings at Trinity Following meetings are scheduled at Trinity United Presbyterian Church for the next week: Jan. 13, Nursery School, 9:30 a.m.; Women’s Sewing Group, 10 ‘a.m.; Girl Scout Troop 656, 3:30 p.m.; Youth Choir Rehearsal, 5:30 p.m.; Adult Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, Lacka- wanna Presbytery Meeting, First Presbyterian Church, Carbondale; Monday, Nursery School; Cadette Girl Scout Troop 706, 3 p.m.; Brownie Troop 650, 4:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Nursery School; Cadette Girl Scout Troop 715 First Aid Course, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, Nursery School; Girl Scout Troop 930, 3:30 p.m.; Boy Scout Troop, 132, 7 p.m. Louise Colwell has returned home following a holiday visit in Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Corey Major, formerly of Chase, moved re- cently to 103 Church St., Dallas. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Post, Split Rail Lane, Dallas, have re- turned from Houston, Tex., where they visited the latter’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. A PIECE OF HISTORY and Mrs. Wayne Harvey, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Botsford, former residents of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison H. Smith, Shrine View, Dallas, en- tertained as holiday guests, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. H. Dudley Ives, Washington, D.C., and Ladiesburg, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tubbs, Wynnewood, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zendt, Bay Shore, N.Y. Allan Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown, 30 Foster St., Dallas, received notice he has made the dean’s list at Pennsyl- vania State University. He is a senior student majoring in civil engineering. Linda Howell, Washington, D.C., is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howell, Demunds Road, Dallas. Justin Mullen, Shrine View, Dallas, spent New Year’s in Brussels. She will return to London, England, where she attends St. Godric’s College. Her sister, Sarah Mullen, who has been home for the holidays, left Sunday to return to Aiglon College, Switzerland. Janet Fielding, librarian in Montrose Schools, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fielding. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pregler- had as holiday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronson, Sweet Valley, Dean Bronson, Mary- land, and Ruth Lewis and Ella Kyttle, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Steg- maier, Dallas, and Dr. and Mrs. Jerard W. Brown, Kingston, en- tertained at a punch party in honor of Debra Mahon Brown, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Shel- don Brown, Kingston, who was presented at a small dinner and dance at the Westmoreland Club. Mrs. John Blase was installed as president of the WSCS of Dallas United Methodist Church at a meeting held Tuesday at the church. Other officers in- stalled were Mrs. Herman Otto, vice president; Mrs. Edward Stair, secretary; Grace Klees, treasurer. Women’s Sewing Group of Trinity United Presbyterian Church will hold its first meeting Jan. 13 at 10 a.m. at the church. Women are asked to bring scissors, thimbles and needles, and lunch if they so desire. PO 3. C. E.A. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jones, “since 1914” 822-2491 4 A Lake Yacht Club Holds Annual Ball Over 350 members of the Harveys Lake Yacht Club and their guests attended the annual Commodore’s Ball held recently at Irem Temple Country Club. Amidst a holiday atmosphere, those attending enjoyed a cocktail hour and an evening of dancing to music by the orchestra of Lee Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. George Hor- watt, Skyview Drive, Dallas, were chairmen of the affair. Harry Harter and George Horwatt Jr. donned sailor hats and jackets to greet guests as they arrived. Commodore of the Harveys Lake Club is Todd McGuire. Richard Garman is vice commodore. Library Book Club To Meet at Annex The Book Club of the Back Mountain Memorial Library will meet Monday in the annex, instead of at the First National Bank as previously announced. Mrs. David Joseph will conduct a short story hour with several children so that club members will see the program at work. The hospitality committee, headed by Mrs. William Pierce, Mrs. John Coon, and Mrs. Thomas Graham, will serve tea. New officers for the year are: Mrs. Clarence Ankner, president; Mrs. Ray Martz, vice president and program chairman; Mrs. James Alexander, secretary; and Mrs. Willard Seaman, treasurer. Oak Drive, RD 4, Dallas, has re- - turned to San Diego after six months duty off the coast of Vietnam. He is aboard the USS Henry W. Tucker. The regular meeting of Dad- dow-Isaacs American Legion Auxiliary will be held at the Post Home, Memorial High way, Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams and family, Hatfield, have re- turned home after spending the weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morris, Dallas. GEV TIER gE E Ee yy J. Kozemchak Sr. John F. Rosser, principal, announces that the Dallas Junior High School has been se- lected by Science Research As- sociates, Inc. to participate in a project that involves pretesting items for possible inclusion in future National Educational Development Tests for grades seven and eight. The continuing development of tests of this nature depends upon the co-op- eration and the assistance pro- vided by the schools which have been selected to represent par- ticular areas of the United States. The testing will be done in a 45-minute session Jan. 13 under the direction of Gordon R. Schlier, school counselor. The students who participate in this project will get experience working under timed conditions on sample items that will be 3 RETAIL ONLY Washable Papers "DO IT YOURSELF Vinyls and Murals used to develop a more valuable this development testing pro- ject, the Dallas School District will receive a reimbursement from Science Research Associ- ates. Covered Dish The Couples Club of the Trucksville United Methodist Church will hold a covered dish supper Feb. 5. A movie will be shown following the dinner. TOMLINSON—BAKER— THOMASVILLE= WEIMAN FOUNDERS—THAYER—COGG!N DIRECTIONAL—SELIG—WHITE SLIGH—STIFFEL—GLOBE WEIMAN—CENTURY—KARASTAN At Acme COW "FURNITURE: GALLERIES. 253 S. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, Penna. WOODARD—SIMMONS—MONITOR HEYWOOD—WAKEFIELD—SEALY FICKS= REED—GRAND RAPIDS WILLIAMSBURG GALLERIES— HENKEL HARRIS—JAMES RIVER KINDEL—UNION NATIONAL CHILDRENS starting at 45° pack of 30 ADULT CARDS Card And Gift Shop ment for a quick, private, loan. It's your year—make ESE fg Nurse J. Mitchell Completes Exams Jane Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell of Orange, recently passed state board examinations qualifying her to be a registered nurse. She is a 1968 graduate of Dallas Senior High School and a 1971 graduate of Geisinger Medical Center School of Nursing. While attending nursing school, she was active in several school committees, the school chorus, and held the offices of vice president of the student government association and president of her senior class. Since graduation she has been working as a staff nurse in Geisinger’s intensive care unit. In January she will begin studies at Bloomsburg State College to obtain a B.S. Degree in nursing education. Jane Mitchell Greenstreet News For Wedding Stationery 675-5211 GIVE US A RING ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT DIAL 823-4141 Ask For Personal Shopper 24 Hours a Day, T Days a Week Sutin, Dick. SWalksk: WILKES-BARRE RT bo - “If You Don’t Know Furs — Know Your Furrier” 16 Public Square wluls Be Next to Pomeroy's Open Monday & Thursday Night 'til 9 P.M. JANUARY FUR SALE Savings from 20% to 50% EXTRA-FINE QUALITY MINK, PERSIAN AND MANY OTHER BEAUTIFUL FURS YOU CAN AFFORD AT THESE PRICES! Mink Hats “oie 53375 Mink Stoles “ie 5195 Mink Capes "Cena" 205 Mink Jackets i350 5295 Ranch-Pastel- Cerulean* % Length Black Dyed : Persian Lamb Coats Mink Trimmed Collors, Ranch—Pcste| Cerulean® Full Length Black Dyed Persian Lamb Coafs S495 Mink Trimmed Collars, Ranzh-—Paostel—Cerulean® Sizes 238-40-42-44 Walking Length ® Mink Coats cori Tomiie 3595 | Use Our Payment Plan — No Carrying Charges *TM EMBA—Fur products labeled to show country of origin. ms nr < 0’ rp rh NA QS