Page Two Know Your Neighbor Rene Makar by Bridgette Correale Have you ever met a person who you sincerely liked at first sight? Well I did, and I would like you to meet her through this article. Charming, lovely and talented with a capital ‘T’ des- cribes Mrs. Vincent Makar of New Goss Manor. Rene, whose maiden name is Hesstek, was born and raised. in Wilkes- Barre. Her husband, Vincent, is a sales representative for Higgins Slacks and whenever possible, Rene travels with him. Their favorite trip is‘ to Cooperstown, N.Y. where their daughter, Sharlene Hill, her husband, Eric, and their chil- dren, Arden 2 and Jason 7 months, reside. For approximately two hours, this reporter was entranced by the many beautiful works Rene has created. Her versatile abili- ties extend, but are not limited, to doing oil painting, pressing live flowers framed in glass which give the appearance of a painting, ceramics, stained glass candle holders, clay figurines, embroidery, crewell, Jewelry, sewing, wood carving and many other fine objects-de- art. Noxen MYF The Youth Fellowship of United Methodist Church, Noxen, met Nov. 7 with a number of items on the agenda. A Love-In, to be held Nov. 21 at the church, will have as guests the young people of the Plains United Methodist Church; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shavertown; and the Lutheran Church of Noxen. The MYF was given per- mission to set up a booth for themselves at the recent WSCS turkey supper, which was held Jn the church basement. The money taken in at the booth will be added to other funds, which the youth group has slated for trips to Skylake and other spots. Tickets have beenordered for the MYF to see a“professional basketball game ‘in King’s College gym. When asked how she became aware of her talents, Renée ex- plained that several years ago she asked her friend who was getting married, what she would like as a wedding pre- sent. Her friend replied, ‘An oil painting.” Rene started to shop for this gift, but soon learned that costs were prohibitive. She decided to try her hand at painting it herself. The enjoy- ment Rene experienced while working, coupled with the satis- faction upon completion of her first endeavor in this area, gave her the courage and confidence to explore many other fields of craft. She is an individual whose hands bring to reality what her imagination creates. When Rene sees a twig she envisions a centerpiece of flowers and rocks and proceeds to make it come true. He imaginative eyes and creative hands turn ordin- ary paper into attractive stationery; burlap into a sturdy embroidered pocketbook which any woman would be proud to own. Aside from her varied talents, Rene has found time to be a Girl Scout leader, neighborhood dir- ector of Girl Scouts, participant in Gate of Heaven's Altar and Rosary Society, and other worthwhile organizations. Her exhuberant outlook on life leads her to profess the philosophy that ‘life is like a bank - no deposits - no divi- dends.” Friends of Mrs. Makar are the recipients of much of her work because Rene’s enjoy- ment is derived from sharing the products of her labors with them. Of all her many accomplish- ments, her most prized posses- sions a pair of drawings by her daughter Sharlene at the age of Six. I cannot properly convey the gratifying feeling I experienced from my interview with Rene, but Twish all our readers could “hav ht “‘gaodfortune, te: meet and know this warmhearted person. Photo by Alex Rebar THE DALLAS POST, NOV. Rene Makar is photographed here surrounded by a pastel chalk picture, an array of beaded flowers and a pair of ceramic love birds that were created by her. History Professor Aids Production of Film Series The U.S. State Department has announced the release of the first film in a three-part education film series which was created with the historical con- sultation of a College Miseri- cordia professor of history. The series is based upon the history of United States foreign relations and was developed in cooperation with Dr. Ronald Landa, assistant professor of history at College Misericordia. Dr. Landa served as historical consultant for the film series when he was employed by the State Department from 1968 to 1970. The first film of the series to be released is ‘An Age of Revolutions.” The second film, “Youth to, Maturity’! is scheduled to be released in Dec-: ember with the final film in the’ series, Power.” “The Reluctant World scheduled for release in February, 1972. Prints of the films may be borrowed from the Department of State film library for the cost of the return postage or may be purchased from the National Audio-Visual Center in Wash., D.C. Currently, Dr. Landa is the director of a historical film series being shown at College Misericordia. ‘The next film presentation in the series will be “The Heritage of Slavery,” to be shown'in Kennedy Lounge on campus at 7:30, Dec. 6. The pre- sentation will be open to the public at no charge. Apples are enticing—ask “ask Johnny Appleseed! Apples ‘are onthe Plentiful Foods List— ask the US. Department of Agriculture! Buy some today. ABOUT A CONVERSATION PIECE! Added. Hr for Christmas Giving! Call these phones old-fashioned . . call them nostalgic . . decorative . COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY . call them conversation pieces. But by all means call Commonwealth Telephone Company now for full details on. how you can have one of these beautiful prestige telephones installed in your home. The models shown here — and several others — are available now. Call Commonwealth's business office today and let the world know you've arrived! . call them CT Eve! Apples are wholesome— 18, 1971 The Dallas Post Thanksgiving Issue Will Publish Early by Millie Hogol 696-2603 All Boy Scouts of the Back Mountoin area have a special invitation to see a presentation of slides taken at the In- ternational Scout Jamboree in Japan last August. William Eckert, Jr. and his son, William Eckert III, an Eagle Scout of Valparaiso, Ind., captured such vivid pictures of the activities at the Jamboree that they are happy to share this experience with anyone who is interested. The Eckerts will show their slides in the Fellowship Hall of the Huntsville Christian Church 7 p.m. Nov. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Eckert and their family will be guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons of Kunkle, and of his parents; Mr. and Mrs. William Eckert Sr. of Shavertown for the Thnaksgiving weekend ~ A hearty welcome is in order for the two new families that have moved into our com- munity this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Butler Jr., better known as Tony and Lindsey, moved into the former Donn Innes home on Huntsville Road. Their children are Susan, age 3 and Jennifer, age five months Mr. Butler is a vice president of Mahaffey Oil Co. Tony's {anon a nd - ome p =~ — pe = @ 1asey s a al i nave paid them a visit and red in the thrill of the home we wish Mrs. N.J., The other new family to welcome are Mr. and Dale Gl Vineland, who moved into a new home in Fieldcrest. Dale and Mary Ellen have two daughters, Heather, age 6, who is a first grade student at L.ake-Lehman, and Honor, age 5, kin- dergarten student, also at L.ake- Lehman. Mr. with Owens-Illnois. 3S of have iess 1S retention vember 2, 1971; S wl 9% BRIC on We've added something extra to your 1972 Christmas Club Account— a BIG 5% interest! That's the highest interest available anywhere on Christmas Clubs. Join now, for a brighter holiday in 1972! Choice of plans: 50c, $1, $2, $3, $5, $10, or $20 per week. when youre you need a bank you can grow with United Penn Bank Member F.D.1.C. WT NEW Edward W. Lopatto And Richard L. Bigelow ¢ Thank the voters of Luzerne County for their interest and support in the election to the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas No- 3 The Fellowship of the Hund sville Christian Church will hold a covered dish supper Nov. 18 at 6:30 at the church. Ella Schmoll, Mrs: ? Thomas Templin and Mrs. Paul’ Duncan are the committee in’ charge of arrangements. Peggy Yascur of Huntsville Road is a patient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Her friends wish her a perfect recovery. Greenstreet News For Wedding Stationery 675-5211 RRA AT . 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