oA : NS — ios a i ee ——— ; ei mons eee HT NE RAR a a NC Page Ten The Rev. Paul C. Duncan Will Observe 40th Year in Ministry The members of the Hunt- sville Christian Church will have a special celebration Oct. 31 in honor of their minister, the Rev. Paul C. Duncan, who is celebrating his 40th year in the ministry. Elma Major, Rev. P. C. Duncan ‘Ark., chairman of the planning committee, has announced that the Rev. Dwight French, general minister of the Christian Churches of Pennsyl- vania, will be the guest speaker at the regular morning worship service at 9:30. In the afternoon a reception will be held in Mr. Duncan’s honor in the church parlor from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. to which all of his friends are cor- dially invited. Rev. Duncan attended Harding College in Searcy, and the University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. Following his theological training at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, he served his first pastorate in Louisville. He has also served pastorates in Jacksonville, Fla., Charlotte, N.C., Glasgow, Ken., and Madison, Tenn. In November of 1968 Rev. Duncan accepted the call to the Huntsville Christian Church. With his guidance, the local congregation has accomplished by Millie Hogoboom a major renovation of the sanctuary including installing an exceptionally fine bapistry. Mr. Duncan also has taken an active role in community af- fairs. He now serves as president of the Back Mountain Clergy and treasurer of the Wyoming Valley United Ministers Association. He is also a member of the Wyoming Valley Council of Churches Committee on Ecumenism. Rev. Duncan and his wife, the former Altha Wallace Taylor of Louisville, Ky., recently celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary. They are the parents of one son, Dr. Clarence W. Duncan, who has just been appointed chief clinical psychologist in a new minimal security prison to be built in Gainsville, Fla. They also have four grandchildren. Dr. Clarence Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Ramey of Louis- ville, brother-in-law and sister of Rev. Duncan, expect to at- tend the celebration Sunday. Jackson Twp. So many houses in our community have changed ownership recently that it has almost become a game of musical houses. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosenberg of Sutton Road will soon be moving to the Green Acres Apartments in Kingston. Dr. Rosenberg is head of the department of economics, commerce and finance at Wilkes College. His wife, Lillian, is an artist of some note in her own right. They will surely be missed. Their home has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kiley of Kingston. Mr. Kiley, president of The First National Bank of Eastern Pennsylvania, is an avid hiker and will certainly find plenty of room to roam along Sutton Road. sce Ca and Johanna Miller will Hey be. moving into the new home hey built on Chase Road near her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Laskowski. One of the most unusual features of this house will be the antique Franklin Stove reproduction in their family room. It will serve as a cozy fireplace on chilly winter evenings, but it can also be pressed into service as a stove. It comes equipped with a griddle and an old-fashion bean pot. Into the Miller's former home, will move Joe and Jan Krupa and their young son. The Krupas have temporarily been staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Krupa in Chase Manor, until they could com- plete some remodeling. In the meantime Bill and Claire Evans of Kingston have purchased Mrs. Donald Innes’ home on Overbrook Ave. The Evans five children, Cathy, A large part of UNICEF aid is given in the form of equipment and supplies. UNICEF has helped to equip over 50,000 health centers; 4,000 education- al and vocational training insti- tutions; sone 10,000 welfare in- stitutions; and over 5,000 nutri- tion demonstration centers. UNICEF provides such supplies as textbooks, audio-visual teaching aids, agricultural tools, medicines, and hospital ’ equipment. Serving Northeastern Pennsylvania On A Clear Channel Now we aren’t about to say that WNAK plays some of the nicest music around, but a lot of folks 730 ON YOUR DIAL P.O. Box 859 Timmy, Billy, Chris, and John are already looking forward to living in the country and having plenty of ‘‘leg-room’’. Don and Sue Bennett of Chase Corners have purchased a lovely town house condeminium at the Newberry Estate. This modernistic new home will give Don a perfect opportunity to display his vast knowledge of the modern furniture and design field. Incidentally, Sue has just been named choir director of St. Michael’s School for Boys at Hoban Heights. As such she will teach music and be director of the Boys Glee Club. It will be a fascinating experience for her and we wish her well in this new endeavor. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ide have decided to pass on their hand- some white colonial home on the Idetown Road to their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Shane, and children, Julie and Harter. Clint and Jule are in the process of building a lovely ranchstyle home actually in their own backyard but" facing on the Lehman Road. Hopefully it will be ready for occupancy in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Burnside II, Oak Hill, have purchased the Shane home on Sutton Road. The Burnsides, better known as Scot and Daylene, have two children, Malcolm III, age 3% and Kathryn or Katie as her friends call her, age 16 months. Scot is associated with Fowler, Dick and Walker, The Boston Store. : In spite of all the moving around, let us remember to vote in the election Nov. 2. If you are lucky enough to be voting at the Jackson Fire Hall, refresh- ments will be for sale, begin- ning with breakfast and con- tinuing right through lunch and supper. Our ambulance association will be serving light refreshments in an effort to raise funds for the ambulance. So you can have a doughnut and a cup of coffee or a hot dog and coke while you mull over your choices. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chickson, Metropolitan Avenue, Lake Silkworth, recently spent three days in Wash., D.C., and will say so! Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18701 by Millie Hogoboom 696-2603 Vienna, Va., where they were guests of cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Daczka. Bill Hughes, the Jackson Township tax collector, has returned to his home at Chase Manor from Nesbitt Hospital where he was a patient recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Um- phred have returned from a vacation in Eleuthera in the Bahamas. Also while they were away they visited in New Orleans where Bill attended a telephone convention on behalf of Commonwealth Telephone Co. and Betty enjoyed a tour of a number of old homes and antique shops. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamoreaux of Chase Road and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Keyes of Falls recently spent a. weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cochran in Lincoln, Va. While there, they especially enjoyed the “Dirt Road Tour’’, a tour of a Quaker community dating from the 1730’s including a number of Quaker homes and a Quaker Meeting House. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Cochran has been selected as one of the homes to be toured next year. It is being remodeled and furnished in typical early Quaker style. While the Lamoreauxs were in Virginia, their children, Wayne and Curtis, and foster child, Wayne Persheau, grandparents, Mr. Wesley Lamoreaux. HEMORRHOIDS? relieve pain, itching and buming... Amuse! visited with their and Mrs. NOW FINO’S Pharmacy bythe light in Dallas 675-1141 THE DALLAS POST, O 8, 18 Phones: (AC 717) 822-6108 735-0730 we care WE REDEEM FEDERAL FOOD STAMPS SUPER-RIGHT SKINLESS BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS SOLD AS ROAST ONLY Lb. 89° FRESH—ANY SIZE PKG. GROUND CHUCK BONELESS—LEAN | STEWING BEEF . BONELESS Shuck STEAKS . u 98° Lb. GO SEMI- BONELESS—CALIFORNIA “19 u 89° BEEF CHUCK CUBE STEAKS DASTS Lb. 4 Qc BONELESS CROSS-CUT ROASTS-BEEF CHUCK BONELESS SHOULDER STEAKS ut BONELESS—BEEF CHUCK CHICKEN STEAKS nee 0 $115 2 $119 A Greenstreet News Co. Publication \ FRANKS 59° A&P VACUUM PACK FRESH SAUERKRAUT ... TABLE TREAT—THIN SLICED SANDWICH STEAKS U.S. GOVT. INSP. OVER 10 TO 14 LBS. GRADE “A” TURKEYS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FRESH HAMS 1-Lh. Pkg. 2-Lb, Pkg. 2-L + « Lb. WHOLE © 6 0 6 0 so 0 0 Lb. Box 29¢ b. $#/69 49¢ 59¢ 3 WINGS 3 NECKS 3 GIBLETS 3 LEG Y's 3 BREASTS Y's SLAB BACON A&GB—BY THE PIECE LIVERWURST ........ OUTSTANDING GROCERY SAVINGS! DISH DETERGENT IVORY LIQUID SULTANA STRAWBERRY mes OWN TEA BAGS SAVE 20c OUR ALL FLAVORS WITH COUPON SAVE 20¢ HI-C FRUIT DRINKS KOUNTY KIST SWEET PEAS ALL PURPOSE KRAFT OIL CLEAR PLASTIC—SAVE 10¢c SARAN WRAP Sizes N WRAP ALU WHITE DECORATED or ASSORTED KLEENEX TOWELS ** 3=°1%°| =: Rolls : 3' Lb. $49 100% BRAZILIAN (Lower Than A Year Ago) oe pr 7 3. § | ei 80 uP 1 Vim of GREEN GIANT—CREAM STYLE 17-0Z. OR J "NESCAFE 4 Cc gl | SAVE bsoAre ; : 23¢c COFFEE : NIBLETS CORN .. CANS ; % (MFG.) EXPIRES 10-30- 2h : EE EES ERESR EE El 9-0z. iB NE Yl BO a > TEEN GaNST™ Ann Page Salad Mustard “i 23¢ 1 ~~ a ANN PAGE Seneca Apple Cider ....... "“' 59¢ | iy KETCHUP | HARVEST MIX Jil : 45¢ Jane Parker Bakery Values! 14-02 | ANN PAGE 15.0. 33 FRANKFURTER : i | SAVE sore. 49C : CANDY CORN .....'~°~33¢ Pk Cll Bi sed voc 0 NESTLE'S Pre ROLLS sinie seein. Mi 39 | (MFG.) EXPIRES 10.30.71 : CANDY BARS cor 50 990 RYE BREAD os» 3 'ii'l lll p= 7 = PLAIN OR ALMOND : | H I NCED Lb. 9 itn This fms i HERSHEY RARS : ors 95¢ UiOWeeR Laver Cake 3-0. 9 Cc AT WRIGLEY'S—BEECHNUT An : 37.02. $400 CHEWING GUM... 2 99¢ n Page Kidney Beans .... Cm Li Sn HOUSE Marshmallow Pies "5 ....3 Wor 23¢ CorFeE. FROZEN DESSERT TOPPPING PINK DETERGENT (MFG) EXPIRES 1030.11 A&P Handi-Whip ... 87. 39c|Flisk Liquid .. =" *39~53¢ = PERSONAL SIZE oa ALL PURPOSE CLEANER ~ WITH THIS COUPON y Ivory Soap ........ 4:.35c|Top Job ........... 83~73¢ Sh MEDIUM SIZE—2 BARS 29 FLOOR & WALL CLEANER pL ROBIN HOOD E Ivory Soap ........2'¢=45¢c|Spic & Span ....... he'33c EY | For COMPLEXION SOAP ; NEW SUPER < 3 i Ba h (MFG.) EXPIRES 10-30-71 i Camay ..... sic 15¢ 79¢ 8-0z. Pkg. 4 8-0z. Pkg. Lb. 1 BARTLETT—BOSC or D’ANJOU PEARS YOUR CHOICE 23" Us. FANCY—CORTLAND OR OR 8 Mcintosh Apples U. S. No. 1 SIZE “A” Red Potatoes . ACORN HUBBARD BUTTERNUT YOUR CHOICE NONE PRICED IGHER! §&& 3-Lb. § 5-Lb. Bag Bags 39¢ SQUASH’ «8° i 45¢ 9¢ 5c JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKES OVER 2; FRUIT & NUTS 1%2 Lb. $4 89 PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, IN A&P SUPER-MARKETS IN DALLAS AND VICINITY. — p=